20 Easy World Records To Break at Home

Have you ever wanted to break a World Record? It’s not just about being the tallest or shortest person anymore—there are a ton of records out there that are easy to break. Here are our top picks for easy world records to break.

20 Easy World Records To Break

Have you ever daydreamed about being in the Guinness Book of World Records? Do you want your kids to experience the thrill and satisfaction of achieving something unique?

Why not create an unforgettable moment for them by trying one of these easy world records to break?

With creativity and preparation, you can ensure your family will be remembered as record-breakers! So let’s get ready now – it’s time to put a plan into action and have some fun together!

Now, to the fun part. You might be surprised at how many records are out there! You might wonder who came up with these.

But that makes it more exciting and hard to beat! All you have to do now is decide which one of these world records will be the easiest to beat!

1. The most number of underpants put on in under one minute (done in teams of two)

The number to beat for this one is 17. It was most recently beaten in Italy in 2017. Channel your inner Captain Underpants and give this one go!

2. The largest bubblegum bubble was blown

I’ve never been very good at blowing bubblegum, and this record is impressive. A 20-inch bubble was blown in 2004, so this one might be harder.

3. Most Smarties/M&Ms eaten in one minute using chopsticks (while blindfolded)

This one was beaten more recently in 2022. The girl who beat it was able to eat 22 successfully. Pretty impressive if you ask me!

4. Most dominoes stacked in 30 seconds

Dominoes blocks

The highest stack that made this a record to beat was 48. It might take some practice, but I think it’s doable for someone who is quick and precise.

5. Most socks put on in 30 seconds

I don’t know about you, but I find so many socks just laying around the house. A fun way to get them to (happily) pick up the socks is to have them try to practice this record afterward. 28 shouldn’t be terribly hard!

6. Fastest time to stack a 20 brick right angle LEGO tower

Lego Tower

My kids are the biggest LEGO fans, and I think this is one we’ll be trying out soon. This was completed in 16.59 seconds. That’s pretty speedy!

7. Fastest Time to Match 20 Emoji pairs


Oh my, this is a great one for those Gen Z kids! The Guinness World Records page even provides an online game to practice and a printable version as well. This one is currently taking applicants!

8. Most soft toys caught blindfolded in 30 seconds

We have a house full of stuffies around here. It’s a great way to encourage some cleaning up, too! This one is also currently taking applicants.

9. Fastest time to assemble a Mr. Potato Head

This one might be tricky at 5.43 seconds, but it’s doable. Go dig up those Mr. Potato Heads buried in your basement (you know they are there!)

10. Most soft toys caught blindfolded in one minute (team of two)

Not sure you can do the most soft toys caught in 30 seconds we mentioned above? This one might be a little more doable!

11. Most cans stacked in a pyramid in 30 seconds

If your child loves to build with blocks, this would be a fun one to try.

12. Fastest time to pack a school bag

We’ve all been there in the morning when you have to make a mad dash to pack a school bag. Encourage your kids to go even faster so they can beat this record.

13. Lip Balm Collecting

Two sisters have this record at 3,388. I’m not sure I would even know where to store those!

14. Longest Undefeated Chess Streak

Chess Game

This one would be pretty tricky to beat the world-famous Chess player – but if you have a competitive child who loves chess, it’s worth a shot. The record to beat is winning more than 121 consecutive chess games.

15. Fastest time to sort two bags of recyclable items

This is a great one to teach a lesson about recycling.

16. Most tosses of a pancake in one minute

Pancake in a pan

And bonus points if you eat them afterward (does anyone else have children who are obsessed with eating contests?)

17. Most Pokémon identified in one minute

I have some children and nephews who I think could be serious contenders for this one!

18. Tallest zigzag structure built with LEGO® bricks in 30 seconds with one hand

Another great one for the LEGO lovers in your life!

You may enjoy these LEGO articles, too:

19. Fastest time to arrange the alphabet

A savvy child with the alphabet might just be able to do this!

20. Fastest time to put on 5 T-shirts

Just do this one right after you finish with the socks!

Well, there you have it. 20 of some of the easiest World Records to beat!

Now, what are you waiting for? Get practicing, and let me know if you break any of these World Records!

20 Easy World Records To Break

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  1. I wish I could enter my dog into the show…Love al the animal world records though! Not so fond of the ones broken by humans.

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