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Copycat Chili’s Triple Berry Crumble Cake Recipe

Copycat Chili's Triple Berry Crumble Cake - this is the perfect fruit based cake. It's made with a skillet coffee cake and is topped with fresh berries, including a strawberry glaze.

Who can resist a good ol’ cake off?

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I know I can’t! I’m excited to be sharing a delicious, fruit based cake in the Great Wayfair Cake Off. If you are a fan of Wayfair, you may know that they have great cake pans and cake and pie serving dishes, so it’s definitely the perfect company to be hosting this.

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When I heard about the challenge to create a fruit-based cake, I knew exactly what I was going to make – a copy cat version of Chili’s Triple Berry Crumble Cake. Forrest and I rarely get dessert when we go out to eat, but one night, we decided to splurge on this at Chili’s. It was totally worth the extra money and calories – both of us were craving it ever since.
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It’s made in a cast iron skillet, so we thought about the best way to make it. We considered doing a homemade base, but then I saw a box of Krusteaz Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake, and I thought it would be perfect.

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And it totally was. It was really easy to throw together, and both Forrest and I LOVED it. In fact, we made it when we were at my parent’s house, and EVERYONE loved it. Forrest said he wouldn’t mind having it for his birthday instead of a traditonal cake.

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The thing I love about this cake is that even if it’s easy, it has great texture and flavor. Just because it’s from a mix doesn’t mean it can’t be amazing. I love all the fresh fruit and ice cream on it, and when you top it with our simple strawberry sauce, it’s just simply divine.

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The version at Chili’s is smaller, so this is a giant sized one…but it’s so good, and it can feed several people. I think I might be asking for it for my next birthday!

Cross your fingers that I win the cake off 🙂

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Copy Cat Chili's Berry Crumb Cake

Copy Cat Chili's Berry Crumb Cake

Yield: 0


  • 1 Package Krusteaz Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 1 egg
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Simple Strawberry Glaze, two recipes at this link, strawberry glaze is at the bottom


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix the Krusteaz mix with water and one egg until slightly lumpy.
  3. Spoon half of the mixture into a greased large cast iron skillet. Sprinkle half the cinnamon sugar.
  4. Drop the rest of the mixture by the spoonful on top of the cinnamon sugar, and then sprinkle remaining cinnamon sugar.
  5. The dough won't reach the edge of the cast iron skillet, but it will expand to fill it while cooking.
  6. Bake for about 30-35 minutes, or until it is not doughy.
  7. Top with blueberries and blackberries. Put a giant scoop of ice cream in the center. Drizzle simple strawberry glaze over the top of it.

Copycat Chili's Triple Berry Crumble Cake - this is the perfect fruit based cake. It's made with a skillet coffee cake and is topped with fresh berries, including a strawberry glaze.

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  1. Hello, I couldn’t find the Simple Strawberry Glaze recipe at the bottom of the page. Can you please tell me how to make this? Was it just fresh strawberries and sugar sitting for a little and then lightly blended?

    Thank you <3

  2. It sounds SO DELICIOUS!! We are trying very hard to lose weight, but I’ve been CRAVING a dessert like this! Are there any suggestions about how to lessen the fat, carbs, calories while still maintaining a lot if the joys of the flavor anyone can recommend? Also, good luck on your cook off! ?

    1. Hi, Dllan. You know, it’s hard with this one since it is using a boxed mix to make the coffee cake portion of it! You could omit some of the sugar topping, and the ice cream (or use a lower fat/sugar content ice cream in its place) and perhaps skip the strawberry syrup and just use fresh strawberries. I just found this link with healthy coffee cake recipes. I bet you could take any of those and just cook it in a skillet, which might help you make it a little healthier. Thanks so much for commenting! Please, please let me know if you end up trying something and it works well. I’m sure others would appreciate it!


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