The Best Baby Shower Gifts Ideas – Ideas from Real Moms
Picking a gift for a mom-to-be isn’t always easy – but there are some gifts that are sure to be a hit every time. Here are the best baby shower gifts ideas – compiled from ideas from actual moms and what they received.

I think everyone wants to pick out a baby shower gift the mom will love.
Whenever I’m picking out a gift for a mom to be, I scour over their registry, I think about what I’ve loved from my kids, and I think about the specific mom.
I think we’ve all read posts about gift ideas for baby showers, but I decided to ask lots of different moms what their favorite baby shower gifts have been – or what they like to give – rather than just thinking everything would want what I liked (though most of the things people mentioned lined up with what I liked).
It was interesting to me to see all the variety of answers!
Here are a few things I’ve loved that I’ve received:
- Crocheted Booties – my cousin’s wife made these using a pattern my Grandma used for booties she would make for all the grandchildren. It meant so much to me!
- Diapers and wipes – I got a lot of these with Oliver. I had already started a diaper stockpile with Jack
- Gift Cards to restaurants that had pickup – I was telling my mom this other day, and she kind of laughed because it’s such a non-traditional idea. But I seriously LOVED these so much. I got these at a baby shower some ladies from church threw me when I was pregnant with Oliver, and they were amazing.
Honestly, I was grateful for everything I got, and I’m sure there are other things that I loved – especially with Jack because we were so poor.
But that shower was so long ago, I don’t remember a lot of what I got (good thing I have it written down!).
Here are a few things I’ve enjoyed giving in the past:
- DIY Month by Month Baby Onesies
- Woombie
- BabyBubz Nasal Aspirator – a lot of people recommend the Nose Frida, but I like this one more because it’s less expensive, and it doesn’t require filters (that you have to replace)
- Homemade fleece blanket – my mom always makes these for her grandbabies, and they are always the favorite blanket. I’ve made them for several people, and many of them have told me that it’s been their child’s favorite blanket through toddlerhood
- Diapers and wipes
- Wubbanub
Anyways, here are responses from lots of different moms.
It might give you some ideas of some creative baby shower gift ideas or give you a little bit more direction in what to get!
First I’m going to provide a shortlist of the MOST mentioned items – just in case you don’t want to read through all the comments. However, I really wanted to share the real comments from moms, because some of them provide some great insight.
Most Popular Baby Gift Ideas
- A basket of assorted items – this was mentioned so many times! Moms loved getting a basket with some of their friends/family members most loved baby products (or things you just forget to get!). Things that were common to be included were infant medicines, gas drops, favorite diaper rash creams, etc. Here is a great list of ideas for a breastfeeding basket or new mom gift basket)
- NoseFrida
- Some kind of sleep sack or velcro swaddle
- Diapers and wipes
- Gift cards
- Muslin Blankets
- Diaper Bag (my personal favorite is this one from Peke-buo!
- Knit Swaddles (Lou Lou and Co and Copper Pearl are very popular)
- Things they actually registered for
- White noise machine (we LOVE the Hatch Baby Rest)
- Something sentimental
- Newborn photography session
More Ideas
Okay, none of these things were mentioned below, but they are things that I either LOVE or that I have seen mentioned by moms in the past.
- Diaper sampler pack from Diaper Dabbler – this is a fun gift that helps moms to figure out what diapers they like best!
- Bottle sampler pack
- Mammaroo
- A journal from Promptly Journals – they have great childhood journals, postpartum journals, and more.
- Nipple soothing pads
- Pregnancy Subscription boxes (or a baby subscription box)
- Windi
- Nested Bean Swaddle
- Miracle 360 Sippy Cups
- Bowls with suction cups
- StitchFix Gift Card (either for maternity clothes or for clothes after the baby is born)
- Kindred Bravely Gift Card
Some of the items listed below are kind of bigger ticket items – which make for great group gifts.
I was so grateful for the group gifts that I was given because they were for items that would be stretching our budget further than we liked.
So if you can organize a group gift – it is almost always appreciated!
