30+ Baby Gift Basket Ideas For Every Budget

IF you are looking for a fun and unique gift for your next baby shower gift, why not make a baby gift basket? Here are over 30+ ideas that would be perfect for creating a gift that will be loved!

30+ Baby Gift Basket Ideas For Every Budget

New Baby Gift Idea

I’m a big fan of gift baskets for gift giving!

In the past, I’ve shared a gift basket for breastfeeding moms, new moms gift, and even for weddings…but today, I’m going to be talking all about creating the perfect new baby gift basket.

This would be a great gift to give at a baby shower or when dropping by to see a new mom.

I’ve had three babies, so I’m starting to think I know a little something about babies and what I love having with them – especially when they are newborns.

I have partnered with Babbleboxx to create this gift idea, and I’m excited to share some of the fun, new baby products they introduced me to. However, I will also be sharing some generic tips for creating an amazing baby gift basket so you can use your own imagination and experience to create the perfect gift for your loved one.

How to put together a baby shower gift basket

Baby Basket Ideas

First off – what should you put it in? Honestly, this doesn’t have to be complicated. There are simple ideas and some that could even be part of the gift itself.

  • Gift bag
  • Laundry basket – we have gotten some cute and functional ones for our kids on Amazon
  • Blanket basket
  • Bins from the Dollar Tree
  • Backpack
  • Diaper Bag
  • Diaper Caddy Bag
  • The Dollar Tree has some great soft-sided bins that I have used for diaper changing stations around the house – it would be perfect for a little baby gift!

What to Include

Here are lots of ideas of what you could include. Remember – it doesn’t have to be overly expensive or complicated. I got a nice gift bag of products from the Dollar Tree from someone at my last baby shower. You could easily make this into a themed basket, too – here are a few themes:

  • Sleepy Time
  • Eating
  • Essentials
    • A package of diapers
    • Wipes
    • Diaper rash cream
    • Lotion
    • Body Wash
    • Shampoo
    • Laundry detergent
    • Bottles
  • Soft items – I love anything super soft with
    • Towel (a hooded towel would be perfect)
    • A new outfit – one of my friends sent me new outfits that were so soft! We have so many old baby clothes that have lost their initial softness factor, so this was so fun to get
    • Blanket
    • Lovey
    • Bandana bibs (so nice for drooly babies!)
    • Swaddles
    • Hats
    • Socks – you can NEVER have enough socks. I’ve gotten a few packages for gifts, and they are amongst my favorite items.
    • Washcloths
    • Burp rags
  • High contrast items
    • Board books
    • Toys – try and keep them small, but babies can really love these.
  • Easy to grab/Chew Toys
    • Teething toys – Babies love to chew on things! I always forget how soon that starts – I feel like Andrew has been chewing on things since he was about two days old!
    • It’s great to introduce babies to toys they can easily grasp and play with early on
  • Practical
    • Pacifiers (we love pacifiers with animals on them!)
    • Pacifier Clips
    • Nasal aspirator (we like the ones that you suck with your mouth – the work the best. We also really like the oogie bear, which Andrew doesn’t hate like everything else!)
    • Nail trimming kit
    • Thermometer
    • Infant Tylenol
    • Gripe water
    • Gas drops
    • Bottle Brush
    • Dapple (for cleaning baby products and bottles)
    • Force of Nature Cleaner – this is AMAZING and safe enough to use on pacifiers.
  • Things you’ve loved
    • I always love going to baby showers and seeing what people give – especially when they are sharing something that they truly just loved with their baby.
  • Something for mom – When you bring a new baby home, they get lots of attention and love – as they should! But it’s easy for mom to feel a little lost, overwhelmed, and even left out. Include a special something for the mom to enjoy as well.
    • Gift cards
    • Lotion or body wash
    • Chocolate or other treats
    • Flowers

When to Give It

There’s really no wrong time to give this! If you are going to a baby shower, it would be a fun time to give it.

It would also be nice to bring something like this by if you are coming to see the new baby.

DIY Baby Shower Gift Basket

Baby Gift Basket

Now that I’ve shared some of the generic ideas for what you could include…it’s time to share a few specific items that I think would make up a fantastic gift for a new baby.

I have loved having all these items with my new baby, and I think most anyone else would, too.

And no, the baby above is NOT included 😉

aden + anais snuggle knit collection

Striped pattern baby clothing

When I was pregnant with Jack, I was gifted some aden + anais swaddling blankets. They were my favorite because they were SO soft and BIG. So many receiving blankets are just kind of scratchy.

Those were muslin – and knit is all the rage right now. I love the aden + anais snuggle kit collection. When I opened it, I just wanted to snuggle it myself.

It includes something for every occasion – sleep, play, and snuggling. And everything is machine washable, so you don’t have to worry about when baby will ineveitably spit up or poo on the items.

It includes:

  • Knotted night gowns (I love this one – it makes middle of the night diaper changes a breeze)
  • Knit hat
  • Star lovey (Andrew gravitated to this and just snuggled it!)
  • Blanket
  • Bandana Bib

These are available on adenandanais.com, Amazon, and other retailers like Nordstrom and Bloomingdales – as well as some baby boutique stores.

Baby Banana Lil’ Squish Jellyfish

baby banana lil' squish jellyfish

Andrew is a little particular about what toys catch his attention – but this jellyfish is his ABSOLUTE favorite thing we’ve given him.

He immediately started grabbing and chewing on it. I think he loved how easy it was for him to grasp, and it makes a fun rattling noise, too.

We’ve had a lot of rattles and teething toys in our house, and this is my favorite we’ve ever had. You can buy it on Amazon!

Boudreaux’s Butt Paste

butt paste

This is one of those essentials you may want to include because almost all parents need it!

Awhile back, I asked people for their favorite products – and this Butt Paste was mentioned quite frequently. It’s a very popular brand of diaper rash cream that’s available pretty much everywhere.

Andrew doesn’t get a lot of diaper rashes, but for when he does – we have this brand close by. It visibly improves diaper rash in about 3 hours, provides a very THICK barrier, and it’s free from dyes, preservatives and parabens.

Tinkle Crinkle Activity Ball and Caterpillar

tinkle crinkle activity ball

This will be more fun for a baby is about 3+ months, but I love having little toys I know they can look forward to.

The Tinkle Crinkle Activity Ball and Colorful Activity Plush are so soft and adorable. They have different-textured fabrics and materials to provide for sensory-stimulating play.

They are machine washable and oh-so-soft – which is perfect for a baby. They can easily love this from baby to toddler, so it’s definitely something that won’t be just a one time use.

You can buy these – or any of this company’s awesome products – on the Gund website.

Pipette Baby Balm

pipette baby balm and baby lotion cream

All of my kids have had minor skin blemishes here and there, but Andrew has definitely gotten the worst of it.

He has cradle cap on his forehead, baby acne all over his cheeks, and he just seems to have dry skin a lot!

Pipette’s Baby Lotion and Balm are new products I’ve been trying out, but they work to help replenish the natural balance of baby’s skin.

The balm is for sensitive spots such as lips and a diaper line, and the lotion can be used all over! Pipette was mentioned in the most recent edition of Good Housekeeping on page 49.

These products can be purchased on their website.

And there you have it! I hope this has given you some fun ideas on how you can create the perfect baby basket!

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  1. You did a great deal by coming up with this list.
    New moms need a lot of stuff for the baby and it’s a good idea to gift some of those things during the baby shower.

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