100th Day of School Ideas: 100+ Projects, Activities, and Outfits
The 100th day of school is a milestone for students, and it’s a great time to celebrate with fun projects, activities, and outfits. Check out these ideas to help your child commemorate this special day. There are plenty of options for all ages, so whether you’re looking for something simple or more elaborate, you’re sure to find something that fits your needs. Get started now and make the 100th day one your child will always remember!

In this article: We are sharing the ULTIMATE list of ideas for the 100th Day of School! In this article, you’ll find costume ideas, items you can count, snack ideas, projects, and games and activities. There are ideas for all ages, so be sure to read this post from start to finish!
Many schools celebrate the 100th day of school by having a “100 Days of School” party.
It is a fun time for students, teachers and parents to get creative and have some fun. If you are a home school parent you might consider celebrating this occasion with your children, too.
There are so many different activities and crafts that can be done to celebrate the 100th day to make it exciting for everyone! My kids have enjoyed this tradition and look forward to this day every year!
Some of my favorite ways to celebrate the 100th Day have been quite simple- but memorable!
I think the 100th Day of School is most commonly celebrated in the Kindergarten classroom – it’s a pretty big milestone for being in school full-time for the first time! But it seems like many schools extend the celebration to all grades, which makes it something everyone can look forward to.
We have ideas here for young children and older kids – everyone can join in the fun for this exciting time at school.
Why Do Schools Celebrate the 100 Days of School?
Honestly, it’s mainly just a way to celebrate the students (and teachers!) for making it more than half way through the year. I’m not sure who exactly started this, but there are so many fun activities for this day – why not?! Kids love big numbers and celebrations, and it can be especially exciting for the younger grades who haven’t been in school as long.
When is the 100th Day of School?
This event may vary between schools due to different days off or when school started but it typically occurs at the beginning of February.
To find the exact 100th day, I would suggest grabbing your school’s academic calendar and just counting all of the days school are in session. If you’re lucky, the school will have marked it!
100th Day of School Costume Ideas
Some schools will encourage the students to dress up like they are 100 years old. Here are a few fun ideas:
- Flour in hair
- Gray hair spray
- Suspenders
- Glasses
- Cane
- Go to Goodwill to find older clothing
- Hats with flowers in them
- Dress up like their grandparents
Just for fun, here are pictures of Jack from the past two years:

100 Days of School Items
Have your students bring in a collection of 100 items to show the class. Encourage the students to bring them in a jar or clear bag so it is easy to see.
As a parent, discuss with your children how much 100 is and look through your home to see if you have items already. This activity is a great visual for children to see what “100 looks like”
- stickers
- pennies
- cotton balls
- candy (skittles, M&M’s, gum balls etc.)
- buttons
- hair ties
- jigsaw puzzle pieces
- LEGO blocks
- Plastic bugs
- Plastic dinosaurs
- GI Joe Men
- Hot Wheel Cars
- Pokemon Cards
- Cereal
- Paper clips
- Dimes
- Bobby pins
- Q Tips
- Quarters
- Crayons
- Pennies
- Birthday Candles
- Twist Ties
- Pencil eraser toppers
- Rubberbands
- Googly Eyes
- Bottle Caps
- Cotton Balls
- Straws
- Pipe cleaners
- Beads
- Popsicle Sticks
- Beans
- Crackers
- Raisins
- Pom Poms
- Noodles
- Rice
- Marshmallows
Your child could also use these to make some kind of project if they are required to.
100 Days of School Snack Ideas
You can get creative with sending your child to school with a lunch centered around the numbers “100” or 1 and 0. Or it could be a fun snack!
- 100 calorie packs of popcorn, chips, cookies
- pretzel sticks
- apple rings (to look like the number zero) with peanut butter in the middle
- mini bagels
- yogurt covered pretzel rings
- grapes
- a sandwich cut out to make a 1 and two 0’s
- donuts
100 Days of School T-Shirts
There are lots of shirts you can buy on Amazon – so be sure to browse there. Here are some other ones you can buy or use for inspiration in making your own!
- 100th Day of Kindergarten Shirt
- Pokeball Shirt
- Basketball Shirt
- Skittles Shirt
- 101 Dalmations Shirt
- Awesome students t-shirt for teacher
- Dinosaur T-Shirt
- Gumball Shirt (DIY)
- 100 Days Blew By Shirt (DIY)
- Superhero Shirt (DIY)
You could also decorate a plain t-shirt with your favorite items – rhinestones, stickers, plastic bugs, plastic dinosaurs, pom pomps, Lego bricks, plastic coins…head to the Dollar Tree and see what you can find!
100th Day of School Prizes
It might be fun to hand out some little prizes for games or just as a “hooray! You made it to the 100th day!”
Here are some ideas I found on Amazon.
However, my favorite resource is Oriental Trading. They have so many great products for classrooms – including this special day. You can buy them in bulk, so it might be worth going in on with other teachers or parent volunteers.
There are too many options to list, so be sure to check out their 100th-day collection.
100 Days of School Printables
There are lots of printable options that you can use in the classroom for the 100th day of school. Worksheets and coloring sheets are great options for activities.
One of my favorite resources is “Teachers Pay Teachers”. These are typically paid options, but it helps support educators.
You can check out ALL of their awesome options here. They have paid AND free options.
Here are some options to look into. If it costs money, I will note that
- Snack label
- Snack Worksheets
- Writing Prompt (short)
- Writing Prompt (long)
- The end of this post has a free coloring page
- 100 Yummy Things / 100 Pieces of Sorting Chart
- Cut and Paste Printable
- Crown printable
- Fill in the blank questionnaire
- Printable glasses (super fun for decorating and wearing!)
- Coloring sheet
- More printable glasses
- News Printable (great for older kids)
- Bookmark
- This post has a couple of ideas, but I like the color by code and crossword puzzle
- 100th Day of School Challenge (ideal 3rd grade and up)
- Gumball machine printable
- Banner
100 Days of School Book Ideas
There are lots of books you can read on the 100th Day. Here is a variety I found on Amazon, but I’m sure you could peruse the school or county library as well.
- Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of School
- 100th Day Worries
- The 100th Day of School
- The 100 Hats of the Cat and the Hat
- Biscuits 100th Day of School
- The Night Before the 100th Day
- 100 Days of School

