Bedrest Survival Kit: Tips and Tricks
If you end up on Bed Rest during your pregnancy or for an injury or illness you will want a few things around to help make your life more comfortable and convenient.

Pregnancy is typically a joyful and happy time but that doesn’t mean there can’t be a few set backs or moments of fear and worry, too.
According to, bed rest can be ordered for a number of reasons including:
- High blood pressure, such as preeclampsia or eclampsia
- Cervical changes, such as the incompetent cervix or cervical effacement
- Vaginal bleeding
- Premature labor
- Multiples History of pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or premature birth
- Poor fetal development
- Gestational diabetes
- Placenta complications, such as placental abruption, placenta previa, and placenta accreta
If you find yourself pregnant and on bedrest you are probably having a ton of emotions- and that’s completely normal.
Even if you are on bedrest because of an illness or injury you are most likely feeling frustrated and down and out about your circumstance.
Whether you are on bedrest at home or in the hospital there are a few things you can do – and have close by- to make your experience a little more comfortable.
Bedrest Survival Kit:
Hopefully if you end up having to spend time in bed you’ll be able to do it at home. Even if you end up in the hospital you can still be as comfy as possible with a few must-have items close by.
- Adult Coloring Books and Markers
- Pregnancy Pillow
- Water Bottle
- Snacks
- Lap Top or Tablet
- Air Pods
- Extra long charging cables
- Access to streaming networks
- Books or Kindle
- Cleansing Wipes
- Chap stick
- Hand held massager
- Compression Socks
- Card Games
Things to do on bedrest:
- Learn something new- knit, cross stitch, make-up tutorials, learn a new language, water color, weaving, hand lettering, embroidery
- Listen to podcasts or Ted Talks
- Paint your nails
- Watch Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon, etc.
- Update your address book
- Go through your Facebook and Instagram friends list- unfollow anyone you don’t interact with regularly
- Write Thank You Cards
- Shop online
- Organize and print your photos
- Soak in the tub
- Journal
- Meditate
- Cross word puzzles or Word searches
- Invite someone over to visit
- Call a friend or family member
- Sleep

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