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Chex Mix Muddy Buddies S’mores Bites & Indoor Family Activities

Need a quick and easy dessert recipe? These Chex Mix Muddy Buddies S’mores Bites are sure to be a huge hit! They only take a few minutes to make and they are so fun. We’re also sharing a few of our favorite indoor family activities. Perfect for winter!

With the exception of a few places, I’m pretty sure most of the country is experiencing bad weather. We are in North Carolina, where it’s been raining a bunch. And back in Colorado? Deep freeze. I keep seeing my friends and family put up posts about how there’s so much snow. I’ve had family members get stranded over night because the roads have been so bad.

Because it’s so miserable outside so often this time of year, it’s good to try and find some fun indoor activities to keep your family from going too crazy. I personally have a lot of fun

Some of these activities are at home, while a few of them require driving somewhere. However, they all are sure to bring about some great family memories.


1) Make Treats!


I’ve mentioned several times how much I enjoy making treats during the holidays. Every day I come up with a different idea of something I want to make! It’s fun to do with your family and get the kids involved.

And if you don’t want to gain weight during the holidays, then put together some goodie plates to take to friends and neighbors. This is a great way to serve others! If you want to make it even more fun for your kids, then you could ding dong ditch the people you bring the treats to.

You could also make these fun Chex Mix Muddy Buddies S’mores bites. They are super simple and everyone will enjoy making (and eating) them. As we were eating them, we felt like they tasted like little bites of S’mores.

Five Fun Indoor Family Activities

Five Fun Indoor Family Activities

Yield: 0


  • 2/3 cup hazelnut spread with cocoa
  • 1/3 cup milk chocolate chips
  • 2 cups Chex Mix Muddy Buddies, any flavors - we used Cookies and Cream
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans
  • 16 large marshmallows
  • 16 to othpicks


  1. Line cookie sheet with waxed paper.
  2. In medium microwavable bowl, microwave hazelnut spread and milk chocolate chips uncovered on High about 30 seconds or until mixture can be stirred smooth.
  3. Place snack mix and pecans in shallow dish.
  4. Insert toothpicks into marshmallows; dip into chocolate mixture and cover.
  5. Roll in snack mix to coat almost completely.
  6. Place on cookie sheet.
  7. Refrigerate about 30 minutes or until chocolate is set.

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We just made some today, and they were a lot of fun. There are so many different flavors of Chex Mix Muddy Buddies you can make them with, too:

Cookies & Cream
Brownie Supreme
Peanut Butter & Chocolate
Limited Edition Snickerdoodle
Limited Edition Peppermint Bark

2) Movie Night

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I always enjoy watching movies with my family. Before Christmas, it was fun to curl up on the couch and watch a different Christmas-themed movie each night – some of them were cheesy Hallmark channel films and others were classics like the Santa Claus. But there’s just something so fun about having a movie night! While it can be fun to go to the movie theater, movie nights at home are even better!

Movie nights can be pretty simple – pop some popcorn (using a popcorn maker is always way more fun than just a bag of microwave popcorn), make some fun drinks – like this Starbucks Caramel Apple Cider, and have simple treats like Chex Mix Muddy Buddies. There are so many fun flavors that everyone can enjoy – Forrest and I really enjoyed the limited edition Snickerdoodle kind, as well as the Brownie Supreme. We also love having these for snacks since they are made with corn Chex (not wheat, so Jack can have them.

To make it even  more fun, you could have a movie marathon. You could either watch themed movies – like a bunch of Harry Potter movies in a row – or just let everyone pick one movie to watch. Then, consider making a fort for the kids (and the kids at heart) to watch the movie.

3) Puzzles

I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t feel like the holiday season if there isn’t at least one puzzle broken out. Puzzles can be a relaxing way to just visit with others. Unlike playing games, there’s not a big competition, and it’s just a fun, non-stressful activity.

We got these really awesome Disney wooden puzzles for Jack for Christmas, and he’s LOVED them. They are perfect for his age, and they seem very durable. Since he can’t really do bigger puzzles with us, we like to pull this one out so he can be involved to.

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4) Game Night

I LOVE games. Whenever I have a choice of something to do with family, it’s games. On New Year’s Eve, I always enjoy playing games all night long. It does encourage some competition – so you have to be careful not to get too competitive – but they can be a lot of fun. I have a lot of memories of rousing games of Clue or Scattegories with  my family. We’ve been slowly building up our collection of games, and it’s fun that Jack is starting to be able to play some of them now. Here are a few of my favorite family games:

5) Indoor Mini Golf

We spent Christmas at the miniature golf capital – Myrtle Beach. It was crazy to me how many different courses there were! On our last day in Myrtle Beach, we finally went to one of them. I forgot how much I enjoy mini golf. I may not be that great at it, but it’s fun to do. We took Jack, and after a few holes, he really started getting the hang of it. He was so excited whenever he was able to hit the ball in the hole!

I realize that most places in the country aren’t exactly warm enough to do outdoor mini golf, so finding an indoor mini golf course is a fun winter activity. We LOVE going to glow in the dark mini golf places. There was one in Provo that we would go to quite often that was indoor and glow in the dark, and for whatever reason, it was always so much more fun.

6) Skittle Bowling

I’m a big fan of bowling. We don’t go as often as I would like, but whenever we do, it’s a lot of fun. For some reason, I always associate bowling with the holidays! I remember going with some of my cousins after Thanksgiving or Christmas several times growing up. To make it even more fun, you can do skittle bowling! It’s a great way to mix things up and make everyone act a little sillier. Here’s how you play:

Pour a bag of Skittles into a cup. Before each person’s turn, they pick a Skittle (without looking) out of a cup. Whatever skittle you get determines what you have to do as you bowl. Here are some ideas for different color Skittles – though you can make up your own if you want (idea from here.)

  • Green: Bowl with your non-dominate hand
  • Red: Throw between your legs
  • Yellow: Granny-style bowling
  • Purple: Bowl with a ramp
  • Orange: Invent a new way to throw

Other ideas:

  • Hop to the line
  • Bowl with your eyes closed
  • Bowl normally
  • Sing a song as you bowl
  • Stand backwards and bowl under your legs

This post was sponsored by Chex Mix Muddy Buddies. I was compensated for the post and provided with a sample of the product. All opinion is 100% my own. 

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