Every Star Is Different LDS Singing Time Ideas
“Every Star Is Different,” Children’s Songbook, 142
If you’re looking for fun and meaningful ways to teach “Every Star Is Different” in Singing Time, you’re in the right place! From interactive activities to simple, spirit-filled moments, these ideas will help bring the song to life and make it unforgettable for the children.
Teaching “Every Star Is Different” from the Children’s Songbook (page 142) in Singing Time is a wonderful way to help children understand their divine worth and uniqueness. This beautiful song teaches that just as every star in the sky is special, each child is a beloved son or daughter of God with individual gifts and purpose.
To make learning this song engaging and meaningful, you can incorporate interactive activities, visuals, and testimonies that reinforce the message. Whether you’re using actions, visuals, or quiet reflection, these Singing Time ideas will help children connect with the lyrics and feel the spirit of this song.
Slide Show
Find the images for the slide show here
Ask the children questions as you go through the slide show- example questions are included in the post linked.

Interactive Lesson
Using Pictures
An Aided Language Display (ALD) of “Every Star is Different” for non-verbal children
Fun and engaging idea to spotlight the children
This is a really fun and unique idea from Camille’s Primary Ideas
Find an easy chart to follow to teach the children with handbells here
Star Faces
Learn more here
Name Learning
Thank you to Bethany for sharing this idea on Facebook:
We brought up one class (I’ll feature a different class each week). We sang “Every star is different and so is every child, some are bright and happy and some are meek and mild. (Then we repeated that same tune and sang everyone’s name in the class) Kendall, Kenzie, Logan etc. then we finished with the next line of the song. “Everyone is needed for just what he can do, you’re the only person, who ever can be you.”
It was so sweet and a great way for me to learn names. We talked for just a short minute about how Mary and Elisabeth’s stories were and so different and how important they both were. And how important each of one us are too. Hope this makes sense. I really loved it!
I am Like a Star\Every Star is Different
Picture Sheet Music
The PDF includes a title page, picture sheet music, Code reference for coded lyrical images, Scripture reference, and a guide with images, among other helpful guides.

Amanda from Facebook shares:
I enlarge the poster size on the Adobe Acrobat printing option. I cut, glue on TagBoard, and displayed it during Singing Time.
I reference to the scripture reference or stop and ask the kids why I used certain picture for what we just sang?
Sometimes I print small 8.5×11 for home practice or teachers to follow along with new songs, if kids are doing an activity and I don’t have the poster up to see.
Ribbon Wands
Ribbon wands are always a hit in Primary.
Primary Singing has a fun and interactive pattern you can copy and use here

Figure out the code
This might be fun for older children but could definitely be used for little ones, too!
Who doesn’t love a fun crack the code game? Find it here

Picture Sorting
Use the pictures included here
From their website: Explain that this song talks about our unique differences being a wonderful thing that makes us unique and ourselves! Heavenly Father created each one of us. Isn’t it amazing and wonderful to see how beautiful and different each child is? Let’s pair each of these children with a line of the song.
Star Sticks
Get printables and everything you need to know to incorporate star sticks into your singing time here
Star Face
This is a very sweet and simple idea shared by Wendi from Facebook. She shares:
This month we are singing Every Star is Different. As I sang the song in nursery, the kids took turns passing this star around. There were only 5 kids today, but they did such a great job of reverently passing the star when I tapped their leg.
You can easily make this star out of cardstock.

Star Matching Game
- Cut out different colored paper stars and write keywords from the song on them.
- Scatter them around the room or hide them under chairs.
- As you sing, have children find a star, bring it up, and place it on a board in order.
- Discuss how each star (child) is unique and important!
Actions & Movements
- Assign simple hand movements to key phrases to reinforce meaning.
- “Every star is different” – Spread hands wide like twinkling stars.
- “And so is every child” – Point to different children.
- “Some are bright and happy” – Big smile, hands up.
- “Some are shy and mild” – Hands near face, small smile.
- Have children sing while doing the actions to help them remember the words.
Flashlight Starry Sky
- Turn off the lights and use a flashlight or small finger lights.
- As you sing, shine the light on different children, symbolizing that each of them is special.
- Talk about how Heavenly Father sees and loves every one of them, just like the stars in the sky.
“Who Am I?” Personality Match
- Write different personality traits on slips of paper (e.g., “Happy and energetic,” “Quiet and thoughtful”).
- Let children pick one and decide which part of the song describes them.
- This helps them internalize the message that everyone is unique and loved by Heavenly Father.
Sing in Different “Star Styles”
- Assign different ways to sing based on star types:
- ⭐ Bright Star – Sing loud and joyful
- 🌙 Soft Moonlight – Sing quietly
- 🌟 Twinkling Star – Clap hands like twinkling while singing
- 🌠 Shooting Star – Stand up when your favorite line is sung
Testimony Connection
- After singing, briefly share how Heavenly Father loves and knows each child personally.
- Invite a child to share a way they feel special or a time they’ve felt God’s love.
- Close with a simple testimony of our divine worth.
I hope these ideas help make teaching “Every Star Is Different” a fun and meaningful experience in your Singing Time! Whether you use actions, visuals, or a quiet moment of testimony, the most important thing is helping the children feel their divine worth and God’s love for them. As you teach, remember that every little voice in your Primary is just as unique and special as the stars in the sky. ✨ Thanks for stopping by, and happy singing!