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20 Gender Reveal Ideas: Creative, Fun, and Easy!

Looking for some creative gender reveal ideas? Here is an assortment of fun (and sometimes, tasty) ideas to help you celebrate your exciting news. These gender revealing ideas will be the perfect way to find out if it is a boy or a girl.

Gender Reveal Ideas

After Katelyn shared some great creative pregnancy announcement ideas last week, I thought it would be fun to do a similar post with gender reveals.

I absolutely LOVE gender reveals – whether it’s someone I know, or I see a blog post about a creative idea, I just think it’s so fun. I’m the type of person who could never wait to find out if I was having a boy or a girl (I think it’s just as exciting to find out before), so I love sharing that excitement with others.

What is A Gender Reveal

A gender reveal is when you find a creative way to announce the gender of the baby you are having. Whether you know and are surprising your family and friends, or it is a surprise to you and your partner. It is a great way to share the moment with the ones you love.

I know some people think it’s overboard to do more than a simple, “We’re having a boy/girl!” but I disagree.

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas

Babies are so precious and wonderful, and I think you should take any chance you can to celebrate that beautiful new life. I must admit, I had WAY too much fun looking for different ideas. Baby gender reveal ideas are just a fun and creative way to find out the gender.

There are some really creative minds out there. I especially love the ones that involve people’s kids – such a fun way to get everyone excited and involved (assuming it doesn’t end like one of those viral videos where one of the kids are devastated. Though…those can be hilarious.) I love baby reveal ideas that just wow you!

Unique Gender Reveal Ideas

First, I’ll start with how we announced that Jack was going to be a boy. Forrest and I went to our ultrasound, and we knew immediately that he was a boy.

We were excited (though I was a little nervous, I must admit), and we immediately went over to the Dollar Tree and picked up a helium balloon that said, “It’s a boy!” I can’t remember if we sent a picture or Skype Forrest’s family, but that’s how we told them.

Gender Reveal Balloon

We didn’t have a lot of family nearby, but I still wanted to do something fun. Since most of my family was in Colorado at that time, I had someone from church make some cake pops that had a colored center which revealed if it was a boy or a girl.

My mom picked them up, and the family in Colorado ate them, and everyone else watched on Google Hangouts. It was a fun way to make the announcement! I thought the cake pops were a cute gender reveal idea for the family.

Gender Reveal Cake Pops

With this pregnancy, we did two gender reveals. For an in-town family, we did these yummy truffles with blue filling – I used this gourmet chocolate-making kit, and they were so fun to make.

gender-reveal-idea (2 of 2)

Then for sharing the news with family and friends out of town, I made this cute onesie and t-shirt. You can check out the tutorial here.

gender-reveal (1 of 1)

Now, here are a few other fun ideas I’ve found. Be sure to go check out the actual source to get more details – most of these are really creative!

Fun Gender Reveal Ideas

Gumball Reveal by Live Like You Are Rich

gumball pregnancy gender reveal idea

My friend, Anita, recently posted this idea, and I LOVED it. Basically, when someone turns the knob on a gumball machine, either a blue or pink gumball falls out. She explains exactly how to do it, and I’d never seen something like this before. It’s pretty simple, but I think it’s a lot of fun.

card gender reveal

We did this as our pregnancy announcement, but I think one of these beautiful water color paintings from Ink Puddles by Karin would be fun for a Gender Reveal announcement as well!

Gender Reveal Scratch Off by Wine and Glue

gender scratch off ticket

Who doesn’t love a good scratch off ticket? I’ve seen several versions of this floating around, and this was my favorite. Just don’t forget some pennies for people to use!

Dark Chocolate Cupcake Reveal by Persnickety Plates

gender revealing idea with a cupcake

Confetti Ballon Pop by That’s What Che Said

confetti balloon gender reveal idea

Gender Reveal Playdough by I Can Teach My Child

playdough gender reveal idea with kids

This is a great way to announce to your older kids if you are having a boy or a girl. I thought it was rather clever.

Simple sugar cookies! I love this idea, and they are SO cute!

cookies for a baby gender reveal

Pinata Cookies by Wine and Glue

broken pinata cookie for gender reveal of baby

I saw a  few ideas for a pinata reveal…which would be really cool. Pinatas can be expensive though, and if you are looking for something a little more low-key, these look really cute.

Paint Reveal from What To Expect

paint gender reveal idea

Sibling Paint Reveal by Orchard Girls

baby gender reveal with a toddler

Ballon out of Box by Modern Mommy Must Haves

It's A Sister balloon reveal

This is probably the gender reveal I see the most – but it’s still cute whenever anyone does it. I especially love this one because it involves this couple’s son.

Color Surprise Eruption by Learn Play Imagine

Color Surprise Eruptions  for baby gender reveal

Okay, this technically isn’t a gender reveal idea up front (more like a cool-for-kids experiment), however, I think you could easily turn it into a gender reveal – just make it blue or pink!

Gender Reveal Party by Pink Flour

Gender Reveal Party - simple ideas for an easy party from www.thepinkflour.com

Gender reveal parties are all the rage right now – I know some people that do them for their baby showers, and I think that’s super cute. This post had a lot of fun gender reveal party ideas.

Push Pop Confetti by The Newlywed Pilgrimage


Okay, when I first saw this, I thought it was an actual push pop (with ice cream/popsicle inside.) However, there’s just confetti…which is still fun. Though I think using an actual push pop would be fun, too.

Gender Reveal Cookies by The Cookie Journey

Gender Reveal cookies labled

Silly String Announcement by Lively Happenings

Baby Bratton Gender Reveal (13)

This could easily get crazy!

Gender Reveal Cream Puffs by Sweet Twist of Blogging


I thought this was a little different than the typical cake/cupcake reveal I see all the time.

Glitter Egg Reveal by A Home Maker’s Journey


Simple, yet fun.

The Game Of Life Reveal (source)


Okay, the Game of Life is one of my favorite games, so when I came across this one, I couldn’t leave it out. Great for the minimalist.

Balloon Blow Up by Keeping Up With the Morgans


Hershey Bar Reveal by Crafty Morning


Gamer Reveal by Life Should Cost Less

gamergenderrevealmainpic_zps6adb07b3gender reveal ideas

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