How to Restick Your Cricut Mat: The Best Ways
Cricut mats can get dirty so easily and lose their stickiness. However, just because they get dirty doesn’t mean you need to throw them out. Here are the best tips on how to restick your Cricut mat for long-term use.

If you’ve had your Cricut for a while, you may have noticed that your cutting mat has become a little bit dirty and a little less sticky over time.
While it’s normal for your mat to start collecting dirt and grime as you use it, letting that grime stay on your mat can have negative effects down the road.
That means the longer you wait to clean your mat, the harder it will be to make your favorite Cricut projects in the future!
Instead of worrying about your Cricut mat losing its effectiveness, take a few minutes to clean it. These simple cleaning methods will help you keep your mat clean between uses so you never have to worry about your mat losing its stickiness again.
This will also help save you money in the long run so you don’t have to keep buying a new mat every time it gets dirty or unsticky! I’m all about saving money whenever possible, so I love making sure my Cricut mats get all the life out of them possible!
Before and After
Before sharing the methods for cleaning, I thought I would share a before and after of one of my most grimy mats. This mat was left on the floor and got a lot of extra dirt and grime that probably wouldn’t have been there otherwise.
I actually don’t have the best before picture – but it is that blue mat on the right side of the picture. The after picture shows some scratches that were permanent, but it’s clean, sticky, and perfect for use!

How to Restick Cricut Mat
Cricut mats don’t always stay sticky for super long – especially as you clean them. But don’t worry – you can resticky them for even longer use!
Here are a few options to consider:
Option One: Zig 2 Way Glue
This is my go-to! It’s super easy to use, and I find my. mats are as good as new (if not better!) when I use this. You can get this at Amazon or many craft stores.
Option Two: Krylon Easy Tack Repositionable Spray
I own this spray but haven’t actually used it myself – I’m just not a big fan of sprays, and I really love the 2Way Zig Glue. However, this is something that I’ve seen highly recommended from other Cricut users, so it’s definitely something to consider! You can buy it here on Amazon.
Option Three: Scotch Super Adhesive Spray
This is another popular option to consider using. Just spray it on and let it dry! Buy it here.
Storing Cricut Mats
One of the best ways to keep your mats in good condition is how you store them! Obviously, keeping them off the ground is a good first step (one that I am not always the best at).
I find that command hooks are great for hanging them up. You can hang them on a wall, on a door, on a cupboard…whatever!
I personally have a command hook on my DreamBox. The DreamBox is pretty much the best organizational tool for any Cricutter, and I customized mine to have it so I could have a great spot for all my mats! Obviously, that is a pretty big purchase, but if you decide it’s right for you – make sure you use the code CLARKS100 to get $100 off!
I would also recommend putting the plastic that comes with the mats back on after use. Another one of those “do as I say, not as I do” things, but it will help improve the longevity of your mats.
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I need this! I have one mat that has stuff stuck to it from years ago!! I can’t wait to try these out!