Jungle Themed Baby Shower: Free Printable Games, Invitations, and Decor

Looking for free baby shower printable games, invitations and decor for your jungle themed baby shower? Then you are in the right place! These baby shower games, invites, and decor are 100% free and perfect for any baby shower!

Jungle Themed Baby Shower

Free Printable Baby Shower Games

I love baby showers. 

Whether it’s someones first or last baby, I think every baby should be celebrated. 

Over the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to help host several baby showers for different friends, and it’s been so fun. 

I feel like I’ve learned some helpful tricks and tips for having a baby shower on a budget that’s still fun. 

The most important thing I’ve learned? Keep it simple and focus on the mama and the soon-to-arrive baby. They should feel special, loved, and important!

I really believe in the value of having a budget and sticking to it when it comes to baby showers – I think Dollar Tree Baby Shower products are SO cute and affordable. Definitely check them out when you start planning. 

I also have come to really appreciate using all the help you can get. I’ve thrown baby showers where I did everything, and I’ve planned baby showers where there has been a lot of help…and I’ll let you guess what I like the most 🙂 

Anyways! For all of these showers, I’ve searched for different games to play. I’ve discovered I really don’t like being in charge of games, so the simpler, the better. Throughout all my searching, I’ve found a lot of cute ideas…but I never want to pay for them. 

Because I like to make things as affordable as possible for people, I decided to commission someone to create a bunch of free baby shower printables, and I’m so excited to be able to share these with you!

In order to get this printables, you will need to click the button below. You will be prompted to checkout, but these are FREE, so you won’t have to enter any credit card information. 

[purchase_link id=”72212″ style=”button” color=”blue” text=”Click for Downloads”]

Below you will see a preview of everything that will be included, as well as a brief synopsis of how to play the game or use the resource!

Keep in mind that these games are primarily ones that people can just do while sitting around and visiting. We did some of these at a recent baby shower and a lot of people really appreciated the low-key nature. However, there may be some moms who want games that are a little more “lively”, so try and get her input first!

Jungle Baby Shower Games


I think it’s fun to have some prizes for the games – but I never spend very much on them. I usually will get a couple of prizes from Bullseye’s Playground at Target, some Mrs. Meyer’s soap, and some chocolate. They aren’t expensive and people seem to enjoy them. 

Baby Shower Games

Wishes for Baby – This is just a simple one that mom can keep in her baby’s baby book. It’s not really a game, but it’s a really sentimental one that I think mom will love. 

What’s On Your Phone – This is a more modern version of “What’s in your purse”. I always enjoy it!

Who Knows Mommy Best? – I always think these games are great – not everyone at the shower will know mom super well, so it’s fun to see their guesses, as well as learn a little bit more about mom herself. 

Baby Price is Right – This is always one of my favorite games at parties. It’s so fun, especially when there is a wide range of ages. You get all sorts of answers! I think it’s usually fun to actually get these items and give them to mom as a gift if you can afford it, but that’s totally optional. This is a game I would do as a group and have a timer – make sure they know that looking up the answers online is not allowed! Be sure to specify brands (one bag of Pampers Wipes will certainly cost different than one bag of store brand!). 

Baby Shower BINGO – I’ve never played this one, but it seems pretty fun. It would be entertaining to see what people put down and who ends up winning. Does the mom-to-be have friends that buy pretty predictable gifts or more unique ones?! We also have some cute, one-inch circles you can use for BINGO markers included with the printables. 


Baby Name Race – I have played this at several showers, and it’s always a hoot. This is one that you should do on a timer (I think between one and two minutes is good – less time is more challenging but more fun). At the end of the game, you give the mom all the sheets so she can have lots of baby name ideas!

Ancient Baby Names – This is just a simple one – but make sure people don’t use their phones!


Old Wives Tales – I’m sure we’ve all heard the different gender prediction old wives tales! This one tests to see who knows them the best!

Free Baby Shower Invites Printables

Here are a couple of different invitations that we’ve included with this printable pack. To be honest, I usually just use Evite these days, because it’s pretty simple and saves on postage, printing costs, etc. . However, there are some limitations with that (especially if you are inviting people who don’t use their email regularly). You could always use Evite for the majority and send these to anyone who may not check their email. 

This is just a very traditional invitation – just write in the names! You could also upload this to something like PicMonkey and type in the information so you don’t have to handwrite everything. Book Invitation – These types of showers have become increasingly popular in recent years. I’ll admit they aren’t my *favorite*, just because I don’t like telling people what they have to bring. But that might just be me 🙂 If that’s the type of shower you are hosting though, this is a fun invitation. It does make for a personal gift!

Baby Shower Decorations

I don’t have a ton of decorations that you can use – as I mentioned earlier, I highly recommend heading to The Dollar Tree…but there are a few cute printables that are included in this printable pack. 

If you are looking for more Jungle-specific decorations, I always really like Shindigz. Great quality and lots of options to personalize if that’s your thing!

Banners in different sizes

Water bottle covers

Cupcake holders

[purchase_link id=”72212″ style=”button” color=”blue” text=”Click for Downloads”]

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  1. Hi Katie! I love this adorable jungle party and printables! I work for Evite, so thanks for the mention! I wanted to let you know that Evite now allows you to send your invitation via text message, Facebook, and a shareable link so if you need to send to someone who doesn’t check their email very often you can use one of these alternative ways to get them the invitation.

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