20+ Resources for Managing Social Distancing

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What a crazy couple of weeks! It seems like I keep hearing of another school being shut down or major organization or event being canceled (I just heard that the NCAA tournament was officially called off!).

We just got word that Jack’s school will be shut down starting next week. 

Whether you are taking the coronavirus seriously or not, it’s likely affecting your life in some way or another – even if it’s just that you can’t find toilet paper.

If you are like me, you’ve probably got tons of emails from anything you’ve ever been subscribed to letting you know what safety protocols they are taking!

Well, don’t worry – I won’t be outlining my family’s safety protocols – but I did want to share some resources that MIGHT be helpful to you right now. 

Food and Grocery Delivery Services – the stores are running out of a lot of things…and really, you might just be wanting to avoid them in general. Forrest put together this great list of all the online grocery delivery services that might be helpful right now. It seems like a lot of people are particularly interested in meat – Butcher Box is a good choice right now!

Amazon Store – we have LOTS of great products listed on our Amazon store. The three sections I would suggest paying the most attention to preparedness, our favorite games, and favorites for kids. Make sure you check out the Olly Ball. It is the PERFECT solution for kids that have to stay inside but are a bit rowdy. 

Tushy – I have mentioned this bidet attachment several times, but I think it’s valuable now more than ever! Toilet paper is sold out everywhere, and this helps you use up to 80% less. Use the code CLARKS for 10% off. We have two of these and love them – but we also have a few other brands listed in our Amazon store under-preparedness. 

Food Storage – Most food storage companies are on backorder right now. But if you decide to stock up later, Valley Food Storage has been our favorite that we’ve tried over the years. 

Force of Nature – This is another one that I’ve mentioned many times, but it is AMAZING for disinfecting and sanitizing. It will save you a lot of money in the long run, and it is effective against coronavirus. Use the code CLARKS for $45 off the starter kit (and check out our full review here). 

Suds2Go- I just bought this, and it’s on its way. It’s a great way to wash your hands with soap and water on the go. I can hardly wait for mine to arrive. You can get 10% off with the code CLARKS.

Berkey Water Filter – I don’t know if all the stockpiling of water is necessary for THIS virus, but I think it’s important to know that sometime, there might be a time where water could be contaminated. We have a Berkey filter and really like it. If you sign up for their email list, you should be able to get a coupon code. 

Grove Collaborative has hand sanitizer and other cleaning supplies.

Family Routines and The Organized Home – Why not get your home a little more in order right now? These are both great resources. Use the code CLARKS for 10% off

Aaptiv – This is my go-to exercise app, and there are a lot of workouts in it that require little to no equipment and can be done at home. They have a good free trial period, too.

For free workouts, my friend recommended Kristen Andrus and Pop Sugar workouts on YouTube.

Our doctor suggested getting a wifi-enabled otoscope that connects to your phone. This will allow you to take pictures to send to a doctor rather than actually going in. She also recommended a pulse oximeter (this will work for older kids and adults).

Since the stock market has been so crazy, definitely keep an eye on it. They always say buy low, sell high. While I wouldn’t do much now, consider signing up for Robin Hood. It’s an investing app I have been using lately, and we both get a free stock when you sign up through my link. It makes it easy to monitor, buy and trade stocks.

Learning Resources

Our school will be implementing remote learning. Not totally sure how that will go! But here are a few different resources you can use for learning. 

Creative Live – This is one of my favorite resources for learning creative skills. They have free and paid courses for SO many topics – photography, floral design, and much more. 

ABC Mouse – Great resource for Pre-k through about third grade. You can get 30 days free. 

Reading Eggs  – Free Trial 

Storyline Online – This is a fun resource where famous people read children’s books out loud. Pretty cool!

PBS Kids -. Their app has lots of great games and learning activities, and you can access all of their shows on the app or a streaming channel.

Piano Marvel – if you or your kids are stuck at home and need something to do – why not learn how to play the piano (or brush up on your skills). We LOVE Piano Marvel, and you can read our review here. The code CLARKS will get discount it to $12.99 a month.

Take virtual tours of museums online around the world

Learn to Read in 30 Days – Get 10% off through our link. I use this with Oliver, and it really works! It’s great for new or hesitant readers. 

Dribble Up – Tons of sports and activities are being canceled. This is a great way to keep up some skills or encourage some learning. We have a basketball and soccer ball, and they have really helped Jack to improve.

Scholastic Learn at Home – they have created a resource with 20+ games, videos and learning resources for kids. Totally free.

Kinedu is for children 0-4, and it’s a science-based education app that’s great for learning and helping children develop skills. They are offering it for a 55% discount off the yearly plan with the code parents-kinedu.

Highlights – Lots of great learning resources and activities for children. 

Time For Us – This is something you can do with your children. Just $5 a month and has some great activities. 

Prodigy – free and for math

MysteryDoug.com – Science

National Geographic

Typing Club

Squiggle Park

Posts That Might be Helpful 

Instant Pot Guide – Been putting off learning how to use your Instant Pot? No better time than now!

Crafts – we have so many tutorials on our website – you can check them out under our DIY section. Many are Cricut, but we have a lot of other ones as well. My Cricut Joy is set to arrive in a few days. Might be a fun toy to buy 🙂 

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Stay safe, wash your hands, and enjoy some time at home 🙂

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