75 Sweet and Savory Coconut Milk Recipes

75+ sweet and savory recipes using coconut milk - Coconut milk is a great, dairy free substitute for heavy cream, evaporated milk, and more!

After discovering Jack’s lactose intolerance (and realizing I have one, too), I quickly searched out the best lactose free products, that would allow me to still make and enjoy delicious, creamy recipes that I always had loved to make. The one ingredient I found that makes that possible the most is coconut milk.

Coconut milk can be used to make delicious cream sauces (I use it in this parmesan alfredo sauce all the time), desserts, and much more. Because I think it’s such a diverse ingredient, I thought that it would be fun to share a round up of recipes that include coconut milk — some of which you might be surprised with!

When cooking with coconut milk, I typically use the canned coconut milk you can buy at most stores, rather than in the carton. I feel like there’s a different consistency. While I feel like Thai Kitchen is the brand I see most commonly at the store, I’ve been excited to see stores like Smith’s and Target coming out with a store brand that is significantly cheaper. I also recommend the brand from Sprouts!

While you can certainly use the entire can, when I’m making something that needs to be more creamy, I open the can and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The creamy part of the coconut milk rises to the top, and they clear, liquid part goes to the bottom. The liquid is great for an evaporated milk substitute, and the creamy part is great for heavy cream!

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  1. I didn’t realize that coconut milk was so diverse! I’ll have to try out some of these recipes 🙂 Have you tried raw milk? My brother is extremely “lactose intolerant” and is finding that raw milk actually sits okay with him! I wrote a post about it (raw milk) recently. We love it!

    1. It’s interesting, isn’t it?! We love using it. And we actually have never tried raw milk — I think maybe we will try it out now though. I’ll go find your post because I really don’t know a lot about raw milk 🙂 Thank you!

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