Easy Linzer Cookies Recipe

These easy linzer cookies are some of the best cookies around – especially for the holidays! They are super simple, even though they look really fancy. The cookie is made from almonds, flour, and powdered sugar, while the inside is filled with a decadent layer of fruit spread. 


Thank you to Hero Fruit Spreads for partnering with me on this post!

I say this every year, but I love the holiday baking season. The peppermint. The pumpkin. The fudge. And most importantly, the cookies. There’s nothing I love more than baking up a yummy plate of goodies to take to people…and, you know, to keep at home for my family to nibble on. So when Hero Fruit Spread sent me a very generous box of their gourmet jam – which is unlike other jam with it’s unique flavors and deep Swiss heritage – I knew just what I wanted to make with it. chocolate-dream-and-linzer-cookies-9 Cookies! And not just any cookies – Linzer cookies. If you’ve never had these, you are definitely missing out. They are delightful little cookies that are easy to make and even more delightful to eat. chocolate-dream-and-linzer-cookies-12 I made them a few days ago, and my sister-in-law especially LOVED them. She said they reminded her of a Mexican cookie that she loved (she is from Veracruz, Mexico). Everyone else thought they were great, too. The Hero Fruit Spread in the middle (I used red currant, bitter orange, and raspberry) was so yummy. I’m pretty picky about fruit spreads, and I was very impressed with how fresh and flavorful these all were. Apparently, a fruit spread describes a jam with higher fruit content. I had no idea about that until recently, which makes sense that this jam is even better than other brands I’ve bought.  That’s probably why Hero is best known and preferred by professional chefs. Hero Fruit Spreads also have no high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors and preservatives, and they are certified Kosher. The company was established in 1886, in the quaint Swiss village of Lenzburg, and their slow fermentation approach has been unchanged for 120 years. . Pretty impressive, eh? Now, this recipe was given to me by Hero Fruit Spreads, so I can’t take all the credit for it. But it’s such a great recipe, it really doesn’t matter who came up with it, right?! chocolate-dream-and-linzer-cookies-17 This is a recipe that I think will just make everyone feel good and cheery. I’m actually making a batch to send to Portugal where my brother is serving a mission. I’m just making the cookies and including a jar of the Hero Fruit Spread, since they are more likely to survive that way!
YouTube video
Easy Linzer Cookies

Easy Linzer Cookies

Yield: 12
Prep Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes


  • 1 ¼ cups of butter, unsalted or salted
  • 2/3 cup of sugar
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 ¾ cups ground almonds
  • 5 tbsp. Hero Fruit Spread or Jam
  • 1/3 cup confectionary sugar .


  1. Mix sugar and butter. Beat until fluffy.
  2. Mix in flour and almonds.
  3. Form the mixture into 2 evenly –sized dough balls.
  4. Refrigerate the mixture for 60 minutes.
  5. After 60 minutes roll out dough ball 1 – thickness of .15 inch.
  6. Cut into circles (I used a biscuit cutter) - Base Cookie 1.
  7. Roll out dough ball 2.
  8. Cut into circles and then cut small hole in center/top of each (I just took out the biscuit cutter insert for these) - Top Cookie 2.
  9. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  10. Bake all circles 12-15 minutes.
  11. Let cool for 25 minutes.
  12. Spread the Hero Red Current Fruit Spread on base cookie 1 (no hole.)
  13. Place Top Cookie 2 on top of Base Cookie 1. (allow fruit to peek out)
  14. Sprinkle confectioners sugar on top of each cookie. Ready to serve
Bringing people plates of goodies is one of the best ways to spread goodness and holiday cheer in my opinion. However, there’s another great way is to spread the goodness and that’s by entering the Hero Fruit Spread “Spread the Goodness Holiday Sweepstakes” for a chance to win a $500 supermarket shopping card. You can enter here (See Rules. No Purchase Necessary. Ends 12/31/16). Even if you don’t win the shopping card, you can also win a holiday gift basket filled with imported European Specialty Foods…which almost sounds better than the $500. The website also offers more great recipe ideas. In addition, Hero is spreading the goodness by donating over 32,000 in 2016 to Feed the Children to help families in need. Hero Fruit Spread is available at many different retailers around the country, and they have many unique flavors, including:
    • Red Currant
    • Black Currant
    • Raspberry
    • Bittersweet Orange
    • Black Cherry
This is the best linzer cookie recipe! This is an easy recipe made with almonds and filled with a delicate layer of jam. It's the perfect holiday cookie recipe that will get everyone baking this year!

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