35+ LDS Relief Society Activity Ideas
Are you planning a Relief Society Activity? Here are 30+ Fun Relief Society activity ideas your congregation will LOVE!

If you have been in charge of planning LDS Relief Society Activities then you know how much time and effort can go into it.
Some might agree that deciding what the activity should be in the first place- is the hardest part!
With so many women in the Relief Society, it is hard to please everyone and to come up with activities that all will love.
Something that I think is important to remember is that not everyone will like what is planned.
You can only do your best when counseling together as a committee and deciding what the needs of your sisters are. Different activities and types of activities might be geared more toward different age groups- but the beauty is that as women in the church, we can all come together and partake if we want to!
We are sharing an ultimate list of activity ideas.
Not every activity has to be over the top, it can be simple! Don’t discount an idea just because it might seem overdone, too difficult, or too basic. No matter what, at least one sister will get something that she needed out of it – and that should be reason enough to consider all your options.
Skill Classes
Find those in your ward who are talented in different areas and ask them to teach a class. You could have several 10-15 minute stations where everyone gets to go to each class. Different ideas could include:
- How to ice sugar cookies
- How to cut hair (such as how to cut your children’s – here are our tips for cutting a baby boy’s hair)
- How to hem (here is an easy hemming method)
- How to change a flat tire
- How to braid
- How to use Social Media
- How to lead music
Family History and Indexing
Have 2-3 rotations. One where someone teaches the basics of Indexing (consider asking youth to do it!), another where someone goes over the different Family History apps the church has and how to use them, and one class where someone talks about journaling, photo books, memory books, and ways to preserve photos.
This blog has great ideas on how to do this activity.
Exchanging Gifts
This is popular during the holidays but you could do it at any time of the year. Have each person bring one of their favorite things ($3-5 limit) and then do a gift exchange where each person goes home with someone else’s gift. Have the group sit in a circle and draw names. Then everyone watches as each gift is open to give the person the opportunity to share why that is their favorite thing. This is a great activity to get to know each other. The gifts could be store-bought or homemade.
Soup and Swap
Have people bring things from their homes that they would donate or are wanting to get rid of and set it all up in the gym. Everyone can then go through the treasures and take what they need/want. Have people sign up to bring soups to eat to complete the activity!
- Slow Cooker Lasagna Soup
- Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup
- Better-Than-Panera Tomato Basil Soup
- Creamy Chicken Enchilada Soup and Cream of Whatever Soup
Delicious Pie Night
Have those who would like to bring pies (store-bought or homemade) along with the recipe if applicable. Have a pie-tasting night and visit.
Invite a yoga instructor to come and teach the ladies basic yoga moves. This might seem to be geared toward the younger crowd, but encourage those of all ages to attend. The instructor could teach different breathing techniques and those who wish could do some of the movements by sitting in a chair instead of doing it on the ground.
This was an activity we did in our ward and the instructor happened to be LDS. During the cooldown, she gave a quick spiritual thought that brought the whole thing together. It was a favorite activity for many!
Couponing and Scone Making
Invite someone to teach a 30-minute course on coupons and saving money. It could be as basic as going over some of the best money-saving apps that people can find on their phones. You could do this as a stand-alone activity – or do a play on words and have some sort of bread-making scone-making demonstration in the second half. Saving money and making “dough”.
Service Auction
This blog does a great job of explaining how one might work.
Professional Organizer
Invite a professional organizer or someone who knows their stuff- to teach a class on tips and tricks to stay organized.
Witches Night Out
Group Therapy
Not all activities have to be fun and exciting. It’s important to meet the needs of the sisters in all sorts of ways. Find a professional therapist to come and talk about certain subjects that might pertain to those in your ward.
Some ideas might include:
- Marriage
- Health and Fitness
- Finance professional
- Pornography
- Depression
Cupcake Wars
Divide into groups and have each team make, design, and decorate their cupcakes. Have everyone bring different ingredients, toppings, frosting, etc. Have a member of the Bishopric, the Young Men or Young Women be the judges.
