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Easy DIY Moby Wrap – The Baby Whisperer of Carriers

Save yourself a bundle and make your own DIY Moby wrap following this tutorial. It's so easy! Great for babywearing.

Moby Wrap Tutorial

originally published in June of 2013; updated in April of 2019.

When I was pregnant with my oldest child, I knew that I wanted to babywear.

I had read about all the benefits of babywearing, and it just was something that really appealed to me.

However, we were pretty tight for money at the time, and we didn’t have a lot of extra that we could spend on non-essentials.

So I got pretty thrifty with our preparation for his arrival, and I ended up making a lot of

Make Your Own Moby Wrap

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 15 minutes


5-6 yards of jersey knit fabric (5 yards will fit someone up to about 175 pounds I would guess) – I had the best luck with finding affordable jersey knit on Fabric.com. I got this style in the tutorial for $10 on clearance.
Rotary cutter or scissors
3×3 inch piece of matching fabric
Matching thread


Step One:

Lay out the fabric. You’ll need a large space to work in because 5-6 yards of fabric takes up a lot of space!

DIY Moby Wrap Tutorial

Step Two: 

Divide fabric into two or three equal parts, depending on how many you want to make. I made three, and I felt it was a perfect size. You want the fabric to be at least 22 inches wide. I used a pen to mark the divisions.

Step Three: 

Cut fabric along lines that you drew.

Step Four:

Fold newly cut pieces of fabric in half. At the top of the fold, sew on the 3×3 piece of fabric. Because of how you put the Moby on, you’ll want to be able to find the center quickly.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.

How to Put on a Moby Wrap

A Moby Wrap can look and feel a little intimidating to a new parent – but I promise, in no time, you’ll be able to do it without even thinking.

There are many different wraps for the Moby Wrap. I decided to share some videos from the Moby Wrap company themselves to show how to properly wear this homemade Moby Wrap safely:

YouTube video

YouTube video

YouTube video

Here is a picture of my husband modeling the wrap (without a baby, of course).

DIY Moby Wrap Tutorial

I highly recommend babywearing, especially if you have a fussy baby. Many times, putting Jack in my Moby was the only way he would calm down, plus I always love putting him close to me.

The Moby will support a baby from about 8-15 pounds. Always make sure that the baby can breathe! We’ve since retired our Moby and moved onto other carriers, but here are a few pictures from our Moby days.DIY Moby Wrap Tutorial

DIY Moby Wrap Tutorial

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