FREE “Heart Attack” Printables (PDF for Printing and Cricut)
Printable Heart Attack Hearts
Thank you to BioLife4D for partnering with us on this post. All opinions are 100% my own.
Heart disease is something that is very near and dear to my heart.
My grandfather suffered many heart attacks through his life. Although he lived into his 90s, he suffered through those heart attacks, heart surgeries, and a heart attack is what eventually took his life.
Although I could just have looked at my family history and have known this, I got some genetic testing done which confirmed I’m at a much higher risk than most to suffer from heart disease at some point in my life.
And I’m not alone.
About 1 in 4 people are affected by heart disease. In fact, 1/3 of women and 1/4 of men die from heart disease.
And even before it reaches death, many others suffer from heart disease and will require a heart transplant – and if you know much about being on a donor list, you know that it’s not always easy to find a viable heart for every person who needs one. Annually, there are only 5,000 heart transplants, and over 600,000 people waiting for one.
However, in this day and age, there are AMAZING strides being made to make it so a heart is available to all those who need one – even without a donor.
BioLife4D has a goal to 3D print a viable human heart that would be suitable for transplant. Obviously, this would mean incredible things for those who need donations – it will eliminate waiting time for donor organs, eliminate some of the challenges associated with organ rejection, and increase the life span of more patients. The process is absolutely incredible, and I can’t believe we live in a time where this is actually becoming a reality.
Biolife4d is having an equity crowdfunding campaign in Feb, where the general public can purchase shares in the company and join their mission to save millions of lives.
To help spread the word, BIOLIFE4D has created the “Act of Heart” Challenge to help fund their research but also bring joy and hope to those who are suffering.
Basically, they’ve challenged us to send a “heart”-warming card to a patient in a children’s hospital to help life their spirit. Then after you do the challenge, you can encourage friends and family to do that.
I told Jack what we were doing, and how we were trying to help cheer a child up who was sick in the hospital, and he was so excited to help. Him and Oliver had a great time picking out the perfect card at the grocery store.
Growing up, I remember doing “heart attacks” with my young women’s group at church.
It was always so fun to go to some unsuspecting person’s home and decorate their front door or yard with hearts filled with sweet messages.
As I thought about this, I thought this would be an awesome opportunity to heart attack someone and leave them a treat, make them feel loved, and at the same time, leave them a challenge card to send a card to another patient in the hospital (while also continue the “heart attack” chain).
Free Heart Attack Printables
So I decided to create some free heart attack printables that you can use to heart attack someone you know.
I created a PDF file, which you can download by clicking here to enter your email or in the subscription box below. The PDF includes three pages of hearts (two have phrases pre-written and one page just has the hearts), a printable with the instructions for how to pass it on, and then a more elaborate heart for the door that says “You’ve Been Heart Attacked!”
[birdsend form=2334]
You can just print them yourself and cut them out, but if you have a Cricut machine, you can take the JPG version of the files (which I have included in the email you will get with the files) and use the print and cut feature with your Cricut Maker. Because I uploaded the images myself, I can’t share the Design Space file 🙁
If that’s the route you choose to go, you will need to upload the images to Design Space. During the upload process, use the magic selector to remove the background space. Make sure you save them as print and cut files.
Add these images to your canvas, and resize them to the size them to be 6.25×8.792. Press go and follow the instructions for print and cut! I used medium weight white cardstock.
Whatever way you cut them out, you can now you can simply go and put the cards on someone’s door, or you can make them a little treat to go along with it.
If you click here, you can download the “Act of Heart challenge” cards directly. You don’t even have to do a heart attack for someone to use this – just hand them out wherever you go or share on social media.
You can send cards for this directly to:
Texas Children’s Hospital
ATTN: Volunteer Services
6621 Fannin Street, Suite A1125
Houston, TX 77030
I think that this is incredible way to get involved with furthering the research that BIOLIFE4D has been doing. You never know when it might be you or your loved one who will be praying for organ donation in the future.
Because of my genetic predisposition to heart disease, I want to see this research come to life sooner rather than later. It really is incredible. And I’m thrilled to be able to participate in the “Act of Heart” challenge. After having two children have to stay in the hospital due to various illnesses, I know that it can be such a hard place to be.
I’m grateful that I was able to participate in this challenge with my boys – I think it was impactful for Jack, as he’s getting older and starting to realize that there are children who get very sick.
Here is a powerful video that talks more about what BIOLIFE4D is doing, and the incredible research going on to make organ printing a reality.
My mom had heart issues so I love this. xoxoxo