10 Maternity Hospital Gowns You Won’t Want to Take Off

Hospital gowns are notorious for being uncomfortable – here are 10 maternity hospital gowns you won’t want to take off!

Cute Hospital Gowns

If you have ever stayed in the hospital than you know how, unflattering hospital gowns can be.

Not only that, but they are usually itchy, uncomfortable and just the thought of someone else previously being in might juts give you the heebie-jeebies.

Now of course, thousand of people wear and use them all over the world in thousands of hospitals- so we know they are totally fine to wear.

But if you want something that is just yours, makes you feel more put together and beautiful- then we have quite the list for you to choose from.

Over the past few years, having a comfortable gown to wear during labor and delivery or after has become rather popular.

While it might be easiest to wear what the hospital has for giving birth (just so it works with all the cords and wires…and it will likely get kind of gross anyways), many women prefer something from home to recover in.

When looking for the best gown for your birth and recovery, here are a few things to consider:

  • Is it easy to nurse and/or do skin to skin in?
  • Is it flowy? You likely won’t want something too tight after giving birth.
  • If you plan to wear it during labor and delivery, does it have access points for cords and IVs? Many labor and delivery units have requirements for where these access points are, so make sure you check with them before you purchase a gown.
  • Does it have buttons, zippers, snaps, etc?
  • What is it made of and how easy is it to clean? Giving birth and recovering isn’t exactly the neatest process – you can expect to get some blood, spit up, and other bodily fluids on it at some point.
  • Can you wear it afterward? Some of these gowns definitely look like hospital gowns, which may be less fun to wear at home. However, there are plenty of options that would make for a great house dress for recovery, sleeping, and nursing.
  • Can you get a matching swaddle? There are some companies that have created super cute “mommy and me” sets that come with a swaddle and hat for the baby. Perfect for pictures!
  • Do you want it to be more of a hospital gown or a robe? There are plenty of options for both!

We’ve shared just a sampling of what is available online below that we thought were fun and were different from one another. You should definitely check them out if you don’t see something you like in the photos below:

Delivery Gown for Hospital

And now for the ones we loved the most:

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