20+ of The Best Water Activities for Kids of All Ages
Here is a list of over 20 water games for kids that will keep your children (of all ages) occupied for HOURS.

Water Games for Kids
We have been loving being able to spend so much time outside lately!
I’m even starting to look a little bit tan (and that’s saying something because I’m usually so pasty white).
As much as I enjoy spending time outside with my kiddos and family/friends, it can get rather toasty! And let’s just say I don’t handle heat very well, and neither do my boys.
Fortunately, water activities are aplenty during the summer, and it can keep everyone from feeling overheated. We love to host get-togethers with people where the main event involves water (and food, of course). We have a pretty nice backyard for hosting, so you better believe we’ve been using it lots this summer.
We have some of our favorite activities, but I thought I would share a collection of water activities for all different ages. Some of them are water games and others are just creative ways to use water. Either way, your family is sure to be feeling nice and cool all summer long with these!
Fun Water Activities
Slip n’ Slide
I don’t know about you, but I always dreamed about having a slip ‘n slide as a child…but I never had one. Ha! However, I think it’s such a fun and simple way for kiddos to have fun outside.
We recently got the WOW Super Slide from Sam’s Club – it’s 25 feet long, and it comes with two Super Sleds, which are SO fun for racing. Jack and his cousin, Benji, had a blast. Can’t you tell?

I’ve never seen such a long one before, but it’s definitely worth getting. Our boys have spent hours out on it!

They have tons of other fun outdoor activities at Sam’s Club (both for dry and wet activities), which you can see in the video below. They even have great outdoor furniture!
Slip ‘n Slide Kickball

This is taking your everyday slip ‘n slide up a notch and turning it into a team sport! We have played this several times, and it really never gets old.
You can use the Super Slide that we had above for an extra fun time! Be sure to check out our latest post where we feature this fun game – DIY Slip ‘n Slide Kickball: The Best Water Game for All Ages!
Water Balloon Volleyball
This is something that reminds me of pretty much every BBQ I attended growing up. Someone always seemed to have water balloon volleyball set up.
All you need is:
- Volleyball net
- Large beach towels
- Filled water balloons (I highly recommend these buncha balloons – so much easier to fill!)
Usually, you’ll have four sets of two people on each side (so eight people per team), and each set has a beach towel. Each person in a set will hold to ends of the towel, and they launch water balloons to the other side. If you are on the other side, you try and catch it. You go back and forth until someone drops it!
Water Balloon Toss
Very simple game – this just requires one water balloon person set of people.
Water Table
We recently bought Oliver and Jack a water table, and they absolutely LOVE it. It provides hours of fun outside for them. There are tons of different ones available, and I’ve even seen some DIY ones on Pinterest.
You can check out some different options on Amazon here.
Duck Races
Who doesn’t love a good duck race? Grab some gutters, fill them with water, and blow your duck to success!
Water Blasters
These just require pool noodles and some PVC pipe, and they make for some great outdoor water spraying. I am definitely going to be making some of these soon!
Full tutorial can be read here.
Water Guns
These are a favorite of my little boys – and you can get them for really cheap if you want! I actually really enjoy squirting a water gun as well. Just make sure you tell your kids (and remind them about a million times) – only body shots!
If you want to take it up a notch, you can encourage a game of water gun tag. You play the same way you play tag, but instead of tagging someone with your hand, you can tag them with the stream of water.
Here are some great water guns if you don’t have any!
Kiddy Pool
Outside fun doesn’t need to be complicated or over-planned. I think most of us grew up spending the summer in our kiddy pools in the backyard. We would always put an old slide from our trampoline into ours, which made it extra fun. Kids don’t seem to mind that the water always seems extra cold in the beginning!
Pass the Water
For this game, you just need some cups filled with water. Everyone on a team line up and the person in the front pours the water over their head into the cup behind them. You just keep it going until you get to the last person!
Pool Noodle Sprinkler
This is a hanging noodle that sprays water out of it. Perfect for hanging in the tree for a cool down! Full instructions here.
Marble Water Slide
I absolutely LOVED this idea! All you need are a few simple materials, and it will provide hours of fun. Full instructions here.
Duck, Duck, Splash
This is Duck, Duck, Goose with a wet twist on it. Love it! Here are the instructions.
Water Balloon baseball
This sounds like a BLAST! I think my baseball-loving family would love it. It’s a perfect way to cool down and still play a fun game. Full instructions are here.
Sponge Bombs
These are a great way to cool down, and you can make it into a fun game of tag as well. Full instructions here.
Water Balloon Races
For this one you need:
- Wooden spoons
- Filled water balloons
It basically functions the same as an egg race, but you use a water balloon on the wooden spoon instead. You race against competitors to see who can get their water balloon to the other end without dropping it!
Splash Pad
These are garnering more popularity across the country! We just had one open just a few minutes from our house, and you’d better believe we have been spending A LOT of time at ours. They are a great way to cool down and play in the water without getting in the pool.
You can get a backyard one here!
Fill the Bucket
This is a fun relay race that children of all ages can participate in. You will need:
- Buckets
- Large sponges
- Water
The point of the game is to the water from your bucket and fill up another bucket on the otherwise of a field with water from the sponge. You can check out the full rules here.
Sponge Darts
This looks like one my boys would love! You draw dart rings with chalk and try to get a bullseye. Full instructions can be found here.
Water Knee Hockey Rink
This one requires a little more prep work, but I could see creating HOURS of fun for the whole family. It costs less than $20 (and only about $5 if you already own a tarp). Full instructions can be found here.
Water Balloon Piñatas
This mom did a fun backyard water party for her son’s birthday party. At the end of the post, she mentions how she made water balloon piñatas for the kids to burst, and I thought it was such a smart idea! You can check out that (and all her other fun ideas) here.
Giant Kiddie Pool Bubbles
They have something similar to this at our local children’s museum, but this is a lot cheaper to do at home! My kids absolutely love this. Full instructions here.
Cup Races
Do you have some competitive children? This is another racing game they’ll love! You just need some water guns plastic cups and string, and it looks pretty easy to do. Full instructions can be found here.
Frozen T-Shirt Race
For this one, you just need to get a bunch of t-shirts wet, fold them up, and freezer them in the freezer (put a piece of wax paper in between them). The object of the game is to have competitors unfold a t-shirt and be the first one to put it on!
Water Blob
Water blobs were all the rage a few summers ago. They are pretty fun! I loved this tutorial for mini water blobs. Perfect for lounging by the sprinkler!
Kiddie Car Wash
Well, you could just wash the family car…most kids seem to love that! But this would be a little more fun for the kids I think. They could even start a little business 😉 Full instructions here.
Water Balloon Games
This post has 20 fun games involving a water balloon – instead of trying to recap them here, I’m just going to recommend you hop over there to check out what they have to offer!
Great ideas! I picked up a cheap slip n’ slide at the dollar store because my daughters two and I wasn’t sure if she’d like it. We had a blast! Now I want a better one. That slip n’ slide from Sams Club looks like fun, I might have to get it!
A mini water blob? I’m sure my kids would love that! Thanks for all these fun ideas, Katie!