Also – a few people mentioned breastfeeding items, which are AWESOME. However, I would make sure the mom is planning to breastfeed, first 🙂
Best Baby Gifts
“I loved fuzzy blankets for the baby” – Ashley
“Swaddles with Velcro! Those saved my life” – Nikki
“I like to gift stuff people usually tend to need and run to get in the middle of the night sometimes….
In a small basket that they could easily have access to in their bedroom” – Paola
“Honestly, my favorite gifts I received were items that were actually on my registry!! And gift cards to the stores I was registered at.” – Kaelyn
“Someone did postpartum things for me and I’ve seen it at showers and it’s great! Like pads, and ice packs/padsicles, Tucks Pads, Dermoplast, hydrocortisone. Anything I needed was already there.” – Amelia
“I had everyone bring a book instead of a card. It built up her bookshelf and everyone wrote a little message in it so each book is from someone we love. Also, the most helpful thing was diapers. We made a big spa gift basket and you were entered to win it by bringing a pack of diapers. I left with a closet FULL of diapers of all sizes and literally didn’t need to buy any until she was like 9 months old.” – Megan (check out our free diaper raffle printables here)
“I got a certificate to pick out a tree to plant. Also got a gift certificate for a photo session. Loved both!” – Cathy
“If they are planning to breastfeed- breastfeeding themed basket, with the La Leche League book (it’s a must!), nursing pads, nursing bra/tank, lanolin, snacks, water bottle, some encouraging notes for the middle of the night meltdowns 😝😍” – Megan
“Realistic things that most people don’t get you for baby and postpartum,
- Thermometer
- Infant Ibuprofen and Tylenol
- Teething meds
- Popsicles
- One free homemade meal delivered coupon
- One free babysitting to go grocery shopping coupon
- Heating pad or ice packs” – Megan
“I almost always give people diapers and wipes if we’re not super close (like coworkers). I liked getting those. My baby is almost six months old, and I’m nowhere near running out. I only had to buy some newborns in the beginning because she was premature and I didn’t have many newborns. People I’m closer to, I’ll shop off the registry. Occasionally pick out an outfit or two to go with.” – Courtney
“Laundry detergent and snacks.” – Dollie
“A leather baby jacket, completely impractical but I love it.” – Kitty
“I always include one of these guys (BabyBum Diaper Cream Brush) with baby gifts!” – Brienne
“I love the rock n play I got. Used it every day and still use it with my second child.” – Brandy
“Same with the books!!! Oogiebear was they most used baby item I received and loved! I also give Tylenol, Zarbees agave cold, gas drops. Things you forget to think about! Diapers. Diapers. Diapers.” – Caitlyn
“I really liked when people bought off my registry. It took me a lot of time to make it and figure out what I needed/wanted. I honestly liked gift cards a lot too so I could pick things out that I still needed” – Lily
“Nose Frida, swaddle blankets from Lou Lou company, baby lotion, diapers! Wipes!” – Cindy
“Things you don’t know you need until you need them… gripe water, gas drops, infant Tylenol, nose Freida… love books instead of cards-thankful my sisters did that for me! Gift cards are always good-even ones for groceries or restaurants for mom and dad!” – Amanda
“My favorite thing I got was a handmade box for all of Gavins books. Inside were a few things and 2 crocheted blankets. Hand made things mean so much to me. And I’m giving my cousin a diaper cake for her shower and it turned out so adorable and it has a lot of nice things in it.” – Kori
“I think the neatest thing I got was a garment bag to use for socks! I would’ve never thought of that, no more dryer eating socks.” – Jessica (several agreed with this one)
“ROCK N PLAY! Never knew how much I’d love that thing.” – Sami
“Mommy Hook 😊” – Laurie
“My boppy pillow!! I couldn’t live without it!” – Amanda
“Wild bird ring sling” – Megan
“An extra car seat base for my husband’s car so we can just move his seat back and forth without taking out the base. I didn’t get this but it was in my registry and I used a gift card for it, but a white noise machine. Baby doesn’t sleep without it and now we’ve gotten used to sleeping with white noise. Also, my sister got me an Instant Pot. I thought it was totally weird but it was SO. WORTH. IT. The pot not only makes cooking easier but also can sterilize. I have become obsessed and cook with it at least 4 times a week.” – Miranda
“Best big gifts: glider, auto rock ‘n’ play, car seat stroller combo
Best little gifts: diapers, wipes, Aquaphor healing balm, a personalized outfit with baby’s name on it.” – Brittany
“FREEZER MEALS! or a grocery store gift card 😁” – Rachel
“I like to give BFing goodies-storage bags, nipple cream, soft nursing bras, etc and a set of Lansinoh mOmma bottles. I feel like there were hidden costs to BFng for something that is supposed to be the *free* option, especially if you’re not able to EXCLUSIVELY BF… “- Caits
“Muslin blankets” – Kate
“I love making diaper cakes .” – Megan (here is a great tutorial on how to make a diaper cake)
“I registered for this (Boppy Newborn Lounger) because I thought it was cute but wasn’t sure I’d really use it. It was the one thing I absolutely couldn’t have lived without the first few months, I cried when my son outgrew it! I have gifted it to two mommies since and both have awarded me best gift giver!
