
Perfect Gluten Free Corn Bread Recipe

This gluten free corn bread recipe is absolutely perfect! You’d never know it wasn’t made with regular flour (though you can use white flour for great results as well.) It’s perfectly crumbly and moist, and perfect for chilis, soups, or just for a snack!

Gluten free corn bread recipe out there.

Gluten Free Corn Bread Recipe

Gluten Free Corn Bread Recipe

Yield: 0


  • ½ cup butter
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup buttermilk, or 1 cup preferred milk + 1 tablespoon lemon juice, mixed together and let to set for 1 minute
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 1 cup Gluten Free Flour, You can use regular flour too
  • ½ teaspoon salt


  1. Heat oven to about 300 degrees.
  2. Put butter in a 9x13 baking dish. Place in oven until butter is melted.
  3. When you remove the melted butter, turn oven to 385 degrees.
  4. Mix together white sugar with butter, and then beat eggs in until blended.
  5. Mix together baking soda and buttermilk, and mix into the dish.
  6. Add cornmeal, flour, and salt and mix until everything is combine.
  7. Smooth batter.
  8. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean.


I think that corn bread is one of my favorite breads to make and eat. Last summer when my sister-in-law got married, they had corn bread (along with Eastern North Carolina BBQ and other delicious Southern fare) at their wedding reception, and I couldn’t get enough of it. That was probably a good thing, because there was a ton left over, and we ate lots of it over the next week while we were in North Carolina. I definitely didn’t complain.

While corn bread usually seems like a fall-type food to me, the other day I really wanted to make Taco Chili (which I’ll share soon.) At first I was just going to serve it with chips, but as I was making it, I realized that I thought it should be a crime to serve chili without corn bread. So, I pulled out my cheddar jalapeno corn bread recipe. I wasn’t in the mood for cheddar or jalapeno – just good ol’ classic corn bread.

Gluten Free Corn Bread Recipe

It was crumbly, yet soft, and it was just moist enough. There is such a balance when it comes to making sure corn bread isn’t too dry or too moist. We went to a chili cook last year, and one of the corn breads that was there seemed like it wasn’t even done. That was definitely not at the top of my list!

I love when I can make something gluten free, and it tastes just like it’s gluten-filled counterpart. So many gluten free recipes don’t turn out that great for me, so when I find ones that do…they make it into my permanent collection. This one definitely will. I’ve made it using both Namaste Perfect Flour Blend, as well as Pamela’s, so I’d recommend using one of those when making this recipe!

Perfect Flour Blend

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