“Search, Ponder and Pray” Primary Singing Time Ideas
Helping children learn “Search, Ponder, and Pray” in Singing Time is a great way to teach them the power of scripture study and prayer. This post is full of fun and engaging ideas to make learning this song meaningful and memorable for your Primary kids!
Teaching children the song “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Search, Ponder, and Pray, Children’s Songbook, 109) is a beautiful way to help them understand the importance of seeking truth in the scriptures and building a personal relationship with Heavenly Father.
This song’s simple yet powerful message reminds us that studying the scriptures isn’t just about reading—it’s about thinking deeply and seeking answers through prayer.
To make learning this song meaningful and engaging, we’ve gathered some creative Singing Time ideas that will help children connect with the lyrics and feel the spirit of its message. Keep reading for fun and interactive ways to bring this song to life in Primary!
Magnifying Glasses
Thanks to Erin Lee for the wonderful idea for Search, Ponder and Pray. I made 20 “magnifying glasses” and used graphics instead of words to hide under the red scribbled pictures. I am going to tape the pictures randomly around the walls of the room and ask the children to “search” each one and then let me know what song it is they think we will be learning.

Janna from a Facebook group shared this fun balloon idea. She shares ” I brought balloons in some garbage bags and had some key words on them from the song Search Ponder and Pray. I had the leaders stand in front of the kids and hold up the right words as we sang. Then I dumped out the rest of the balloons and had a couple kids at a time get inside the garbage bag, and hop around collecting as many ballons in their bag as they could before we finish singing the song.”

Hannah from Facebook gave examples of how she teaches this song using scarves.
“I love to read the holy scriptures” – trace a big heart in the air
“And every time I do” – right arm hold the scarf and tick around a circle like a clock
“I feel the Spirit start to grow within my heart” – bunch the scarf into a tight ball, and then let it open and “grow” in between your two hands
“A testimony that they’re true” – throw the scarf in the air and let it fall, catch it on “true”
That kind of thing!! It’s also fun to ask the kids what they think we should do for a certain action and let them choreograph it, they always love that!
Action Words
Teaching the song using action words is another way to help the children learn the words quickly. This video from Primary Singing is a great resource on how implement them in your instruction.
Check out this great tutorial for more ideas from Stephanie Jarrett
Search and Ponder w\ a Tray
Thank you to Briana from Facebook for this idea. She shares:
I did an activity where I put a bunch of items on a tray that I passed around the room while we practiced singing the part of the song that we learned, and they had to find the item that had been removed from the tray. So they were searching, they were pondering, all while they were singing
This Youtube video from Ashely’s Primary Ideas shares how to teach the song using clapping in place of words.
Tapping with Paper Plates
Sharla from Primary Singing Time shares a great mehtod using paper plates you can find it here.
Melody Chart
This Melody Chart from Primary Singing is a fun idea and she gives you all the instructions you need on her site!

Picture Swap
This is a fun singing time activity that involves a little preparation before hand. It comes from Primary Singing you can use these graphics in any way you would like.
One idea is to use them in a way for the children to find the missing words, to swap words out from the song, to have children put them in the correct order, etc. The posssibilites are endless and it encourages repetition to help them learn it quicker!
Sing without voices
Here is a clever idea where you insert humming, clapping, musical instruments etc. in place of different words.
This could be an engaging way for the children to pay attention to what they are feeling as they ponder on the music.
Scripture Comparison
If you skip to to the middle of this video you will learn an engaging way to get the attetion of your Primary children as you share with them physical scriptures- Primary Singing Time shares a wonderful way to compare old and new scriptures and how you can relate that to searching, pondering and praying over them.
Crack the Color Code
This might be better for older children but it’s a fun way to help them learn the tempo and beat of the song. You will need to make a poster board ahead of time so be sure to plan ahead.
Watch and learn more here from Primary Singing Time
Ribbon Wands
For this activity you will need to purchase or make ribbon wands. Learn more about them here.
Stop Signs
Jacqui from Facebook shared this fun and simple idea:
We discussed how the traffic light applies to this song….
Stop = when you have a problem, stop and search the scriptures
Slow = ponder, take time to think about what you’ve read and your problem
Go = go and pray.
Then we did some simple actions I found on YouTube to teach it.
Then the children made their own traffic lights with craft sticks and stickers while I played the song in the background and all the adults sang.

Stomp and Clap
This is fun and engaging way to teach the words and it can work for Senior and Junior Primary with modified actions. Thank you to Julie from Facebook for sharing these ideas!

As you teach “Search, Ponder, and Pray” in Singing Time, remember that the goal is to help the children feel the importance of scripture study and personal revelation.
Whether through movement, visuals, or simple repetition, each activity can deepen their understanding and testimony.
Most importantly, as they sing these words, they’ll be reminded that they can turn to the scriptures and prayer to find guidance and peace in their own lives. Happy singing!