20+ Easy Baby Shower Games Guests Will LOVE

Find the best easy baby shower games that guests will love – from simple, printable baby shower games to silly games that will have guests laughing for hours…there are ideas for everyone in this post!

baby shower games

Fun Baby Shower Games

Who doesn’t love a good baby shower game?

I know, I know- some people really don’t like games at baby showers but I think they are fun and a rite of passage!

Obviously, some games are sillier than others but if there’s ever a time to let loose and be silly- it’s a baby shower.

If you are hosting or planning a shower it can be tricky to know where to start. There are some classic games that I think we all know about, but if you’re wanting something unique or a little different then we’ve got you covered.

I’ve compiled a list of some tried and true games as well as some new and fun ones!

Now the hard part will be narrowing it down. Good luck!

We offer several of the games listed believe in this free download of jungle-themed baby shower printables!

Easy Baby Shower Games

What Am I?

This is a great icebreaker game, especially if you have a group of mixed company.  As each guest arrives, pin a card on their back with a word that is baby-related, such as “diaper”, “pacifier”, or “bottle”.

Guests will go around asking each other a series of yes-or-no questions about which word is on their back, trying to guess. Once someone guesses their word, they may remove the card or pin it to the front.

Who’s Who?

When you send invitations to your baby shower guests, ask everyone to bring a baby photo. You could also ask guests to email you a picture- that might be easier for some. If they do that, just be sure to print them out before the party.

Be sure to collect each guest’s photo when they arrive and then post the pictures around the room. Simply hand out numbered, blank lists and have each guest guess who is who in the pictures!

Ice Ice Baby

This is a game that is sure to be fun for everyone! You will need an ice cube tray and small plastic babies. You can order some online here.

Simply place a baby in each cube, fill with water and put in your freezer the night before. When guests arrive place one cube in each of their drinks.

Your guests will need to pay attention to the melting baby, and shout the words “My water broke!” when the baby completely melts out of the ice cube. The first who calls it wins.

Because I Said So

This is a classic game that won’t take a lot of preparation. Give each guest a slip of paper and pen. Ask them to write down their best parenting advice and then put the slip of paper in a bowl.

When everyone is finished, have the mom-to-be read the advice and have everyone guess who wrote it. Simple and fun!

Bobbing for Pacifiers

Fill a large tub with water and then place a substantial amount of pacifiers in the tub. You can find pacifiers in bulk online here.

Have the guests try their luck at bobbing for pacifiers with their hands behind their back. Whoever gets the most- wins!

Consider having a prize for the winner. You can also plan on sanitizing the pacifiers and gifting them to the mom-to-be at the end of the party.

Diaper Relay

Assemble guests into two teams and have two baby dolls for each team.

Each doll should have on a diaper and clothes and a blanket. Each team member will then need to undress the baby, take off its diaper, wipe its bum with a wipe and then place the diaper back on as well as dress it.

When each person has done that they pass it to their teammate until every member has done it. The team to do it the fastest wins!

Baby Shower The Price is Right!

You can do this game one of two ways.

First, you could purchase several baby items. This might include: wipes, diapers, baby medicine, a rattle, pacifier, etc.

Place each item on a tray and have each guest guess the cost of the item. Whoever guesses closest- without going over wins the game. Then give the mom-to-be the items at the end of the party.

You could also print off pictures of the items and tape them to a poster board and play the game the same way.

Play Dough Babies

The purpose of this game is to see who can make the “cutest” baby out of play-dough. Give each guest a container of play-dough (you can buy in bulk here) and set the timer for ten minutes.

The guest of honor gets to choose which play dough baby is her favorite and that person wins!

Diaper Raffle

Ask each guest to bring one pack of diapers. When they arrive to the party give them a raffle ticket in exchange for their diapers. At the end of the party draw one or two tickets from a bowl and those guests get a prize.

Be sure to check out our free diaper raffle printables here.

Dirty Diaper

For this game you will need a small package of newborn size diapers (Check the Dollar Tree for inexpensive ones)  and an assortment of fun-sized candy bars.

Number each diaper with a sharpie and place one unwrapped candy bar in each diaper. Try and soften it so it is gooey and mushy.

These will be your “dirty diapers”. Pass each one around and let your guests write down which candy bar belongs to each diaper. Whoever gets the most correct will win the game.

Hang the Diaper

Sometimes simple games are the best!

This one falls into that category. You only need 1-2 packs of newborn diapers, mini clothespins (find some here) and pieces of string that are about three yards long.

