The Best LDS Book Series You Won’t Be Able to Put Down

It’s been a while since I’ve gotten totally wrapped up in a book series.

However, I love when I can find a series that totally captivates me. Some of the best series I’ve read fall into the LDS fiction categories.

I’m hoping to share a few posts over the next little while about my favorite LDS books, so I thought I’d start by sharing the best LDS series. Several of them I have read, but I did crowd sourcing a little recently to see what others thought (though my favorites topped the list of many others!).

I also want to suggest the DB Bookshelf Plus Subscription. It’s an amazing way to get access to all of Deseret Book’s audiobooks and eBooks. For $9.99 a month (it’s cheaper if you have a Deseret Book platinum membership – which is around $25 a year), you get access to ALL of Deseret Book’s audiobooks, as well as over 1500 eBooks – and many of the books below are available in both formats.

DB Bookshelf is a free app that you can use for books you have previously purchased, the Standard Works, General Conference talks, and other free resources. However the subscription is an extra 🙂

It’s a great way to be able to access these books, as well as many other great books, inspirational series (they have Troy Dunn – which I grew up listening to on road trips), and much more. You can get your first 30 days for free! (and, just as a side note – I am an affiliate for Bookshelf Plus, but I am NOT being paid to write this post – I really do love this app!).

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And now on to the list! I’ll start with my personal favorites 🙂

Children of the Promise

Oh, these books are among my most favorite that I’ve ever read. It is based on an LDS family during World War II, and it follows the stories of several members in that family. I read these entire series in about a month – I just couldn’t put it down. Dean Hughes is a captivating writer, and I love everything I’ve ever read from him. Here is the description for the first book, Rumors of War:

“Every era has its own refiner’s fire, and World War II put general Church membership and Utah to a test,” Dean Hughes explains. In Children of the Promise, his first historical fiction series for adults, Dean shows through the eyes of the Thomas family how LDS families were tested to the limit.

“Most people agree it was a fascinating time in world and American history. In fact, there is a charm and nostalgia about that dramatic period,&rduqo; says the author. Dean weaves in those aspects among the conflict in the series. The first volume, Rumors of War opens in 1938 with Elder Alex Thomas and his companion serving in Germany. It soon becomes obvious that he will never complete his mission. War is coming, and that will affect not only Elder Thomas but also his family back home in Salt Lake City.”

There are five books in this series, and you’ll wish there were more. It is available in both eBook and audiobook format through DB Bookshelf Plus.

Hearts of the Children

If you enjoy Children of the Promise, Hearts of the Children is the natural next choice for reading! This follows the children of the main characters from the Children of the Promise. I think I liked Children of the Promise the most, but this series is still very well written and a great read. The description for this series says:

In this series, Dean Hughes tells the gripping story of four young cousins — Gene, Kathy, Diane, and Hans — who experience a time of turmoil and trial, of growth and discovery as they find their own paths in life. If you’re interested int he lessons of history, or simply looking for powerful LDS fiction, you’ll love these books. They portray the explosive problems of the sixties and early seventies in stunning detail, but also offer the hope that families can hold together and that good people, with the Lord’s help, can no only survive but prosper.

I believe all of these are available through DB Bookshelf Plus in eBook or audiobook, though it looks like you needed to select the five book bundle in order to get the eBooks.

Work and the Glory

I think this is one of the most well-known LDS series out there. It’s written by Gerald N. Lund. It has nine volumes, and it follows a fictional family throughout the early days of the church. It takes awhile to get through all the books (and I’ll admit that I actually never finished the last book), but I think it’s definitely a must-read. It really helped me gain a love for church history, and it’s so well-written. It made me laugh, cry, and feel a lot of gratitude for the early members of the church.

I might be mistaken, but I think only the audiobooks are available through DB Bookshelf Plus. However, depending on where you live, you may be able to find it at your local library (more likely in Utah, probably Idaho, than other states).

Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites

I’m not sure why I never read this series (maybe I thought it seemed like is for boys? Haha. I don’t know!). However, I know it’s a very popular choice – especially among teenagers. I’m pretty sure there are about 11 books in this series. Forrest is listening to the audio versions right now through DB Bookshelf Plus (though he said that there is only the audio version of the first book – all the eBooks are available through your Plus membership). Since I have never read these, Forrest gave this description:

The main character goes back into the Nephite era. It’s kind of a little cheesy, but it’s also fun. He is right there in the middle of some big events, which is kind of Forrest Gump-esque.

I’m not sure how enticing that sounds, but based on the feedback of others, this series definitely deserves a spot on this list.

The Great and Terrible Series

This is one I hadn’t actually heard of until recently. However, I think it was one of the most mentioned when I asked people for their favorite LDS books or series. I actually am really excited to read it – it is available through the DB Bookshelf Plus subscription. It looks like there are six books in this series. Here is the description:

This thrilling series by national bestselling author Chris Stewart takes us from the beginning of time to the final hours of the last days. Filled with rumors of wars and political intrigues, deadly epidemics and economic disasters, uplifting twists and inspiring miracles, the volumes in The Great and Terrible series reveal the greatest secret of all: The children of God can defeat the adversary, for we have fought him before.

The Kingdom and the Crown

This series is written by Gerald N. Lund, so it’s almost guaranteed to be wonderful in my opinion. I am not sure if any of these are available through DB Bookshelf Plus.

While it’s not specifically about LDS doctrine or culture, it “transports us to the days of Christ’s mortal ministry and invites us to experience the emotions and events of those extraordinary times.” I think it sounds super interesting, and I’m going to get my hands on this ASAP!

Fire and Steel

These are also written by Gerald N. Lund (I’m sensing a theme, aren’t you?!). I have started the first one, which I have really enjoyed so far. This series follows  “the lives of two families who will face some of the most turbulent times in history as they are tried to their very cores.” There are three books in the series, and so far, the first one seems to be like a pretty easy read.

It is available on audiobook through DB Bookshelf Plus (I get the feeling Gerald N. Lund doesn’t have his eBooks available in this manner). My mom said she really liked the first two books, though the second one was just kind of “meh.”

Saint Squad

This series is about a team of LDS Navy Seals. It sounds very action packed! I don’t know much about it, but several people highly recommended it – and the reviews online all look great. It is not available in any format through DB Bookshelf Plus.

Out of Jerusalem

This series takes place during the Nephite time. It brings to live the people and events of the Book of Mormon in a captivating series. It’s available in eBook format through DB Bookshelf Plus.
LDS Books / Best LDS Books / Good LDS Books / LDS SEries / LDS Historical Fiction / LDS Fiction

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