100 Day of School Math Activities
- This is a fun book about the 100 Das of school that teaches you all the different ways to count to 100 – 100 Days of School (Math is Fun!)
- Write the numbers 1-100 on a piece of paper – or draw 100 items
- Flip a coin 100 times and record what the results are
- This page has a couple of math games and worksheets
- Have children count by 1s,5,10s, 20s, and 25s to get to 100
- Use a ruler or measuring tape to find items that measure to be 100 inches
- Have various sets of coins and find ways to make 100 with thm
100 Days of School Geography and History Activities
- Find 100 cities within 100 miles of where you live
- Put together a couple of teams and see who can come up with the names of 100 countries first
- Identify 100 bodies of water on a map
- Come up with a list of 100 places people in the class have visited
- Look up “What Happened on this Day” and find 100 events (maybe split into a couple of groups and have each group find a couple different ones)
- Research a relative who was born 100 years ago and do a presentation on it
- Write about a famous person who was born 100 years ago
- Research about what it would have been like to be alive 100 years ago and do a presentation on it
More 100 Days of School Activities and Games
Here are some different ideas for activities and games that kids will have a blast doing:
- Give the children the prompt: ““I think that when I am 100 years old…..” and have them fill in the blank. It is a great writing activity that will make them stop and think about the future and they will get to use their creativity.
- This website has A LOT of fine motor activities that are specifically for this event.
- Build a tower using 100 items – blocks, LEGOs, or cups would be good items for this.
- Aging App – there are a. couple of different apps you can download that instantly transform a picture into an older person. This would be hilarious to do and print off for the kids and make a 100th day picture frame to go along with it (just a plain, white mat frame would be perfect).
- Put together 100 piece puzzles
- Make fingerprint artwork with the kids using 100 fingerprints. You give them a blank tree or other prompt or let them use their imagination. Or you could make a banner with multiple classes uses 100 handprints.
- Do 100 of different kinds of exercise (jumping jacks, situps, etc.)
- Learn to count to 100 in different languages
- Make a cereal necklace
- Write a story using 100 words
- Play roll the dice – here is a freebie printable for this game
- Make a class collage of 100 items
- Make a list of 100 things (favorite movies, different foods, songs, etc).
- Have each child bring in 2-3 fabric squares for a quilt that they picked out and have someone make it into a quilt for the classroom
- Do a service project – make a goal of collecting 100 cans for a food drive, collect pennies then have the children sort them into piles of 100 and then donate them to a charity
- Make and send 100 cards to military members, a nursing home, or children’s hospital
- Make a list of 100 random acts of kindness and encourage the children to some after they go home
- Play a game that children played 100 years ago
- Eat food that was popular 100 years ago
- Jumping to 100 Game
100 Days of School SVG Files
Here are some SVG files you could use to make shirts or bags!
- Llama
- Unicorn
- 10 different designs
- 100 Days Brighter
- Sparkled My Way Through 100 Days
- 100 Days of Making a Difference
- 100 Days of Mischief Managed
- 100 Days of Brains (with bow)
- Chomped my Way
- Roared my way
If you are using one of these for an iron-on project, make sure you read this post – How to use Iron on Vinyl.
Project Ideas
If your child has to bring in a project, here are a few different ideas. I think it’s nice to let your child take the reigns on this.
Jack has done two projects so far, and he totally did them himself. I loved seeing his creativity, though, and what he came up with. Kids can be pretty clever when you let them!

Celebrate 100 Days of School-Crafts, Lessons, Projects, Activities
The 100th day of school is a great opportunity for students to show what they have learned over the past 100 days. There are many fun and creative ways for students to celebrate this milestone, from activities and projects to snacks and party ideas. We hope that these ideas will help you create a memorable 100th day of school experience for your students. How will you be celebrating the 100th day of school?
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