DIY Foaming Hand Soap
If there’s one thing I love, it’s foaming soap — foaming dish soap, foaming hand soap, I even like when my detergent foams up…I much prefer for them to foam! Don’t ask me why, but I just feel like foaming soap makes something seem like it’s being cleaned.
For instance, we make our own laundry detergent, and it doesn’t foam. And it drove me absolutely crazy for the longest time because I was convinced the clothes weren’t getting clean. I know, I’m a little weird. But whatever! I like foaming soap.
Anyways, I’ve always been a fan of the foaming soap from Bath and Body Works, and it’s not even that unreasonably priced. However, whenever we buy a bottle from there, I always think, “How hard could this be to make?!” And I’m here to tell you…not hard at all. It’s actually one of the easiest DIY projects I’ve ever done, and it works great. All you really need is water, clear liquid hand soap, and a soap pump…but if you want to make it a little more fun, I have a few other suggestions for that as well!
First of all, I added some essential oils. I don’t ever use essential oils on myself (because I don’t have a very good reaction), but I do think they can add a nice fragrance in things like this. I wanted to use a combination that would smell good, but had some supposed health benefits. I was told that Wild Orange and Vetiver helps with mental acuity, and it smelled great together. So that’s what I did! But feel free to use any combination that you think will smell good. Here are a few more fun ideas:
I used some natural cosmetic dye for the coloring, but that’s optional too. I was given the dye, so I don’t remember where it came from, but you can buy some here as well. Anyways, now it’s time to tell you how to make this super simple, DIY foaming hand soap. I know, took me long enough to get to it! First, gather these materials (see the bottom of this post for my suggestions on where to buy these items!)
- 1 1/2 tablespoons clear, liquid soap (do not get white, or any other colored kind. It must be clear hand soap, like this
- 1o drops of essential oils or other scent
- Water
- 1/4 teaspoon All-natural cosmetic color dye (optional)
- Foaming soap container
- Labels (you can download the label template here. Editable in Microsoft Word. Print using these labels for best results.)
1) If you are using a foaming pump from Bath and Body Works (or from anywhere), remove the label, and wash it out.
2) Fill the container with warm water, about three inches from the beginning of the neck of the bottle..
3) Place soap, essential oils and color dye (if using) in bottle. Place lid on securely, and gently swish until everything combines.
And now you have your very own, DIY foaming hand soap. We’re about done with the first bottle I’ve made, and we’ve loved it — Jack can hardly stand going by the bathroom without using some. I’d love to hear what scent combinations you use!
Foaming Hand Pump — You can either clean out an old foaming soap container from Bath and Body Works, and remove the label (this is what I did) or you can purchase a nicer one on Amazon.
Essential Oils — while I don’t use essential oils regularly myself, because of how they make me ill, this project was made using doTERRA oils.
Hello Katie,
I keep reading all over in here and I do not see where you say the size of the dispenser, like how many oz does this recipe make. TIA
I ended up just using gel food coloring from the baking section at the grocery store. A little goes a long way.
What food coloring do you use for foaming hand soap? I tried one brand of Mica powder, but it just separates. I also don’t want anything that will stain my white sink.
I honestly don’t remember what the brand was!
Hi, I was clicking the link to the label and it appears to be broken? 🙁
Oh no! I will try and figure that out. Thanks for alerting me!
What do you use to remove the labels off the bath and body works dispensers?
I’m trying to remember – I don’t think it was very hard to take off. A little soap and hot water should do the trick!
I’m loving this idea – I’m a nut for DIY bath and beauty! Sharing on FB soon 🙂
Where can you purchase the pump bottles and oils? Thank you Julia
Hi Julia!
I just added some links to the end of the post, so you can easily click on those to find what I’m talking about 🙂 Let me know if you have any other questions!
I love this! It has been on my list to do for a while.
I can’t wait to try this and experiment with different oils. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome! I’d love to hear what you come up with!