Easy Valentine Love Sign
Are you all ready for Valentine’s Day? I know, it’s not like Christmas or Thanksgiving, but it still takes some thought and planning for most people. Personally, I have been slacking in the Valentine’s Day area for all of my life. Seriously. I’m not the lovey dovey girl and I don’t love crowds, so it’s a though one for me. My poor husband. So this year, I’m really going to try. Really. I am.
Hi, it’s me, Kathleen, from Fearlessly Creative Mammas, here again to bring you a super easy but really festive Valentines sign. Sometimes easy is the very best way to go, don’t you think? For this project, you need the letters L-O-V-E and a piece of lightweight wood, like Balsa wood, long enough for your letters. You also need some craft paint, I used red and pink Americana acrylic paint and black Decor Art Chalk paint. Then you need some Valentine washi tape, Mod Podge, string and some sort of glue. I also used Acrylic sealer to protect it all.
Be sure to put some plastic down on your table to protect it and then paint your pieces. I used the chalk paint for the base board and painted two letters pink and two red. I used two coats of paint for everything.
Next, I wrapped some of the Washi tape around the letters, leaving some of the paint showing through. Be sure to press it down well. Then I used the Mod Podge on the front and back of the letters to hold the tape on. After the Mod Podge dried, I glued the letters to the Balsa wood with Liquid Nails, which I use so much of for sure.
I let the letters sit on the board overnight, to make sure the glue dried. In the morning, I drilled two holes in the Balsa wood and tied the string through, with the knot on the same side of the wood as the letters.
This picture is what the letters looked like when they are all dried and on the board.
This is the finished product. Super easy and because I used the Balsa wood, it isn’t too heavy for the wall. It’s actually up with a thumb tack. What do you think? Is this something you can make in a hurry? I hope you love it. Be sure to stop by and visit me at Fearlessly Creative Mammas!
What are your Valentine’s Day plans? Keep it rated G, but leave me a comment below please.
Direct, easy, gives hope to beginning crafters that we ,too, and make a successful project and feel proud of our accomplishment. Thank you. Thank you Thank you
ohh great idea on using balsa wood! I wanted to do a ‘poster’ for the grandson but couldn’t think of any wood light enough so thanks for that! Love the Love! Great sign to hang for Valentine’s then leave up year round as a reminder. Thanks for sharing!
I love using balsa wood, since it is so light. Then, if you’re hanging something, you con’t need crazy big nails to hold it up!