A Beautiful and Easy Way to Save LDS Missionary Emails

Hoping to preserve your Latter-day Saint missionary letters? Here is the best solution we have found – Missionary Memories

Missionary Email Book

Three of our children have served missions for our church–Kristalyn was called to Armenia, Daniel to Bolivia, and Michael to Portugal. During all those years of service, we didn’t see our missionaries but were blessed to receive emails from them almost every Monday.  Oh, how we lived for those emails!


I, like most missionary moms, printed off the emails and kept them in a folder in my files. And there they stayed. Kristalyn has been home over fifteen years, and I still have her amazing emails safely tucked away where no one ever sees them! Daniel’s have only been stored for ten years, and Michael just returned this summer. Are the emails he sent us headed for a similar fate?

I have thought about putting each set of emails into page protectors, organizing them by date, printing off all the attached photos,  and then putting each set into a looseleaf notebook.  A great plan that sadly, has never gotten off the ground. 

Nevertheless, I was entertaining the same hopes for Michael’s emails when a friend sent me a link to MissionaryMemories.com

I can’t tell you how much I love this company! Simply put, Missionary Memories makes it easy to create a keepsake book that you and your missionary will treasure. 

The designing and preservation of photos and emails into book form is quick and easy.

Through a simple import or upload process, Missionary Memories will gather, organize and place everything into a beautiful, full color, fully editable book.  You can create your book online and preview it in less than 15 minutes! 

The process is simple and you can literally have a book completed and ready to be published in less than an hour. Or, you can carefully edit each email for spelling and typos, and crop and edit the photos and it will take a little longer.

If you are like me (and not everyone is) you’ll find that making each page as perfect as possible will become a labor of love that you will honestly hate to see come to an end! Either approach works. 

Whether your missionary is just leaving, already serving, or has returned home, the emails they send or have sent can be imported and included in the book.

I just received the book I made for Michael and I am in love! I can’t wait for him to open it up on Christmas Eve.  Each order also includes a free e-book for you to keep. 

To get started or learn more go to the user-friendly site, MissionaryMemories.com

Here are a few tips I learned as I was previewing and editing Michael’s book:

  • Missionaries who are just leaving can add their MissionaryMemories.com email address to their group email recipients and their emails and photos will be automatically uploaded to their book in progress. 
  • If your missionary is currently serving, be sure and check that all the emails are being imported. This is usually not a problem, but occasionally some will be missed.  If this happens, contact Michelle@missionarymemories.com and she will help you get it straightened out immediately. 
  • If you have any problems with the program at all, also contact Michelle at the above email address. She responds personally, usually within just a few hours, and will walk you through any issues you are having (I don’t know that she ever sleeps!). That said, the program is incredibly user-friendly, especially for those of us not as tech-savvy as our missionaries. 
  • If you can’t open all the photos your missionary sends, they won’t open in the book either.  You will have to resend those photos in a jpeg format. 
  • The FAQ section will probably answer all of your questions about importing and editing. 

The cost of the book is $99 for the first 100 pages, with additional pages 50 cents apiece. The average book will probably have about 200 pages, which will cost about $150 plus shipping.

Since that is probably more money than most of us who aren’t college students ever spend on one book, you’ll want to be aware of the cost upfront, and plan for it. Because, believe me, you will want to have this book!

This  three-minute video will tell you  more about MissionaryMemories.com:


This is a much simpler and longer-lasting process than some other options. Katie created a book for both Daniel and Forrest. For Daniel, she simply printed the emails out and coil bound them, and with Forrest, she created the book with an online bookmaking program. That was extremely tedious, as she had to copy and paste each email into the program. It took forever! Missionary Memories is definitely a much simpler process for everyone involved. 

Click Here to Start your Missionary Memories Today

The deadline for Christmas 2018 was December 1st, but contact Michelle to see if it’s still possible to receive a book in time for Christmas. 

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