My Ava Success Story and Review + Coupon Code

Does the Ava Fertility Bracelet Work? Who should use it? How much does it cost? Here is my Ava Bracelet success story – as well as my best tips for success and FAQs to help you decide if it’s best for you.

Already decided? Use the code CLARKS for $20 off!

Ava Fertility Bracelet

Ava sent me their fertility bracelet to write an honest review of my experience. All of the information below is true and accurate to my use of this bracelet. I had struggled for over a year to get pregnant by the time I started using Ava, due to Endometriosis.

I never thought getting pregnant would be a hard thing for me.

I mean, our oldest came into existence as a little bit of a surprise, and our second child was just after a month of trying.

I don’t think I even thought about when I was ovulating.

So imagine my surprise as we decided to bring a third child into our family as I encountered month after month of negative pregnancy tests.

I even did all the things I’ve advised moms of before – ovulation testing. Eating healthier. Losing weight. Temping. To stop stressing.

But those negative pregnancy tests kept coming.

Unfortunately, after Oliver was born, I was plagued with some horrible health problems – well, I’ve always had problems. But after O was born, they got kicked up about 10 notches.

I went to different doctors, many of whom were dismissive.

But I finally found one who was quite certain I had Endometriosis – and that this was one of the reasons why I wasn’t getting pregnant.

So last October, I had Endometriosis Excision surgery – and sure enough… I had Endometriosis.

During this time, I read a lot about Endometriosis and pregnancy.

How fertility doesn’t seem to be affected until about age 26.

And then it starts to decline if you don’t have treatment.

Which made sense with how I didn’t have trouble with my first two – who were conceived and born before I was 26.

So after this surgery, I was hopeful that I would be able to conceive.

My cycle was a little messed up – which is typical with having surgery. I was still using ovulation strips, but I decided to try using the Ava 2.0 bracelet.

I had used one in the past, but the new version was SO much easier.

I started using the bracelet in December. They usually will day you need a few cycles for Ava to “get to know you”, but I found it working pretty quickly.


I was also taking my BBT and tracking that in fertility friend – along with my Ava temps (which A LOT of people in the Ava community do).

Imagine my surprise when Ava started moving my fertility window from what I thought it was shifted to be – and shifted it two days.

Two days that I think made all the difference.

It was just a few weeks later, and I got the BFP (Big Fat Positive) pregnancy test. I was in shock, but it was clear as day.

And I truly believe that because of my Ava Fertility Bracelet, I was able to conceive this child that I am now 25 weeks pregnant with.

There were other factors playing against me, and I don’t know for sure had I used it earlier on if it would have helped as much, but using it in combination with my surgery – I believe – made all the difference.


Ava Pregnancy Chart

I thought I would share what my chart looked like when I ended up with a positive pregnancy. I looked at a lot of these, and I swear they all look a little different.

Mine is a little different from the “textbook” charts, but I think that partially has to do with me not having used it for several months before I got a positive pregnancy test.


Tips for using Ava

Charge completely

When you first get your Ava, make sure you charge it completely. This will help it work at it’s best capacity.

Every night, just get in the habit of placing it on its charger right after you sync it with your phone.

There were a few times I forgot, and I tried to charge for just a little bit before bed…and it died.

Record temps in Fertility Friend


This is a tip I got from the Ava Ambassadors Facebook page. Although you can see patterns in the Ava app, I did find it helpful to get the different perspective that Fertility Friend gave.

I like that it showed my baseline temperature, so I could more easily tell if I was dropping below that or not (based on my temping in the past, my temperature will usually drop quite a bit the day or so before my period starts).

It showed a much bigger “implantation drop” (though don’t fret – not all, or even the majority, or women experience that). That’s where I dropped below my baseline, and then it jumped back up.

You just have to select the setting for a wearable device, rather than just the thermometer. I actually tracked my temperature with a thermometer too, which I was able to track in Fertility Friend as well.

Fertility Friend is free for certain features, and I really found it helpful. The picture above is from me inputting the data into Fertility Friend.

Try and keep wake up time consistent

I know the instructions say you don’t need to, which I believe…however, I did feel like when I synced at the same time every day, the results seemed steadier.

Occasionally I would wake up at like 3 or 4 AM in the morning, be super anxious about whether my temperature dropped or not, and I would sync it right then.

Sure enough on those days, it seemed like something seemed a little off. Not enough to change the algorithm, but when I looked at it, it seemed off.

Wear it every night

With a device like Ava, it needs to have consistent data to understand your body. If you only wear it once a week, it’s not going to pick that up.

Make sure you wear it every night – missing every now and then won’t hurt things (a lot), but for the most accurate information possible, wear it.

