10 Classic Summer Activities Every Child Should Experience + Giveaway

Well, the official first day of summer is still a few days away, but after the nearly 100-degree weather we had today…it definitely feels like it’s already arrived!

I have so many fond memories growing up of fun summers spent traveling with family, playing with friends outdoors, and just enjoying the longer, warmer days.

I want nothing more than for my children to have those same experiences. Even though we live in a different time, we try and encourage our kids to spend as much time outside and/or using their imagination as they can.

Today as I was going on a walk with them, I couldn’t help but think of some of the classic summer memories that I think just about every child has, so I thought I’d write a post about them! I hope that this will give you some ideas for encouraging your kids to have an even better summer.

You can also enter to win a $100 Radio Flyer gift card at the end of this post 🙂 Thank you to them for partnering with us on this post!

Bike Ride/Walks

I love going on walks with my family. It’s always been something that I’ve loved since I was young, and I love being able to go on them with my own little family.

We go on walks nearly every day, and now that it’s summer, it’s even easier to do. Jack loves riding his bike (he learned to ride a two wheeler a few months ago – I love seeing how good he is!).

Oliver has really wanted a bike, too, though he’s a bit small for a balance bike, so we have loved having this Radio Flyer trike that has a stroller attachment. Ever since we got it, he’s been totally content – I love that he feels he is riding a bike. Just the other day, he was pretending like he was a bird, or flying, or something. I love watching his imagination at work.

Lemonade Stand

I always loved having lemonade stands growing up, and Jack is also a big fan. In fact, last year he was recognized in a local newspaper for having a free lemonade stand!

Whether you make your own

Watch fireworks

Who doesn’t love watching fireworks on the Fourth of July? Pick up some glowsticks from the Dollar Tree, spread out a blanket with snacks, and enjoy watching them together. If your kids aren’t fans of the loud noises, make sure to pick up some of these headphones.

Sidewalk Chalk

This can get a bit messy, but it’s definitely a childhood favorite. They even have chalk paint now that looks really fun!

Go Swimming

I have so many memories of going to the pool during the summer with my family and friends. We would always have so much fun playing Marco Polo, jumping into the deep end, and then getting snacks with our quarters at the snack bar.

Roast Marshmallows and Make S’mores

This is one of my personal favorites.

Blow Bubbles

Is there anything more simple yet enjoyable? I think not!

Run Through the Sprinklers

Eat Popsicles

What child doesn’t love trying to eat a popsicle faster than it melts during the summer? I know this is one of Jack’s favorite pasttimes – sitting with his cousins, eating a popsicle, and enjoying the joy of childhood.

Join a summer reading program

I think that reading is one of the best ways to use your imagination and be transported to a new place. I love summer reading programs, and I have since I was young. I love being able to have my boys join in the one at our local library as well.

What is your family’s favorite summer activity? I am so excited to be joining together with Radio Flyer in honor of their 100 year anniversary to encourage families to get out and play.

Radio Flyer has created more than 100 award-winning products available around the world. I think almost all of us can think of at least one classic Radio Flyer product – and probably even have one or two of them at the house.

We are giving away a $100 Radio Flyer gift card to one of our readers! Just leave us a comment letting us know what your favorite summer adventure is. We will pick a winner on June 20th using random.org. This giveaway is only available to people 18 and older in the United States.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Radio Flyer. The opinions and text are all mine.

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  1. We love going on hikes and then laying down under a tall tree with your head by the trunk and watching the sunlight filter through the gorgeous web of branches and leaves.

  2. As a family, we love exploring our local state park. They have some amazing views, hiking and biking trails, and part of a river runs through the area. My son would LOVE a radio flyer wagon to roll in, and pull.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  3. We love to go to the beach because we used to live by one, but now we are a couple states away!

  4. My favorite summer activities are vacation and anything being outside. Vacation is always a good recharge for the hubby and I. I love being outside because it centers me. Also I love the summer because I have Summers off. Thank you for this opportunity.

  5. One of our favorite summer adventures is catching fireflies at night and putting them in a jar. Once the kids are asleep I let the fire flies free. I have just as much fun catching them now with my kids as I did when I was a kid.

  6. My favorite summer adventure is letting our kiddos play outside in their baby pool. Seeing how happy they are is so wonderful.

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