Divide your guests into two teams. Hand your string so it stretches out  nicely, or have two people hold each end. Set a timer and then have each member hang up as many diapers as they can. The team with the most wins!

Don’t Say Baby

As each guest arrives, hand them a diaper pin (these would work great) that they can pin to their shirt. Tell them that they are not aloud to say the word “baby” during the shower.

If anyone hears another person say it they can steal their pin and add it to their collection. The person who collects the most pins at the end of the party will win the game!

Once all of your guests have arrived, tell everyone that they can’t say ‘baby’ for the duration of the shower (or until it’s time to open presents).

If anyone hears someone else saying the forbidden word, he or she can steal the rule breaker’s pin.

At the end of the game, the person with the most pins wins a gift.

Don’t Drop The Baby

Each guest is given a hard-boiled egg (don’t forget this step!) to decorate. Have an assortment of googly eyes, paint pens, markers and other small craft items available for them to use.

Once the egg “babies” are decorated, have guests line up with a spoon, carrying their baby egg in the spoon to the finish line. The winner can get a prize!

Wishes for Baby

Before the party print out a “wishes for baby” card. Here is a selection online that would work.

When the time comes to hand out the papers along with a pen and asks each guest to fill out wishes and predictions for the baby’s future.

When everyone is finished, read them aloud and the group can vote on the best one.

At the end, collect them and give to the mom-to-be!

Guess the Famous Mom

Before your guests arrive, write or print the names of some famous mothers onto name tags for each guest.

When your guests arrive, attach a name tag to the back of each guest, without letting the guest see the name.

Have everyone to walk around and ask “Yes” or “No” questions of the other guests to figure out whose name is on her back. There isn’t really a “winner” for this game but it is fun

Guess the Baby Food

If you’ve ever thought that baby food in jars looks less like the ‘peas’ or ‘carrots’ they purport to be and more like miscellaneous mush, this is the game for you.

Gather seven to ten unique flavors of baby food jars, number each lid and tear off the labels.

Ask each guest to grab a spoon (these chevron ones are ADORABLE) and start sampling! The guest with the keenest taste buds wins a prize for getting the most correct.

Guess the Mother’s Measurements

You may need to get the guest of honor’s permissions for this next game!

Pass around a ball of yarn and a pair of scissors. Have each cut off a length of string that they think corresponds to the size of the mom’s belly.

When everyone has a piece of string, invite each person up to try his or her luck measuring the mom-to-be’s belly. Whoever has a string that comes closest to being a perfect measurement, wins.

 Place The Baby On The Mommy

If you loved Pin the Tail on the Donkey as a child, you’ll love this game!

This may take a little more prep time but it will be worth it. You will want to blow up a poster-sized picture of the mom-to-be standing with her pregnant belly in profile.

Blindfold each guest and give him or her a cutout picture of a baby. After a couple of spins, each guest must walk to the wall and pin the baby on the mommy. Whoever gets it closest to the tummy, wins.

Diaper Derby

Divide your group into two teams. Each team will get a roll of toilet paper and will have five minutes to wrap a team member up in a “diaper”. The team with the most creatively diapered ‘baby’ wins. Be prepared for lots of laughs with that one!

Baby Sketch Artists

Pass out sturdy paper plates and markers to all of your guests. Explain that they will be drawing a picture of the baby- but there’s a catch! They will have to draw with the paper plate on their head!  Let the mom-to-be pick her favorite and that person receives a prize!

Diaper Bag Shuffle

Think of 10-12 items you’d find in a diaper bag. Then gather those items and place them in a diaper bag for this game. Examples could be: diapers, wipes, burp cloth, a pacifier, tissues, hand sanitizer, extra clothes, binky clip, etc.

Then pass the bag around to each guest, who has two minutes to feel around and guess the items. Have everyone write down what they think is in the bag – just by feeling around- and then pass it to the next person. The guest with the most correct answers wins!

Onesie Decor

Purchase enough plain white onesies for each guest. You can find bulk packages online here.

Stretch the onesies over cardboard and provide fabric paint and markers, and stick-on ribbon for guests to decorate the onesies for the new baby.

There isn’t a winner for this game- it’s just a fun activity and a great keepsake from the shower to the mother!

As you can tell a lot of these games call for winners- and when you win- most people would appreciate a prize.

Prizes for Baby Shower Games

The Dollar Tree or Bullseye’s Playground at Target are great places to find inexpensive prizes.

Other Baby Shower Ideas:

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One Comment

  1. These are so good! I would’ve loved the bobbing for pacifiers one! And making a baby out of playdoh? So clever! Now I need someone to get pregnant so I can host their shower!

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