Making Scripture Study More Exciting
Come up with ideas for making scripture study more exciting (blogs or social media accounts to follow, instruction guides, etc.) and go over them as a group.
Creating Friendships
Set up long tables so one person is sitting on each side across from another. Set a time for 1-2 minutes and during that time those sitting across from one another get to chat and get to know another. Include questions or prompts for people to use to break the ice.
There are more great ideas and visuals from this blog.
Gift Wrapping Ideas
Have someone do a demonstration on different gift-wrapping techniques.
Meal planning
Tips and tricks on how to meal plan (here are some of our favorite meal planning tips)
Cookies and Convo
Have everyone bring their favorite cookies and sit around and visit.
Mingle Bingo
This is a fun mixer game! Everyone is given a BINGO card, and they have to mark one person off for each item on the BINGO chart. When they get a BINGO, they get a small treat – and whoever gets a blackout first gets a bigger prize (like a delicious candy bar!)
I made this Mingle BINGO chart for an upcoming activity. You can click here to signup to get the printable sent straight to your email.

Minute to Win-it Games
This blog has a great list of ideas you could choose from!
Service Activities:
- Tie quilts
- Check with your local hospital to see what needs they have
- Clean the nursery toys
- Write letters to the Missionaries in your ward
- Compile “new move in” kits for those in your ward (information on the ward, favorite places to eat, movies theaters, etc.)
Freezer meals
Compile freezer meals to be kept on hand for those in need in your ward. Beforehand send around a sign up with all the ingredients and amounts and have people sign up for what they can bring (1 bag of cheese, 2 onions, 1 can of cream of mushroom soup, etc.)
Scatter Sunshine Activity
Sip and Paint Night
Canvas painting and lemonade or soda drinking with different flavor syrups to add-in.
Back to School Activity
Self Defense Class
Invite a police officer or other qualified person to teach basic self-defense techniques. Invite the Young Women and their leaders to come, too!
This Little Piggy Activity
Card Making and Crunchy Snacks
Have different stations set up with different types of cards you can make? Have everyone bring a “crunchy” (popcorn, carrots, chips, etc.) snack to share.
Drops of Awesome Activity
Gratitude Gala
Garden Party
Visit different sisters’ homes to see their garden, learn more about plants, flowers, etc.
In Her Shoes Activity
We are actually doing this one next week for our Relief Society! I’m super excited.
Italian Soda Bar
Have different sodas, syrups, etc set up to enjoy and taste?
The Happiness Project
What has been your favorite Relief Society activity idea? Be sure to comment below!
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We would like to have the site to purchase the Birthday banner, and the cupcake toppers, pretty please, could you help us
Thank you so much
We’re so sorry! The company is no longer in business!
I want more info on “In your shoes activity” It would not open! Please!
Thank you!
We are so sorry, the website that the link was from was deleted. The idea is to have each person bring a pair of shoes and tell the story that goes along with them. It’s a great way to get to know more about each other!
I could not get the “In Her Shoes” activity to open. Basically, how does this activity work? I am curious. Thanks. Sandra.
This wouldn’t work for me either. Please let us know how to get the information on this activity.
Hi! We’re so sorry for some reason the website was deleted. The idea is to have each person bring a pair of shoes and tell what memory goes along with them. These could be their’s or a relative’s. I had a friend do this and she brought the shoes she wore on her mission while someone else brought a pair of their grandpa’s. It’s a really fun way to get to know each other!
I used these cupcakes for our Relief Society birthday celebration. I ordered the cupcakes from Sam’s Club. They were perfect and not too expensive. Katie posted a source for the toppers and that was a huge help!
Thanks for sharing! I’m so glad this worked out well for you!
Thank you so much for sharing all these activity ideas. Needed inspiration for activities this year.
f course!
Is there a free printable for the cute relief society cupcake topper.
I don’t have one – but if you email me, I might be able to help you out 🙂
LOVE this post! I had my dream calling of being the RS Activity Leader for a month and then we moved. Hopefully one day I’ll get to do it again!!