“I also love the photo session gift certificate. I didn’t do a newborn shoot because I thought they were too expensive and I totally regret it now.” – Jessica
“Definitely the travel system” – Olivia
“Anything that was ACTUALLY from my registry. (So, like 3 of the total gifts I got.)
And honestly, the advice card sign-ins that we did are my favorite thing to re-read now. ❤❤” – Kimberly
“I like to give this, and we actually got it as well. We are very outdoorsy people and go places and camp a lot. – Shannan (Cabela’s Portable Baby High Chair)
“The best I got was the Rock ‘n Play. The best I’ve given was a newborn photo session.”
“Diapers! And personal favorite was from my cousin she gave me a sweater and hat our grandmother who had passed crocheted for her daughter. It was such a sweet moment knowing it was one of the last things she made before she got sick.” – Kristen
“My favorite gifts were a blanket that my aunt made before she passed away (my grandma gave one to me and my sister for our LO’s) and I had everyone bring a book (used or new) instead of a card and write a little note for baby inside it. Filled up his bookshelf with lots of good books and nice thoughts from friends/family. Both are pictured.” – Ashley
“A personalized piggy bank and hand painted sign for the nursery.”
“I didn’t receive any breastfeeding supplies/cover ups/shirts milk storage bags or storage bottle none of that and it has been really expensive to try and get all of those things before my daughter comes. I would have loved to have gotten some stuff for nursing” – Alicia
“Boppy, Nested Bean sleep sack, velcro swaddle blankets, baby carrier, and her Skip Hop night light/noise machine. All life savers!!!” – Angie
“Halo sacks! You can still change baby without having to undo the whole thing.” – Jennifer
“Sleep sacks, NoseFrida, baby gowns were awesome for middle of the night diaper changes, milk storage bags, wubbanub, milk snob.” – Brittany
“Rocking Chair” – Nancy
“I bought these later, but wish I had from the start. Nose Frida, MediFrida, Tylenol, Haakaa, Avent bottles, pacifiers with the animals attached and the Halo bassinet.” – Jen
“Handmade baby quilts/blankets!! Hands down!! But we received A TON of receiving blankets, way more than needed.
I would have loved if more people bought us big stuff… cause we were so poor… like if they would have added their funds together to buy us that double stroller we needed, that would have been awesome. Just sayin’.
But, our in-laws bought us car seats, someone else got us a swing, my SIL gifted us her old glider chair, double electric breast pump, and a crib!! Totally amazing!!
Because otherwise, we got a lot of clothes (more than we need honestly!! Even with twins!! At least for the first 6 months worth of clothing needs) and diapers (totally needed).