If you have trouble remembering, try and have it charge on your pillow or put a reminder on your phone.

Try not to interpret the chart too intensely

I’m someone who loves data and hyper-focuses on things. Whenever I would see a slight variation, I would google online to find similar charts, figure out if I could possibly be pregnant, etc.

Try not to do this – the best thing you can do is let the Ava algorithm do its work.

It will tell you when it’s detected ovulation, and if it’s noticed anything abnormal.

Like I mentioned earlier, it shifted my “fertile days” two days. At first, I was convinced it must not be working or that my body was just more messed up than I thought.

However, sure enough, it was spot on with its predictions!

But still, as I mentioned above, I would get so anxious waiting for it to sync and show me if my temperature dropped or not. Stress doesn’t do anyone any good!

Join the Ava TTC group

Ava has lots of great Facebook groups for people in all stages – trying to conceive, pregnant, etc.

I got SO much great insight and support from the Ava Ambassadors group, which is for women who are using Ava to try to conceive.

There was a lot of helpful advice that I had never heard, and it was great for being when I was trying to conceive. They have a weekly thread where people can share their charts, which I found really helpful to interpret mine.

Once I got pregnant, I was able to “graduate” to the pregnancy group, and I really love it. It’s very supportive!

Give it time

I know that I didn’t use mine for long, and I’m sure I would have gathered more details had I worn it for several months before getting pregnant.

However, Ava Women really does suggest using it for a few months before you can get a good solid reading on your cycle. Try not to worry about fluctuations or inconsistencies that you may see when you first start wearing it.

Pregnant? Be Careful

You can use Ava while pregnant, and it can be helpful in some ways. However, I see a lot of women getting worried about the slightest temperature variations and convince themselves they are miscarrying.

If you are this type of person – do yourself a favor, and maybe take a break from Ava – at least for the first trimester.

Ava Bracelet Coupon

I know that the Ava Fertility Bracelet is expensive, so I’m excited that Ava has offered our readers an exclusive coupon code – you can use the code CLARKS20 to get $20 off your first purchase from


Ava Versus Other Fertility Tracking Methods

Ava Versus OPK Tests

I used home ovulation tests (often referred to as OPK tests) for a long time. 

They are inexpensive (you can get a ton for about $15 on Amazon), and relatively easy to use. 

However, they can be frustrating! I spent so much time and stress trying to figure out if the test was actually positive or not. 

And on top of that, there was no way of knowing WHEN you would ovulate. Most women ovulate within 24-48 hours of a positive test, but some women actually ovulate BEFORE they get the positive test.

Some believe that when you believe the ovulation window is coming up, you should be testing twice a day, because typically, you will only have the LH surge for about 12 hours. 

Some might have an extra long window. 

I remember once I had three days of very positive tests in a row.  It was frustrating! You really need to combine OPK testing with checking cervical mucus and being aware of other signs of ovulation. 

I think OPK testing is helpful to see that you actually are having an LH Surge, which indicates ovulation. But otherwise, I think it can be tricky. 

Ava Versus Temperature Tracking

Temperature tracking is a method of checking your basal body temperature (basically, your lowest temperature of the day) to see when ovulation occurred. 

I did try to use it the last few months when I was trying to get pregnant, but it is NOT my favorite. 

You have to take your temperature literally RIGHT when you wake up. You can’t move too much, go to the bathroom, etc. 

And if you aren’t the most lucid person in the morning, it can be hard to remember to do this. 

You also need to have the same wake up time every morning. 

I like with Ava that you don’t have to sync the second you wake up, and as long as you have a consistent three hours of sleep, you don’t have to wake up at the exact same time. 

The time I wake up always varies by a couple of hours, so that made a big difference for me. It’s just a lot less work on my part to use Ava!

I know people who work overnight shifts occasionally appreciate not having to have the same wake up time, either!

Ava Versus EarlySense

A while back, I was gifted an EarlySense fertility monitor. I thought it sounded great, because it just went right under your mattress, and you didn’t really need to think about it. 

Well, it moved my ovulation date to be right after my period ended, which didn’t seem right. 

I also found it annoying that there wasn’t an on and off button – and often at night I will get into bed and work on my laptop at night, and it would start tracking my stats right then!

I also didn’t like that I couldn’t see my statistics and what exactly it was picking up. 

And finally…my three-year-old climbs into bed with my almost every night, and I’m pretty sure that was throwing off the accuracy. 

Although it has the most “hands off” approach to fertility monitoring, I was never quite sure of the accuracy, and I much prefer being able to see all the data and charts that Ava provides. 


What is Ava for?

