How to Use Cricut SportFlex Iron-On™ + Project Ideas

SportFlex is a unique iron-on material released by Cricut that was specifically designed to work well on stretchy materials. In this post, you’ll learn how to use it, tips and tricks for usage, and some project ideas!

Cricut SportFlex Iron On

Cricut has released various types of new products such as new SportFlex iron on materials in recent years.

SportFlex Iron-On™ has been one of the most popular – and for good reason.

Although it works fairly similarly to regular iron-on, there are a few things to keep in mind, so today I thought I would share a little bit more about how to work with SportFlex Iron-On™ for amazing results.

In this post, I will share the basic instructions for using it, what you can use it on, some tips and tricks, and a few project ideas.

As always, feel free to ask questions below if you have them!

What is SportFlex Iron On?

In case you aren’t familiar with what SportFlex Iron-On™ is, it is an iron-on material that is designed to stretch – for that reason, it’s ideal for sports shirts, spandex, swimming suits, and maternity clothes. It’s also quite thin.

It also features the Cricut StrongBond™ Guarantee, which makes it ideal for lasting on your material for a long time. Its comfortable size makes it best for your personal use.

It comes in a variety of different colors and styles, which is really fun. Currently, I just have black and blue, but I want to place an order for ALL the colors soon.

Working with the SportFlex Iron-on™ is pretty similar to working with a regular Iron-on like heat press – so make sure you read my tutorial on how to use iron-on vinyl for more details on iron-on vinyl and projects.

In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about working with SportFlex!

How to Use SportFlex Iron-on

Here are the basic instructions for using SportFlex™ Iron-on

  1. Make your design in Cricut Design Space
  2. Place your material onto a StandardGrip mat
  3. Select “SportFlex™ Iron-On” as your material in Design Space
  4. Cut
  5. Carefully weed away excess
  6. Preheat shirt for about 10 seconds
  7. Place material with plastic side up on the garment
  8. Iron on or press cloth
  9. Use the cool peel technique

But now I’ll give you some more in-depth “secrets” to help you make your SportFlex Iron-On™projects even better and ensure you have an easy press!

How to use SportFlex Iron On

How to use SportFlex Iron On

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Active Time: 5 minutes
Additional Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes


  • SportFlex Iron on
  • Compatible Material


  • EasyPress 2 or Iron
  • Cricut Machine
  • Cricut StandardGrip Mat
  • Weeding Tool


  1. Make your design in Cricut Design Space
  2. Place your material on to a StandardGrip mat
  3. Select "SportFlex™ Iron-On" as your material in Design Space
  4. Cut
  5. Carefully weed away excess
  6. Preheat shirt for about 10 seconds
  7. Place material with plastic side up on the garment
  8. Iron on
  9. Use the cool peel technique

SportFlex Heating Instructions

You need to be pretty careful with what settings you use on your garment – because of the specific heat requirements, you will need to make sure you pick a material that is compatible with the heating instructions below.

These are directly from Cricut on the temperatures to use with SportFlex Iron-On™:


  • Heat the EasyPress to 305 F
  • Preheat the area of the material in which you will be applying your cut image for 5-10 seconds
  • Place your cut image on your garment (plastic side up) for 30 seconds on the front of the garment and  15 seconds on the back of the garment, using medium pressure.
  • Use Warm Peel technique – essentially, allow the transfer material to cool about 15-20 seconds before peeling.
  • For an even better press, make sure you are using the EasyPress mat


Got your new iron? Start using it according to the instruction. It doesn’t require an extra charge for electricity. Iron Heat – Preheat the area of the material in which you will be applying your cut image for 5-10 seconds. The wool setting for 50 seconds on the front of the garment. 15 seconds on the back of the garment, medium pressure. Warm Peel.

Tips for Using SportFlex Iron On

Face the bubbly side up

Typically when working with iron-on, I will tell people to put the pretty/shiny side facing the mat, because it’s typically pretty easy to tell what that is. However, with the SportFlex Iron-On™, it’s a little trickier, especially if you aren’t familiar with it. Both sides are shiny!

There is one side of it that seems “bubblier” than the other, so that is the side that should be facing up. If you can tell which side the clear plastic is on, that should be facing down.

Do a Test Cut

Cricut has added SportFlex Iron-On™ as one of its custom materials in Design Space. Make sure you select this instead of regular iron-on. If you have the Explore Air 1 or 2, make sure you put the dial to “custom” before you go to cut. However, I still recommend doing a test cut.

Here’s why.

When I went to use it for the first time, I used the pre-set settings for SportFlex Iron-On™, and it actually cut through the back on several of the numbers. It is supposed to do a “kiss cut” (where it cuts through just the first layer), but a few times, this failed to happen.

If you do a small test cut and see that it cuts all the way through, I would just decrease the pressure (which you can do in Design Space before you start the cut). I just do this by default now when I cut with it.