I am glad people didn’t buy us a lot of baby toys and things though. Most don’t get played with. I did love our playmat though!” – Katelyn from What’s Up, Fagans
“My must-haves are my daughter’s white noise machine, dr. brown bottles, books and play mat. We also got this little glow sea horse that has a soft light in its belly that plays music and my daughter has loved that thing.” – Chloe
“Ready-made hospital bag.” – Katy
“Nursing and pumping supplies” – Jamie (here are some pumping must-haves)
“The boppy lounger. I register for it by mistake and someone send it to us. I was thinking of returning it but with a unexpected csection didn’t have time.. i use it everyday! Also gas gripe water .. as first time mom didn’t know what it was but a fiend gave it to me and told me to keep it handy well st 2 weeks middle of night baby super uncomfortable i do quick google search to see what I Can do to help and it was first thing recommended. Life savior as it was exactly what baby needed. From now on everyone that have baby will get this from me.” – Loydred
“I always love to give a big gift basket of bath essentials wrapped up in the bathtub they registered for. Soaps, lotions, towels, washcloths, hooded towels, rubber duckies, and fun bath toys.” – Madi
“Gift cards were my favorite thing. I saved them and used them to buy some of the bigger items.” – Heather
“Haaka, sleep sacks, Freida stuff, snuggle me, kindred braverly breast pads.” – Katherine
“A friend of mine gave me a basket full of her favorite baby things like shampoo, Tylenol, hooded towels, diaper rash cream. And another friend gave me a few things for myself, face masks and comfy socks…that was nice.” – Randi
“A box of my husband’s baby things form my mother in law. His blanket, mobile, books, etc.” – Karoline
“Baby sheets and mattress protector. But mainly for the advice that came with them:
Layer your mattress protector/sheet/mattress protector/sheet/Mattress protector/sheet. This was when there is a diaper over flow or spit up you just rip off a layer and move on… this is AMAZING at 3 am let me tell ya!” – Erin
“Moby wrap, muslin blankets, halo sleep sack, rock and play” – Laurel
“The sleeper rocker bassinet. I’ve used it with all three of my boys.”
“Rock ‘n’ Play has been a life saver in my office! I love my stroller car seat combo I got. Diapers and wipes, bath sets so I have both big and small sets. My sister bought a small plastic storage set and put the different sized clothes in each of the drawers. But probably the best thing I got and well it didn’t come from my baby shower was my own hospital go home outfit from when I was a baby. My daughter also wore it home from the hospital. It’s now packed away for her one day.” – Michelle
“NoseFrida, diapers, care package for mom for after delivery (ice packs, dermoplast, tucks pads, stool softeners, overnight pads, breast pads, nipple cream, protein bars, snacks, water bottle etc…)” – Mindy
“Haakaa” – izzie
“Mirror for the car so I could see the baby in his car seat and an activity toy for the carseat.” – Brittany
“Car seat/stroller combo” – Mackenzie
“My breast friend! I had no idea those existed until after I was passed the first few months and it would have seriously made a huge difference for me! Haakaa is my second thing. I could have saved SO MUCH milk had I known about that. My non-feeding breast would literally squirt out milk while my daughter was nursing on the other side” – Cristina
“We did books with a signed message inside instead of cards” – Chelsey
“Diapers, breastfeeding supplies (milk bags go so quickly!!), things you need down the road (sippy cups, bigger diapers, bath toys, etc)” – Amanda
“Ergo carrier or wrap”
“Humidifier! So practical and use it every night.”
Hi, Thanks for sharing the useful information. I was looking for a gift for my friend’s baby shower on next Saturday could you suggest me the best teethers, which can helps baby at the time of teething. I am confused between SO’PURE CIRCLE TEETHER and SO’PURE RING TEETHER.
Hello! I’m so glad this was helpful. I actually am not familiar with those teething rings – this is the one I always like!
My how times have changed. Every babyshower I go to I am so surprised by all the new products for baby and for mom. (My baby is 32 now I must add). However, I still enjoy making a personalized gift like a blanket or bootees and beanies and burp cloths.
Great post .These are such an a gifts….Love it, thanks for sharing, I was looking for a useful resource for my friend’s baby shower on next Saturday could you please recommend me some parenting books , which helps in educating her on what she was going on with her body and what she needed to be prepared for…
I am a big fan of the “What to Expect” series as far as books go. They were really helpful to me! I also recommend The Online Prenatal Class – It’s great for pregnancy!
These are great ideas. I’m going to a baby shower soon, so this will come in handy!
These are such great ideas! I agree with so many of them! I haven’t heard of a few of them but I’ll have to check them out!