
DIY LEGO Costume – Great Last Minute Idea!

Make your own DIY LEGO costume with some cardboard, cups, and a little bit of spray paint. This is a great last minute costume idea – you probably have all the materials!

DIY LEGO Costume - mom and son

LEGO Block Costume

Since Jack was a baby, I have done matching costumes for our family. Some years are a little more extravagant (like last year’s Harry Potter costumes), and then there’s years like this where I wait until the last minute to put things together.

I honestly wasn’t even planning to do much of anything. There’s not a lot of Halloween festivities going on, and I’m just tired. But when it came down to it – even if the costumes are just for us, I felt it was worth doing.

My boys both got some LEGO costumes from the thrift store (sooo much cheaper than buying them new), so I decided that rest of us would be LEGO blocks. I mean, Andrew is one and doesn’t have an opinion on costumes yet, and it seemed simple enough for Forrest and me.

LEGO Family Costumes

This is seriously the EASIEST costume to throw together – especially if you have lots of diaper boxes like us. I made all these in under an hour, and I had all the supplies laying around the house. I don’t know about you, but the less I have to spend, the better!

This makes for a great last minute costume or one that you’ve spent all month planning!

How to Make a LEGO Costume


  • Cardboard box (we used a large diaper box for Forrest and mine’s costumes and then a smaller box for Andrew’s. They were the PERFECT size!)
  • Spray Paint
  • Plastic cups (I used red solo cups for the adults and smaller, clear plastic cups for the baby)
  • Ribbon
  • Hot glue and hot glue gun
  • Scissors or box cutter


cutting cardboard box

Cut out the front for your LEGO box – rectangular is ideal. This is why I loved the diaper box – perfect shape!

cutting plastic cup

Cut the bottom off of your plastic cup. I actually cut about half way up the cup and then trimmed the cup down. Otherwise, it’s too easy to just break the whole cup in half.

plastic cups for lego pieces

Hot glue the cups to the cardboard. I made the mistake of gluing them to the side with the pictures, rather than the plain side. Definitely use the plain side unless you want to use a lot of extra spray paint!

spray painting lego costume

Spray paint everything – two coats is going to be ideal.

hot gluing ribbon

Hot glue the ribbon for hanging to the back.

Enjoy! Wear a matching colored shirt to make it look even better.


LEGO Block Costume

Yield: 1 costume
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Active Time: 5 minutes
Drying: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Difficulty: Easy


  • Cardboard box (we used a large diaper box for Forrest and mine’s costumes and then a smaller box for Andrew’s. They were the PERFECT size!)
  • Spray Paint
  • Plastic cups (I used red solo cups for the adults and smaller, clear plastic cups for the baby)
  • Ribbon


  • Hot glue and hot glue gun
  • Scissors or box cutter


Cut the bottom off of your plastic cup. I actually cut about half way up the cup and then trimmed the cup down. Otherwise, it’s too easy to just break the whole cup in half.

Hot glue the cups to the cardboard. I made the mistake of gluing them to the side with the pictures, rather than the plain side. Definitely use the plain side unless you want to use a lot of extra spray paint!

Spray paint everything – two coats is going to be ideal.

Hot glue the ribbon for hanging to the back.

Enjoy! Wear a matching colored shirt to make it look even better

family lego costume

This is really just about the easiest costume I’ve ever made, and it turned out so fun!

More Costume Ideas:

More LEGO Ideas:

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  1. Great looking and easy to do costumes that every kid (including senior kids) can relate to. Legoland should see this post!

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