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Best DIY key holder and design [2021]

Key Holder

Hi friends! It’s me, Kathleen from Fearlessly Creative Mammas again. How is your summer going? Are you doing some fun things with your family? So far I have taken a two day shopping trip to Salt Lake City with one of my best friends and I’ve gone camping once. We had a blast on our shopping trip and the camping trip was fun too. Next month will be our three week camping trip to Alaska, postponed from June. We’re excited for the trip for sure.

This month I have a fun key holder for you, with a white washed base board. This came about when I went to World Market in Florida last winter and found these fantastic hooks. I knew I had to have them, even though I didn’t know what I was going to do with them. I wrapped them up carefully, so they didn’t get scratched, and I brought them back to Idaho with me. I know. It was a cruel thing to do to them and I’m pretty sure they were screaming all the way, but I got them back. If I had to return to the cold, they could come with me.

After I got home I decided that I would make a key holder because the one I had was just a cheap one that I picked up for a dollar somewhere a long time ago. It had no personality at all. I love the way this turned out and I hope you will too.

I had this board in my stash of craft supplies, so I decided I would use it as the base for the hooks. I also selected the paint color  ‘Pavement’ as base color.

Key Holder

I painted two coats of paint on the board and allowed it to dry completely. Next I took some medium grit sand paper and rubbed it over the board softly and a little rougher on the edges to give it a little distressed look. Be sure to rub with the grain of the wood. After you’re finished sanding, wipe off the dust.

Key Holder

To white wash the board, mix a small amount of white paint with about triple the amount of water and mix well. I mixed mine on a paper plate. Brush the watered down paint over the board, again with the grain of the wood. Then quickly wipe the paint away, with the grain of the wood. You don’t want to allow the paint to dry before you wipe it, so if you are doing this on a large board, do it in small pieces.

Key Holder

This is what the board will look like after it dries completely. If you notice, I got some of the white paint on the sides of the board, so I just painted over those places with the base paint and allowed it to dry. After it dried I sprayed the whole board with a coat of acrylic sealer.

Key Holder

I added some hangers on the back of the board and then attached the hooks to the board. I love the colors of the hooks and they are so unusual.

Key Holder

I have this hanging at my entryway so we can hang our keys up right when we walk in the door. Now we always know where are keys are located. Always a plus when we’re in a hurry. This would also make a great gift idea for someone. I hope you love it like I do!

Key Holder

I’d love for you to come over and visit me at Fearlessly Creative Mammas. We have lots of great projects and recipes and we’d love to see you there.


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