
16 Ideas for Bridal Shower Games that Aren’t Cheesy!

Finding ideas for bridal shower games is easier said than done. If you are looking for games that are easy, inexpensive and, most importantly, not cheesy – you’re in the right place.

Planning a bridal shower can be so fun – but if you’re like me, deciding on the games is the most stressful part. I love playing games, but I recognize they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’ve gathered 16 fun bridal shower games that your guests will love. Hundreds have used this post to help host the best bridal shower ever – you’ll probably be asked to host the baby shower next ;-).


Fun Bridal Shower Games

Most of my good friends have gotten in the past few years, and I’ve attended a lot of bridal showers.

I have even hosted a few of my own, and I always thoroughly enjoy them – there is just something so special about celebrating a person’s upcoming marriage.

However, I feel like people are pretty split on bridal shower activities – some love them, while others absolutely despise them. I even went to one in the past where someone left as soon as they started playing games. Ha!

I’m in the camp that loves them, and I’m always a little sad if people don’t have them. So, I put together a list bridal shower games that aren’t lame. Many of these can be done while socializing during the party, while others require a little more attention to details.

Wedding Shower Games

easy bridal shower games

Now, for the game ideas. I feel like I’ve put together a nice variety of easy games and activities that everyone will enjoy participating in while celebrating the woman who is about to be married.

What’s in your Phone?

This is a more modern version of the “What’s in your Purse” game (which is still fun). I actually played a version of this at a baby shower recently, but it’s great for bridal showers as well.

Everyone is given a sheet of paper that has different point levels for different tasks. For instance, under the 20 point section, it may say, “If you have the bridal shower in your calendar on your phone” you get 20 points. Whoever has the most points, wins!

You can make your own version of this or you can purchase a template for it here.

Cake Testing Game

This is a game that I came up with for my sister-in-law’s bridal shower a few years ago. I thought it was kind of clever and fun.

I purchased four different flavors of cake bites from Sweet Tooth Fairy (enough for about five teams of two), and I placed on them a little serving dish with mini forks. Each team had to taste each cake bite and guess what the flavor was.

Whichever team identifies them all correctly first wins!

Who Knows the Bride the Best?

This is a pretty simple game – just have everyone answer questions about the bride. Whoever gets the most right wins a prize.

You can easily make a template, find one on Pinterest, or order one from Etsy. Lots of fun options!

Don’t Say Bride

There are several variations of this game, but the gist of it is that everyone starts with one plastic ring (you can buy them in bulk here). You aren’t supposed to say Bride (or you can select another buzzword – the bride’s name, wedding, the groom’s name, etc.). If you catch someone saying the word, you steal their ring. Whoever has the most in the end wins!


For this one, you will print off several photos of the bride with no makeup on – I would suggest an 8×10. Then, using cheap makeup (the Dollar Tree is a great place to buy this or e.l.f. brand), you work in teams to draw the best wedding makeup on the bride.

The bride gets to pick which team’s makeover she likes the best!

Guess the Bride’s Age

You place different pictures of the bride at different stages in her life. Everyone makes a guess for each age how old she is. Super simple and a great game for when people are just starting to arrive.

Match the Disney Love Songs

I really enjoy games like this – they are low key, but they are challenging, too. For this one, everyone has to match a famous Disney love song to the movie it came from. You can get a free printable for this one here.

You can also play match the Disney quotes if that sounds better!

Open on Anniversary Cards

This isn’t really a game – just a fun activity. You put out envelopes and cards for anniversaries (you could do every five years to make things simpler – or just the first 15-20) and people can write advice, words of wisdom, or whatever they want on the card. The bride takes all the cards home, and she and her spouse opens them on that anniversary.

Bridal Shower Word Scramble

I saw a lot of different versions of this game, but the gist is always the same – people just unscramble different words, phrases, movies, or songs. Whoever gets the most right wins! Etsy has all sorts of templates for this game.

He Said, She Said

Before the bridal shower, interview the group and ask him a variety of questions. If you can, you can video record it (it makes it more fun!). At the bridal shower, you ask the bride the same questions and see if she gets the right answers. If she doesn’t get one right, she has to put a piece of gum in her mouth. This is played at almost all bridal showers I go to, and I LOVE It. Just make sure you have the groom give the bride a special message at the end 🙂

Knock over the Champagne Flutes

You can buy cheap champagne (or, in my case, sparkling cider) flutes at the Dollar Tree or on Amazon and then you stack them up. People take turns throwing a ping pong ball at them and seeing who can knock them over first.

Guess how many kisses

Get a jar or vase and place a bunch of Hershey Kisses in it. Put up a cute sign (you can get one here) and then everyone just has to guess how many are in there. Winner gets all the kisses!

Higher or Lower

For this one, you have sheets of paper where you print the different costs for different parts of a wedding (venue, gown, flowers, etc.). Then, each guest has to guess if the bride and groom went higher or lower – whoever gets the most right wins.

However, I would only do that one if the bride doesn’t mind revealing the cost of her wedding. Alternatively, you can put down different numbers for the costs of parts of the wedding (that aren’t correct), and everyone has to guess whether the number is too high or too low.

Bridal Bingo

Who doesn’t love a good game of bridal? It’s simple to play, and it’s fun! Pinterest has tons of boards you can print off, but I love the options on Etsy as well.

I thought this one from Zazzle was kind of cool – each guest writes down the names of different gifts you think the bride will get. If she gets one, you cross it off – if you get a row completed, you win a prize!

Bridal Shower Scattegories

Scattegories is one of my favorite games, so this is one I think would be super fun. There are tons of versions of it on Etsy!

Toilet Paper Bride

Okay, this one is cheesy, but I always think it’s hilarious. You put together teams of bridal shower attendees – one of them volunteers to be the “bride”, and the others use toilet paper to make her a gown and veil. The bride decides which one she likes the most!

Bridal Prize Ideas

If you are going to play games, you HAVE to have prizes – but they don’t have to be super fancy. I think most people are just excited to win.

Here are a few ideas for bridal shower prizes; when in doubt, head to the Dollar Tree!


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