Top 10 Binge Worthy Shows on Netflix

Netflix / Best Netflix Shows / Best Netflix Series / netflix addiction / netflix shows / netflix shows for women / netflix guide / netflix 2017

I don’t know about you, but I often find it hard to have an actual date night with Forrest.

We are together all the time, but it definitely takes effort to find a time where we can leave the kids and go out for a fun date.

So, at home dates are a great idea. Admittedly, we aren’t even that great at those, but really, it doesn’t have to be complicated.

One of our favorite things to do is snuggle up and binge watch shows on Netflix. It occasionally takes us awhile to find a series we both want to watch – mainly because I’m so picky – but when we find one, I’m always so excited.

Netflix has definitely become one of our favorite “movie nights”. I know it’s not a traditional movie – but I enjoy watching a TV series than a movie any day (especially since VidAngel is no longer up and running!).

Along with watching a fun series together, we love to order pizza or skip dinner and go straight to dessert – cookies or popcorn!

Here are my top 10 binge-worthy shows on Netflix (for women, as most of them are female-oriented)…though Forrest has enjoyed a few of these with me, so don’t let that be too restricting ;-).

Call the Midwife

At the recommendation of a friend, I started watching this show earlier this year. I’ll admit, it took me a little bit to get into it, as I have trouble with accents. However, it has quickly become one of my favorite shows.

It takes place in the late 50’s/early 60’s, and it takes place in Poplar, England. I cry in nearly every episode, and often makes me grateful for the time we live in (though sometimes I feel things seemed simpler back then). I highly recommend this one!

Hart of Dixie

This is one of my all-time favorite shows. There are only four seasons, but it’s certainly enough to keep you entertained for awhile. Forrest and I really enjoyed watching this one together.

Roughly (don’t want to give anything away) is that it’s about a doctor who goes down to Alabama to take over a medical practice. It details her life, and the lives of those, in the small town. It’s sweet, funny, and quite heart warming at times.

Extra bonus if you like country music 😉


My sisters recommended this to me, and I watched it pretty quickly during Oliver’s first few months of life. I would sit there and rock him to sleep and then watch a few episodes of this before I tried to go to sleep.

I didn’t love everything about this show, but there were plenty of touching moments. By the time I came to the end of the series, I found myself rather attached!

Grey’s Anatomy

No TV series list would be complete (for me) without listing Grey’s Anatomy. This is another one I started watching by the recommendation of my sisters. I was hooked by the first episode, and even though I don’t

Jane the Virgin

Forrest and I have watched this show since it started, but I was excited to see it was on Netflix. It’s cheesy and kind of a weird storyline, but we like it. If you have ever watched a telenovela…that’s basically what this is.

Drop Dead Diva

This is a show I LOVED to watch with my family when it first came out (I think it ended my first or second year of college). It’s another one with a weird storyline, but it’s fun to watch. Forrest and I watched this whole series together on Netflix when Jack was a baby.


This is a classic! The episodes are pretty short, and there are a lot of them. It’s not always super appropriate, but it is pretty funny at times. We watched this every night during the latter half of my pregnancy with Oliver.

Fuller House

There are only two seasons of this, but it’s really fun. It’s great for anyone who grew up with Full House. I found myself laughing and crying in every episode.

Pretty Little Liars

Sigh…I’m embarrassed to admit this one, but I’ve been watching it since high school, and I just can’t stop. It’s in it’s final season, but

Gilmore Girls

This is one that I’ve just recently added to my watch-list, but I already know it’s worthy of this list! I watched episodes here and there when I was younger, but I’m excited to be able to finish all of them!

Now, on to a few dinner and movie date night products. These are all itmes that I think are perfect for a cozy night in.

1) Fuf Bean Bag Sofa: Although we often watch TV shows in our bedroom, occasionally we’ll park camp downstairs. I think this would be such a fun way to watch a movie.

2) Retro Series Hot Chocolate Maker: We LOVE hot chocolate in our house – especially when watching shows together. This is really fun, and I think it would make making hot cocoa a snap!

3) Imperial Beverage Cup: Of course, we need cups for our hot chocolate – and it’s preferred if they have lids (I definitely don’t want to clean up a

4) Ava Polyfill Body Pillow: This is something I love to have – it’s great for propping yourself up with!

5) Micro-pop Popcorn Maker: I love popcorn, but I’m not a big fan of microwave packets, and sometimes it just feels cumbersome to get out our big popcorn maker. This seems like a good compromise!

6) TV Stand with Electric Fireplace: How cool is this?!

7) Larkin Plush Down Blanket: I Love down blankets – we have a few, and they are definitely my favorite for movies.

8) Breakfast Tray: This is a great way to keep things nice and clean when you are dining during your movie night.

9) Disposable Plates:

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