The Best Inspiring Quotes from The Greatest Showman (Free Printables!)

The Greatest Showman Quotes


The Greatest Showman / Greatest showman quotes / inspiration / inspiring quotes / motivational quotes / free printables / #printables #quote #inspiration

Like much of the rest of the world, I have been fan girling over “The Greatest Showman” ever since I saw it a few days ago.

I love a good musical, and I dare say this might be one of my favorites I’ve ever seen. There was just something about the energy of “The Greatest Showman” that I can’t get enough of. And the music….ah…let’s just say I came home and bought the soundtrack promptly.

Throughout the movie, I found myself laughing and other times feeling inspired by some of the words that were spoken (and the lessons taught through the story).

I know that this movie was based loosely on the actual story of P.T. Barnum, but I still loved the story portrayed in this movie nonetheless.

Because I loved a lot of the lessons from this movie, I thought I would share a few of my favorite quotes/moments. Most of them are inspiring words that are worth living by…and others are just some of the zingers that made me laugh out loud.

I also made a couple printables for a few of these quotes – to get access to this, just click the button below. You will be prompted to check out, but you will not be asked for any credit card information. These are completely free!

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 The noblest art is that of making others happy – P.T. Barnum 

The noblest art is that of making others happy

No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else. – P.T. Barnum 

No one ever made a difference by being like someone else

Hyperbole isn’t the worst crime. Men suffer more from imagining too little than too much.
– P.T. Barnum 

Hyperbole isn't the worst crime. Men suffer more from imagining too little than too much.

You don’t need everyone to love you, just a few good people.
– Charity Barnum

Comfort – the enemy of progress.
– P.T. Barnum

When you’re careless with other people, you bring ruin upon yourself.
– Jenny Lind

Those smiles aren’t fake. It doesn’t matter where they come from. The joy is real.
– P.T. Barnum

Those smiles aren’t fake. It doesn’t matter where they come from. The joy is real.

A man’s station is only limited by his imagination.
– Jenny Lind

A Man's station is only limited by his imagination

They don’t understand you, but they will. – P.T. Barnum

They don't understand you, but they will

Don’t forget to grab these for free by clicking on the button below!

[purchase_link id=”72268″ style=”” color=”” text=”Purchase”]

Funny Quotes from The Greatest Showman

Queen Victoria: You’re even smaller than I imagined!

Tom Thumb: Well you’re not exactly reaching the top shelf yourself, sweetheart.


Phillip Carlyle: They come to see you… Your crazy ideas.  Your new acts. The unusual.

P.T. Barnum: Well then how about you show them a smile? That’d be unusual.


P.T. Barnum: Hey sweetie, who’s that young man over there?

Charity Barnum: Oh that’s Phillip Carlyle. A bit of a scandal, they say. His last play was a hit in London.

P.T. Barnum: Play? Pay good money to watch people stand around and talk for two hours and they call me a conman.

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  1. HI I love the printables, but I’m not receiving an email to download them. Could you help direct me please? Thanks!

  2. Am I just supposed to right-click and save these as images? I don’t see a place to actually download them.

  3. I have tried unsuccessfully multiple times to acquire these printables. What gives? I also sent an email to contacts, and I have still gotten no response. Is this site no longer moderated?

    1. This site is definitely moderated, I’m not sure why you haven’t received them. I just saw the records on my end, and the email was indeed sent. It may have gone to your promotions or spam folder. I would search for the name “” in both of those places.

  4. I love the quotes. I saw the movie and I too am a big fan of the music. I am having trouble with this printable. It is not downloading and I don’t want to print the whole article and the ads with the quotes. I feel like I am doing something wrong- but can’t figure out what.

  5. I also truly enjoyed The Greatest Showman. I was so enthralled, I didn’t even think about pulling favorite quotes from it! I just sat on the edge of my seat with my jaw hanging open the entire time. (Not too far from the truth, actually.) Thanks for the quote-gems and for creating such wonderful printables with them. I think a couple, at least, will end up framed on my walls at home.

    1. Thank you so much, Trudy! I’m so glad you enjoyed this. I felt the same way during it – I didn’t want the movie to end! It’s definitely one of my favorite movies of all time.

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