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Simple Homemade OREO Valentines

I am not above store-bought Valentines by any means.

In fact, more often than not my kids have brought cards from the store to their school parties.

But I must admit, there is something kind of special and sweet about making a homemade Valentine, too.

This post was sponsored by OREO as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

It doesn’t have to be super fancy or extravagant either.

For me, the easier, the better!

If I can put together something homemade, or help my kids do it, then it needs to be simple. And if we can do it with things we already have on-hand at home then that is even better!

Most Valentines come adorned with candy of some kind. And I’m not knocking candy at all- but sometimes it is fun to hand out a different kind of treat.

That’s where my simple, homemade Valentine featuring everyone’s favorite  OREO comes into play.

I recently tried   OREO Dark Chocolate and OREO Carrot Cake Cookies (that you can find at your local Walmart) and they would be the perfect snack to include with this homemade Valentine.

They taste just like you would imagine they would and are delicious!

I love the fun twist on classic flavors that we all enjoy. You really can’t go wrong with either flavor! The OREO Dark Chocolate Cookies has  dark chocolate-flavored creme, sandwiched between two classic Oreo chocolate wafers while the OREO Carrot Cake Cookies is  filled with cream cheese frosting flavored creme.

My mouth waters just thinking about them!

Now that you know what snack you want to look for, let me show you how easy it is to make a Valentine to pair with them!

First gather your supplies

Black construction paper

White construction paper

Red or pink construction paper




Mini bags


Cut and fold your red or pink paper into your desired size to make the perfect card.

Trace two circles (trace around the OREO Cookies for an exact size) on black paper and then trace one circle on the white paper

Glue the black circles on your red or pink paper, and then glue the white circle on top of one of the black circles.

Write any cute saying you want on the top of the card

I personally love “You Complete Me” or you could use “You’re My Better Half” or “You’re the Creme to My Cookie”.

Finally, bag one OREO Dark Chocolate Cookie and one OREO Carrot Cake Cookie

Easy, right?

Part of what I love about homemade cards is that they don’t always look perfect. It’s the “homemade” part that gives them character! And your kids can totally make these with little help from you- so they really will be a labor of love!

Right now you can visit select Walmart locations from February 14th through February 17th for exciting events celebrating the launch of the new OREO flavors, Dark Chocolate and Carrot Cake.

The events will feature in-store sampling of the OREO Dark Chocolate Cookies and OREO Carrot Cake Cookies, fun games, giveaways, and free swag items!  To find a store near you visit OREOStuf.com

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