LDS Singing Time Ideas for “This Little Light of Mine”

Here are some fun and engaging LDS Singing Time ideas for teaching “This Little Light of Mine” in Primary! This song is perfect for helping children learn about sharing their light and testimony with others.

“This Little Light of Mine” hymn 1028 is a fun, energetic song that teaches children the importance of sharing their light and testimony with others.

It’s a perfect choice for Singing Time because it helps kids understand that their goodness, kindness, and faith can brighten the world around them. To make learning this song engaging and memorable, try incorporating movement, visual aids, and hands-on activities that bring the message to life.

Below are some creative and meaningful ways to help the children sing, learn, and truly feel the joy of letting their light shine!

Flashlight Singing

  • Give a few children small flashlights or finger lights.
  • As you sing, let them shine their lights when they hear the words “light” or “shine.”
  • Rotate the flashlights between verses so more children can participate!
  • Turn off the lights for extra fun and symbolism.

Actions & Movement

  • Teach simple hand movements to match the lyrics:
    • “This little light of mine” – Cup hands together and then open like a shining light.
    • “I’m gonna let it shine” – Wiggle fingers like twinkling light.
    • “Hide it under a bushel? NO!” – Pretend to cover the light, then dramatically throw hands up and shout “NO!”
    • “Let it shine” – Raise hands up and sway.

Role Play: Ways to Shine Our Light

  • Before singing, ask children how they can be a light (e.g., being kind, helping others, sharing the gospel).
  • Write their ideas on the board or use picture cards.
  • Pause between verses to spotlight one way they can “let their light shine.”

Candle Pass

  • Use a small LED candle or cutout paper flame.
  • Pass it around while singing, and whoever is holding it at the end of the verse shares one way they can be a light.

Hide & Shine Game

  • Cover a picture of Jesus with a paper “bushel” (basket or cloth).
  • Each time you sing, remove a piece of the covering until Jesus is fully revealed—just like how we shouldn’t hide our light!

Testimony Connection

  • After singing, share a simple message about how each child’s light matters to Heavenly Father and can help others.
  • Invite them to think of one way they will let their light shine this week.

Glow Stick Singing

  • Give each child a glow stick (or use just a few for helpers).
  • Have them wave their glow sticks every time they sing “light” or “shine.”
  • For a fun twist, dim the lights for a glowing effect!

Balloon Pop Surprise

  • Write different ways to “let your light shine” on slips of paper and place them inside balloons.
  • Pop a balloon between verses, read the slip, and have the children act out or discuss how they can shine their light.

Hide & Seek Light Game

  • Bring a small flashlight or LED candle and have a child secretly hide it somewhere in the room.
  • After each verse, let another child search for it.
  • Relate it to the song—light should never be hidden!

Color-by-Light Activity

  • Give each child a coloring page of a candle, sun, or lightbulb.
  • Each time they sing a verse, they get to color in part of the picture.
  • By the end, they’ll have a bright, colorful reminder of how they can shine!

Echo Singing

  • Divide the group in half.
  • One side sings a line, then the other side echoes it back.
  • This keeps kids engaged and makes learning the words easier!

Shine & Share Paper Airplanes

  • Have kids write or draw one way they can be a light for others on a small piece of paper.
  • Fold them into paper airplanes and let them fly!
  • Collect and read some aloud to inspire the group.

Dance & Clap Rhythms

  • Add clapping or stomping rhythms to make the song interactive.
  • Example: Clap twice on “This little light of mine” and stomp on “I’m gonna let it shine.”

Scripture Match

  • Read Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men…”
  • Discuss how the song relates to Jesus’ teachings.
  • Let children share how they can be a light like Jesus.

“Let Your Light Shine” World Map

  • Bring a world map and place a small star sticker on different countries as you sing.
  • Discuss how we can be a light everywhere—at home, school, or even through missionary work!

“Pass the Light” Testimony Share

  • Hold a small battery candle and pass it around the circle.
  • Whoever holds the candle shares one way they can let their light shine before passing it to the next person.

Extra Verses

Thank you to Bruce from Facebook for sharing this document with extra verses.

He shares:

Page one is an activity sheet on how to use this song to teach the children the many times and places we can let God’s light shine through us. Page two are all the various verses written for this hymn through the years; how fun would it be to learn so many of them?

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Find lots of fun and interactive ideas found here

YouTube Video

This is a fun video you can share with your Primary

YouTube video


Find fun printables from Camille’s Primary Ideas here

These activities will help children have fun, connect with the song, and understand how they can be a light in the world.

Which idea do you like best?

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