20+ Amazing Cricut Hacks to Make Crafting a Little Easier
What makes Cricutting even better? Cricut Hacks! Here are 20+ hacks to make your crafting life a little more fun!

Using your Cricut is a great way to create all kinds of custom crafts. But when you love crafting as much as I do, I bet you’re always looking for ways to make you projects easier.
With these amazing Cricut hacks, you can improve your crafting skills and make the most of your Cricut at the same time!
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Cricut Craft Hacks
Crafting with your Cricut is a popular way to use the cutting machine. That’s why there are so many great Cricut hacks that have to do with crafting! These simple tips will make putting together your next Cricut craft project so much easier.
Peel your mat off the project.

Most crafters use their fingers or their favorite Cricut tool to peel their paper or vinyl off the mat. But when you do that, you risk bending or ripping your project. Instead, flip the mat over and pull the mat off the material. This will allow you to place your project on a flat surface, like the table, allowing it to stay flat as you remove the mat.
Clean your mat with a lint roller.
If you notice small pieces of paper debris and hair stuck to your Cricut mat, just grab a lint roller. Roll over the mat to easily remove all that stuck-on debris.
Click here for even more tips and in depth instructions on how to clean your Cricut Mat.
Clean your blades with aluminum foil.

Your Cricut blades can quickly become bogged down with mat adhesive and tiny bits of paper, making them seem dull. To clean your blade, ball up a piece of aluminum foil and poke the blade into the ball a few times.
You can also just use a big strip of aluminum foil and make scrapes in it with the blade. Some people cut out an entire design in foil and find that helps as well!
@clarks_condensed Cricut hack ##1 ##cricuthackhack ##cricuthacksyoumustknow ##cricuttutorials ##cricuttipsandtricks ##cricutmakerhacks ##cricutexploreair
♬ original sound – Clarks Condensed
Use an SVG converter to turn PNG and JPEGs into cut files.
An online SVG converter like SVG Creator is a simple way to transform files into SVG cut files. Just upload the file and click convert to create a cut file in seconds.
Check the cut before unloading the mat.
If you’re not sure whether your Cricut fully cut through your material, make sure to check the cut before unloading the mat.
If the project wasn’t fully cut, you can hit the go or flashing C button on your machine to tell the Cricut to make the exact same cuts one more time. But if you unload and reload the mat, the Cricut may not cut the design in the same place.
Use up vinyl scraps with the Snap Mat feature.
Instead of tossing vinyl scraps when you’re finished with your next project, keep them. When you have a project that features small cuts, place the scraps on your mat then snap a photo of your mat.
Upload the photo using the Cricut app on your phone and use the Snap Mat feature to organize your designs on your vinyl scraps.
Weed intricate designs with a lint roller.
For paper projects with intricate designs, grab your lint roller. Simply roll the lint roller over the top of the paper to quickly and easily remove all the tiny pieces without the need to weed.
Place Weeding Scraps on Lint Roller
Alternatively, you can just pull out your lint roller, weed as your normally would, and place the weeding scraps on the lint roller. It makes for a lot easier cleanup, and you don’t have those annoying weeding scraps everywhere!
Use baby powder to see cut lines.

When weeding a design from your vinyl project, it can be difficult to see the cut lines without a light box. Sprinkle a small amount of baby powder over the vinyl and rub it in place. The powder will highlight the cut lines, making it easier to weed.
You can also use makeup powder or cornstarch for the same results.
Extend your mat’s life with masking tape.