I’m not sure this happens to everyone – I’ve seen others say it has, but then other people say they haven’t had any issues. So just save yourself some time and cut through just one layer!

Mirror the Designs

Okay this is important for ANY iron-on project, but I almost always forget to mirror (thank goodness Design Space always reminds me!) Always mirror!

You Don’t Need Teflon or Iron-on Protective Sheet

For many iron-on projects, it’s recommended to use Teflon. However, that is not required with the SportFlex™ Iron-On.

Cut in Sections

I just find this easier with iron-on projects, in general, to cut the iron-on into smaller pieces if you are putting a large design on. It makes it easier to peel up the plastic, and if something didn’t stick, you don’t have to compromise the entire design for just a small part.

Can You Use Cricut Sportflex on cotton?

This is a very popular question because when you use the heat guide for the EasyPress 2 on, it says “options not compatible.”

So Cricut does not suggest you use 100% cotton with SportFlex. With that said, I have done it. I don’t feel like the results last as long, but it can be done.

I would test some SportFlex out on a small piece of 100% cotton first before doing a big design, just to ensure you are okay with the results. I have had great results using cotton-poly and modal blends with SportFlex.

I use 305 degrees for about 30 seconds. You may need to experiment a little bit!

What Other Materials Can You Use with SportFlex?

SportFlex Iron-On™ is designed to work best with tech fabrics like polyester and nylon, therefore, if you are going to be using their heat guide, those are the only ones where instructions will actually come up.

You can certainly try other materials, though, and see what happens!

SportFlex Project Ideas

If you are looking for some ideas of what you can make with SportFlex, here are a few things for inspiration:

We hope that this was helpful in teaching you how to use SportFlex Iron-on! Be sure to let us know in the comments if you have any questions.

sportflex iron on

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  1. What if u do not have a mat to put it on to weed out? My daughter was able to do designs @ work but I have to iron on T-shirt myself.Im hoping I don’t ruin anything

          1. I actually had this problem recently, as well! I eventually got it to stick, but I had to do a higher temperature, and I left the plastic sheet on for a day before taking it off.

  2. Any idea where to get a good deal on kids shirts to use with the sport vinyl. I have a couple places I use for cotton but have never used poly or nylon

  3. I used the light purple mat – Strong Grip. And the sport flex vinyl will not stick this one either. Had to use masking tape to hold it down and cut.

    1. I also just used a bit of the sport flex on a 100% cotton onsie. It seems to be sticking, but is there any concerns with it sticking after washing? I made this as a gift for a new baby this weekend and don’t want to give it to them if it won’t stay down. Right now it seems pretty well adheared. Thanks

  4. Would there be problem after if I put the sportflex material on a 100% cotton t-shirt? I check under the heat guide and it says they wont match. I try it an its stays, but im not sure what wuld happen after.

  5. I bought this because I needed orange and it was the only material that came in orange at my store. It looks great on a black t-shirt but after 1 washing it looks wrinkly. Any thoughts?

      1. I have had trouble with that if my shirt is not prewashed. After washing it the first time, it can shrink and cause the vinyl to wrinkle.

  6. I used sportflex on a tank top and during first use it started peeling off, whathe I got I have did wrong

        1. It can be really hard to keep down. I usually have to use masking tape myself to get it to stick 🙁

        2. Make sure you’re using the STANDARD GRIP mat (the green one) it won’t stick to the light grip (blue one).

  7. Hi Katie, I do not have a cricut machine but do have the silhouette cutter. Do you have any recommendation for the proper cutting settings? Also I have a heat machine and am wondering the heat temp and time settings I should use for the Sport Flex products? Thank you so much for your help! Marly

    1. Hi! I have a silhouette. I am using this vinyl for the first time. The smooth strongbond should be a blade setting of 2!

  8. I am truly thankful for your simple, but detailed, post on the SportFlex. Your recommendation to look for the side with more bubbles was a fantastic piece of advice since both sides are so shiny. Thanks for the steps, the video, and the photos – what a wonderful combination! 🙂

  9. I would like to use this vinyl to put monograms on linen cushion covers. Would it stick to linen? Also I don’t have a Cricut cutter so could I cut it by hand with a scalpel?

    1. Yes, I’m sure you could use this vinyl with a scalpel. As far as the monograms, I have never used vinyl on linen, but I’m sure with the correct settings you could 🙂

  10. So my daughter just bought a criquet machine and she is having problems getting it to cut all the way through. IS there any tips/tricks to using the black vinyl? She doesn’t have this problem with any other color.

    1. Hmm, that is really strange that it’s just the black vinyl. Is it a different brand or type of vinyl than the other colors?

    1. This helped me more than the Cricut website. Successfully completed two shirts. Thank you!

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