Dare to Do Right LDS Singing Time Ideas
Helping children understand the importance of choosing the right can feel like a big task, but “Dare to Do Right” makes it easy with its powerful message and uplifting melody. If you’re looking for fun and engaging ways to teach this song in singing time, you’re in the right place! Keep reading for creative ideas that will make learning this song both meaningful and memorable.
“Dare to Do Right,” Children’s Songbook, 158
Teaching children the song “Dare to Do Right” in singing time is a powerful way to help them understand the importance of making good choices, even when it’s hard.
This song teaches courage, integrity, and the strength that comes from following Jesus Christ. To make it engaging and memorable, incorporating interactive activities, visuals, and movement can help bring the message to life.
Whether you’re looking for a fun way to introduce the song or creative ways to reinforce its meaning, these singing time ideas will help the children not only learn the words but truly internalize the message of daring to do right!
Truth or Dare
Erin from Facebook shared this fun idea! She says “I’m going to actually play “Truth or Dare.” We will sing “Dare to do Right” then have a teacher choose a Truth question or a Dare for their entire class to do. Then we will sing it again. (So we will sing through the song at least 6 times, no matter which choice they make.)All of the questions are related to the church history lessons we’ve learned the past few weeks in “Come, Follow Me.” The dares are all nice things they can do to make others feel happy.“
Find her list of questions here:
Flip Chart
Flip Charts are always a good Singing Time go-to. This one was created by Erin from Facebook. She said her goal was to create visuals that would help the little kiddos that can’t read- and these are perfect for that!
Another Flip Chart idea was shared from Marriette.
Dare Game
Another game from Facebook member Shauna is this fun “Dare Game”. She instructed:
To introduce “Dare To Do Right” we’re going to combine directed listening with some fun “dares” to practice being brave. I’ll ask the kids to listen for something in the song and then sing it for them. The kid who answers the question then gets to choose a “dare” which he can do himself while we sing again, or he can give his dare to someone else if he’d rather. So it goes 1) ask a question, 2) sing, 3) kid answers question and picks a dare, 4) sing while kid does the dare, 5) repeat 1-4. If you ask all 9 questions and do 9 dares, that’s 18 reps singing the 1st verse and chorus, and the kids won’t know it, they’ll be having too much fun.

Find her files here
Crack the Code
Meagan shared a fun file for a game of Crack the Code.
Camille shares her own versoin of Crack the Code for verse one here
Find verse two here
Handbells are always a fun activity for the children and a great way for them to learn Primary songs. Here is more detailed information on how handbells work.
Find a good pattern to follow for the bells here
Steady Beat Pattern
Sharla Dance is super talented and has the best ideas for all the songs. She shares her Steady Beat Pattern here.

Simple Medley of Dare To Do Right, Choose the Right Way, and I Will Be Valiant
If you are feeling adventerous Dizzy Kate Primary Ideas shares how to sing Dare to Do Right in a medley with other songs.
Another option can be found here with the music shared by Margene on Facebook here
Follow along with these posters for a quick and easy way to teach the song with bright visuals and pictures.
Thanks to Bonnie for sharing how she uses these badges in her Primary
“I had the children get a partner or teacher and one of them held up both hands as the other child counted how many times we sang the word “Dare”. I told them that when someone dares you to do something you shouldn’t, or “Double-Dares” you, then you can “Deka-Dare” them to Dare to do Right! They loved it! Then I had them stand up every time we sang the word dare, and do the sign-language for Dare when they sang it! So fun!”
Truth Game

This Truth Game was shared by Gwen. She explains it
I’ve decided to play “Truth or Dare” with my kids.
I took an old box and some scratch paper and made a die. They will roll either a truth or a dare.
If they roll a “dare,” we will sing through our new song.
If they roll a “truth,” the kids will have the option to either bear their testimonies or sing songs related to the CFM curriculum (which bear testimony of the principles).
The possible “truth” songs I’ve ear-marked are:
Keep the commandments
Search Ponder & Pray
I am a Child of God
Jesus Said Love Everyone
I Will Walk with Jesus
I’ll walk with you
Drum Pattern
This drum pattern can be used to help the children learn the rythm of the song.

Virtual Singing Time
A hidden blessing from the 2020 era of teaching is that there are many “virtual” singing time videos online to learn and pull from. Here is a good one to get you started.
Hang Man
Thank you to Primary Singing Time for sharing how to play Dare to Do Right Hangman

Shapes and Words
Thank you to Wendy from Facebook for sharing her talents with us.
She explained this poster in the following way:
This is the poster I made for Dare to Do Right. Each shape stands for a word. I passed out one shape to each kid. They had to listen to the song as I sang to find out what word their shape stood for. Then we sang it again and they had to stand and sing their word when we came to their shape. Then everyone traded shapes and we did it again. I didn’t have the words WORK, DO,HASTEN, STORY, TELL on the poster yet. Just blank spots for them. So after we had traded shapes a couple of times, I handed out the words to each class. In jr, the teacher would tell the class what sing to listen for. I’d sing the song ( by know they were really getting the hang of it and could sing along.) When we got to a class’s word, the class would stand. At the end of the song, one kid came up to put their word on the poster. Then we sang through it to make sure all the words were in the right place. It was a lot of fun, very interactive, and they learned it very quickly!

Teaching “Dare to Do Right” in singing time is a wonderful way to help children internalize the importance of making good choices. With engaging activities, visuals, and repetition, they’ll not only learn the words but also feel the spirit of the message.
No matter which method you choose, the most important thing is helping the children understand that they have the strength and courage to do what’s right. Keep singing, keep teaching, and keep inspiring!