If your mat is nearing the end of its life, you may be tempted to toss it and buy a new one. But you can extend its life for a few more projects with the help of masking tape. Just use the tape to hold your vinyl in place on the mat as your Cricut cuts, then remove the tape when you’re ready to start weeding.
Compressed Air for Blade Cleaning
Having trouble with your blades? They might need to be cleaned out. Using a little compressed air can get some of those smaller pieces of debris that are harder to get out!
Wrap Masking Tape Around Your Hand

This is a quick way to pick up scraps from your project. Just wrap some masking tape or painters tape around your hand and go around on your mat to pick up pieces!
Use Contact Paper or Press ‘n Seal as Transfer Tape

It’s no secret that Cricut transfer tape doesn’t have a good reputation. A lot of people prefer to use contact paper or Press ‘n Seal as an alternative!
Did You Mirror? Reminder

I don’t know about you, but I always forget to mirror my iron on projects! If you are like me (please tell me I’m not the only one!), then make a vinyl decal that says “Did you Mirror?” to put right on top of your machine!
Click here for the image I made above!
Manipulate Text

Is the text you are working with too close together (or not close enough?) Are you finding the curve tool to be limiting? Wish it just looked a little different.
You’re in luck! You can press “ungroup” after you’ve selected your text, and it will make each letter its own element. You can move them around as you please, and once you are done – just regroup and weld!
Cut a Large Mat in Half
If you need a 12×12 mat and all you have is a 12×24, you can definitely cut your 12×24 in half if you have one to spare!
Temperatures on Easy Press
If you are always pulling up the Easy Press heat guide to check the temperatures, you can make a vinyl decal to place on the front of your Easy Press for the common temperatures, times, and materials that you work with.
Preview All Your Fonts on Your Computer

If you aren’t a fan of going through every font to find the perfect one, you can preview the text you are wanting to use all at once! Just go to wordmark.it, type in your text, and it will show you all the fonts on your computer!
Awesome Spray for Cleaning Mats
If you are Dollar Tree fan, there are so many things to love about the Awesome Spray! I need to get my post up about cleaning mats, but the Awesome Spray is fantastic for cleaning mats.
Resticky Your Mat

No one wants to have to replace their mats all the time. Two tools you can use to resticky your mats are Zig-2 way glue and Krylon Repositionable Adhesive. I personally love the Zig-2way Glue! Works great.
Foam Pencil Grips for Non-Cricut Pens and Markers!
As much as I love Cricut pens and markers, sometimes you want to use something different. Many people find that using pencil grips from the Dollar Tree make it so you can use a wide variety of pens.
You can check out this blog post with instructions on how to do this!
Credit Card for Application

Did you misplace your scraper tool that helps you evenly apply your material to your mat? Just pull out one of your credit or debit cards. It will help in no time!
Easily Pickup Card Stock
Card stock can be tricky to pick up off of your Cricut Mat! Try dipping some tweezers into a tiny bit of glue, and it should make it easier to peel these up off your mat.
Cricut Organization Hacks
Keeping all your Cricut craft supplies organized is so hard! Luckily, there are a few great hacks for your Cricut to help you stay organized while you’re crafting.
Make sure to check out this post for even more Crafting and Cricut Storage Ideas!
Store your tools inside your Cricut.

Did you know the space inside the door of your Cricut is actually design to hold your tools? The next time you’re finished with a project, place your tools, like your weeding tool, blades, and scissors, inside the door. They’ll stay put when you close the door and when you open it the next time you use your machine.
Use dish racks to store vinyl rolls.
Dollar Tree dish racks are a great way to store your vinyl rolls. Just press the rolls into the slots on the rack to keep your vinyl rolls stored away when you’re not using them.
Hang your mats to keep them clean.
When mats are placed on a table or shelf, they’re more likely to gather dust and debris. Hanging them up and away from other objects can keep them clean and help you stay organized at the same time.
IKEA grocery bag holder for vinyl rolls
These are so inexpensive (when bought in store), and they can be great for vinyl storage!
Command Hooks for Mats
@clarks_condensed Love my DreamBox. ##cricuthackhack ##cricuthacks ##craftroomorganization ##craftroomtour ##cricutorganizing ##organizationhacks ##dreambox
♬ original sound – Clarks Condensed
I personally use a command hook on my DreamBox to hold up all of my mats, but you can easily put a command hook on the back of a door, on a wall, etc. to keep your mats off the ground and clean.
Did we miss your favorite hack or tip? Be sure to share in the comments!
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