Peaches and Cream Rice Pudding Recipe

Peaches and Cream Rice Pudding

About a week ago, Forrest brought home some peaches from the store. They had been on sale, and he thought they would be great in a few different dishes.

I’ve been meaning to make some rice pudding for awhile now, but by the time dinner is over, I’m really just kind of exhausted. Forrest suggested I make some peaches and cream rice pudding, which I thought sounded great.

When I wasn’t so tired!

However, Jack kept asking me to, so the other night, I finally got around to it. It was still late at night, so I apologize for the lighting in the pictures. But hopefully they will entice you enough to want to eat it!

And every time I make rice pudding, I wonder why I don’t make it more often. It’s safe to say it’s one of my very favorite desserts. It’s so creamy and comforting!

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I also love that you can make just a few adjustments to make a totally new flavor.

As I mentioned, Forrest thought I should come up with a peaches and cream rice pudding. I loved this vanilla bean rice pudding recipe, so I used that as the base that I adjusted.

I prefer using almond milk, so that’s what I used in this recipe. However, you are welcome to use whatever kind of milk you want.

I was trying to decide what I should do to make it taste more creamy, so I turned to one of my favorite products – coffee creamer. Even though I don’t drink coffee, I think it’s an awesome product.

I went to the store, and I found some Italian Sweet Cream coffee cream, and it sounded absolutely perfect.

It worked awesome in this recipe. I am convinced now that the secret to perfect rice pudding is using coffee creamer in place of some of the milk. Because it is sweet to begin with, you don’t need to add any additional sugar. I can’t wait to try some other flavors!

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I also picked up some Arborio rice – after all my research on rice pudding, this is apparently the best rice. In Ashton’s recipe, she suggests using vanilla bean paste, which I think is a great suggestion. I purchased some awhile back, and it’s one of my favorite ingredients.

It’s a fairly easy recipe to make – you just have to watch the pot closely. I’m really wanting to learn how to make this in the Instant Pot soon!

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We all LOVED it. In fact, it disappeared too quickly.

Peaches and Cream Rice Pudding

Peaches and Cream Rice Pudding


  • 3 cups almond milk, regular milk is fine, too.
  • 2 cups Italian sweet cream coffee creamer
  • 1 1/2 cups Arborio rice
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract
  • 2 large peaches, diced


  1. Add milk, rice, and vanilla to a pot.
  2. Bring to a boil, whisking the entire time to prevent it from burning.
  3. Once it reaches a boil, bring it down to a simmer and let simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until it is thick and creamy.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in diced peaches.
  5. Serve immediately or refrigerate for later. It tastes great cold or heated up!

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