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5 Important Benefits of Walking During Pregnancy

Before I became pregnant I led an active lifestyle that included going to the gym several times a week. But then the morning sickness hit.

Nausea and fatigue forced me to be on the couch  most of the day for almost three months straight. Let’s just say that I was pretty sedentary during that time.

It didn’t take long to lose  my desire to exercise – yet I knew how important it is to maintain some level of activity during pregnancy, too. 

This post was sponsored by Reebok as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Once I began to feel better  I knew I couldn’t jump right back into the exercise I was doing pre-pregnancy so I began adding more walking in to my daily routine. Whether it was on the track at my local middle school, around my neighborhood or even taking long walks around Target- I can honestly say that moving around made a huge difference. 

Plus- there are so many benefits to walking during pregnancy.

One thing that made a difference to me was my walking shoes.

I knew that if I felt put together and polished- I felt better and walked longer. That is where my Reebok Classics came in.

Especially on the days when the only walking I did was running errands or volunteering at my kid’s school- if I was wearing my Reebok Classics- I felt fashionable and put together.

Which says a lot when you’re pregnant!

Not only are they incredibly stylish but they are like walking on a cloud. Yes, they are that comfortable! I find myself grabbing them almost daily as I plan my outfits and run out the door.

I can  wear them with my work out clothes- or a pair of jeans and sweater depending on my level of activity for the day.

You can find your own Reebok Classics online at Shoe Carnival.

Now on  to the those benefits of walking during pregnancy I was talking about.


Mental Health

Stress and anxiety is a common symptom of pregnancy. What better way to relieve that stress than walking it out. Walking can releases endorphins, the chemical in your body that helps you feel good. Any amount of walking can make a huge difference when it comes to your hormones.


Healthy Pregnancy 

Walking helps keep both your weight and your baby’s weight in check during pregnancy.

It helps makes you physically fit and active. It is a complete body exercise routine which is good for your entire body!

It can also help help the process of delivery move along as well.


Lowers Risk of Pre-Eclampsia

Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication indicated by high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine.  Because walking helps you stay on track with your weight and cholesterol- it can also help your blood pressure while pregnant, too. 


Helps Aches and Pains

No one said pregnancy was easy. There are so many aches and pains that you may not have realized would come along with the territory. Sometimes it helps to “walk” those pains off- as long as you are listening to your body and taking it easy. Walking can help stretch your legs- and if you’ve ever been pregnant- you know your legs can often feel tight and uncomfortable.


Better Sleep

When you maintain a somewhat active lifestyle you are going to naturally sleep better at night. Although sleep can be hard during pregnancy- continuing to walk regularly can help because of the extra energy you are burning each day. After a busy day, falling into bed is the best feeling! It is no different while pregnant, especially if you’ve been physically active that day.


Important Tips

Whether your walking is fast paced or leisurely be sure to take into account these tips to make sure you are staying safe.

  • Get good walking shoes (Reebok Classics are my choice as they are comfortable, stylish and go with any outfit)


  • Stay hydrated


  • Know where the restrooms are (So important while pregnant! Even if it is just at your favorite store!)


  • Begin slow and then work up to a longer period of time


  • Swing arms to help balance yourself


  • Stop when you feel too much pressure or pain


  • Walk for shorter periods of time multiple times a day the further along you are


  • Consider using a pregnancy belt to help with posture


  • Walk with a friend or stay in a public area

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  1. Yes, I do agree with you that during pregnancy period walking is really useful for women. I really don’t about that much benefits of walking. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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