While my primary use of Ava was to get pregnant, it can be used for other things as well:Cycle Tracking:This is for women aren’t trying to get pregnant. It can really give you some amazing insights in your menstrual cycle and health.Many women have no idea what’s going on with their bodies, and the menstrual cycle can open up insights into your health (and health problems) you might not be able to get otherwise.Information on sleep quality, physiological stress, and resting pulse rate can be helpful in many situations!Fertility Tracking:Obviously, this is what the majority of women are using Ava for.The bracelet helps to figure out the five most fertile days of your cycle to help increase the chance of getting pregnant.Pregnancy Tracking:After conceiving, you can continue using pregnancy tracking to track your overall health, stress, and sleep. It also acts as a typical pregnancy app to give you week-by-week updates about your current stage of pregnancy.It should be noted that Ava is NOT meant to be used as a contraceptive.

Ava Fertility Bracelet Price

Ava is $299, though you can get finance it through Affirm for $50 a month until paid off. 

They also offer a bundle for $399, which includes a fertility eBook, and the pregnancy guarantee – which will give you your money back if you aren’t pregnant within a year. 

It can be pricey, but it can be purchased using an FSA/HSA as well, which is handy. 

And don’t forget, you can get $20 off with our coupon code CLARKS20. 

How does Ava Work?

Ava tracks various signals from your body – skin temperature, breathing rate, resting pulse rate, total sleep time, and HRV ratio – and it inputs these into its system to determine your fertile days. I’d be lying if I said I totally understand how all of it works, but it does! It will tell you if your fertile dates have changed, when ovulation has occurred (or if it didn’t), etc. This page discusses the science behind Ava, and I recommend reading it to learn more about how Ava works.

What Does Ava Track?

As I mentioned above, it tracks:Skin temperature (average from the night) – this typically rises about a 1/2 degree after ovulation occurs and remains elevated until your period begins. Breathing rate – This is typically higher during the luteal phase versus the follicular phase. Resting pulse rate – This is typically lower during the follicular phase. The University Hospital of Zurich found that resting pulse rate rose by about 2.1 beats per minute at the beginning of the fertile window – and if pregnant, your resting pulse rate will typically remain elevated. Sleep – Sleep can absolutely affect your menstrual cycle and ability to get pregnant. Ava tracks how much REM sleep you get, the quality, how much total sleep time, etc. to help you try and get better quality sleep. HRV ratio – This measures the time interval from one heartbeat to the next. A higher variation means you are less stressed. However, Ava measures the ratio between low frequency and high-frequency waves in your heart rate, so when you see a lower number, it means you are less stressed. You aren’t looking for a specific number here – you just don’t want to see huge variations. If you see a sudden spike, it can indicate you are more stressed than normal.

Is Ava Accurate?

I sure think so! While I didn’t have any way to track what they track otherwise, I have no reason to believe it was inaccurate while I was wearing it. Here is some fascinating research that has been done with the Ava Fertility Bracelet that clinically proves Ava is effective.

What if My Cycle is Abnormal?

While anyone can use Ava, it’s designed for women who have cycles between 24 and 35 days.There is definitely some room for irregularity in that range, however, if you are having super short or really long cycles, it would likely be best to work with your doctor to regularize your cycle first before using Ava.

Who should use Ava?

Anyone who wants to understand their menstrual cycle better or who wants to get pregnant (either now or in the future). I think some people think that Ava is just for women struggling with infertility. While this can be a very valuable tool for people who are having trouble conceiving, there is no way reason a woman who is just barely starting to try can’t use it. I think that knowledge is power, and the majority of women likely don’t understand their menstrual cycle as much as they could. Ava gives you insights you can’t really get otherwise, and it can just make you feel a little more in control of your body.

What if I Don’t Get Pregnant?

There is no guarantee that you will get pregnant with Ava. At the end of the day, it’s just another tool to help you achieve pregnancy…but it can’t cure issues your body might be having. If someone is experiencing infertility due to male issues, physiological issues, or not ovulating, there’s really not a lot Ava can do. It can help you find clues to why you aren’t getting pregnant, though. If you buy the Ava package with the pregnancy guarantee, you will get your money back if a pregnancy is not achieved within a year.

Don’t forget to use the code CLARKS20 to get $20 off your first purchase from Ava Women!

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  1. I have been trying for 3 years to get pregnant and I am looking into fertility bracelets. Wanting to know if they work, and also has anyone used them? How long did it take to become pregnant?

  2. Thanks for sharing your review! I’m considering some fertility tools and products that may be able to help me and I’m glad I came upon your post. It was informative and helped answer some questions about Ava. I will be sharing this!

    1. I’m so glad this was helpful. Please let me know if you have any additional questions – I’m happy to help. Best of luck with your TTC journey!

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