
Our Toddler Essentials List

What’s on your toddler essential list? 


This post brought to you by Huggies and Kleenex. All opinions are 100% mine.

I loved putting together this baby essentials list awhile back. However, as much as I hate to admit it, my baby is no longer a baby in the literal sense of the word, and we are well into toddlerhood. One thing I’ve found is that you really don’t need a lot of stuff with a toddler. In fact, the less stuff you have the better. There are a few things I always like to have on hand, just to make life a little easier. I’m sure everyone has those things they like to have in their diaper bag, or in their toddler’s room, just to keep life turning round. Here are a few of our toddler essentials: toddler-essentials (4 of 6)

  • Quick and easy snacks! I don’t know what it is, but Jack is always hungry. He’s always asking for snacks, especially when we are out and about. While I certainly don’t always give into his requests, desperate times call for desperate measures, and sometimes, giving him a snack is what I’ve got to do! We always love having snacks from Gerber Graduates, because they aren’t overly messy, and usually keep Jack occupied. Our latest favorite have been these arrowroot cookies. They are especially nice, since Jack can’t always have the cookies we eat, and these seem to satisfy him!
  • Huggies Little Mover’s Diapers. Jack is always on the move, and we’re always looking for the best diapers to keep him from leaking all over his clothes. These diapers are created just for toddlers like Jack. I especially love their double grip strips! Jack was so excited to see they featured Mickey Mouse, one of his favorite characters ever! It’s also convenient that you can find Huggies® at Sam’s Club, because it’s right by our house!

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  • Shoes with velcro: Velcro is wonderful. Just sayin’. Jack has two pairs of tennis shoes. His favorite is the pair with Spider Man (for obvious reasons), but I can’t stand them, because the shoe laces are always coming undone, which causes him to trip (especially because he only seems to know how to run, not walk), which makes me feel bad. However, with velcro, there’s no chance of him tripping on laces, and they are just so much easier to take on and off. Velcro is a must have for toddlers, in my opinion.
  • Flip Flops with Straps: While I’m on the topic of shoes, let’s talk about flip flops. I discovered the cutest (and incredibly cheap) flip flops at The Children’s Place at the beginning of summer. They have a little strap on the back that keeps the shoe one, which is so wonderful. Jack will walk right of flip flips or sandals that don’t have a the strap. I think they are perfect for babies and toddlers, especially if you don’t want to lose them in the middle of the store (I feel like flip flops always fall off of kid feet!)
  • Coconut Oil: There is so much you can do with coconut oil, and it happens to be rather handy for toddlers and babies! Jack has horrible diaper rashes and coconut oil is great for those. It’s also nice for his scalp, which often is dry and flaky.
  • Munchkin Click to Lock Sippy Cups: I have long been on the search for the best sippy cups, and dare I say it…I think I’ve found it. We love the click-to-lock sippy cups from Munchkin. They don’t leak, ever. Just hearing that “click” always makes me feel confident that Jack isn’t going to wake up in a puddle of water in his crib (which happens with many of his other sippy cups.) They have fun colors  and are made really well!
  • Fruit and Vegetable Pouches: Jack never liked baby food…until he was a toddler. We always give him the pouches of vegetable and/or fruit, and he loves them. Which is great, because he doesn’t always love eating vegetables in their non-pureed form. It’s must more convenient than using a baby food jar, because he can feed it to himself, and he can eat them on the go. Best of all, Jack loves them.
  • Extra water. Jack drinks SO much water. It’s great, and I should be more like him, but he is always asking for more. While that’s fine when we are at home, sometimes, we can’t always find water close by when we are out and about. Having a water bottle in my bag is always a smart idea. I think I should start having extra water by my bed, as well, because he always asks for more water in the middle of the night.
  • Monster’s Inc (or Toy Story, or Cars, etc.): I know some people are against ever letting their kids watch anything on the TV ever. I am not one of those parents. Sometimes it’s just been a long day and these movies are a quick, easy solution. Jack really enjoys Disney movies (especially when there is music), and so do I, so it’s fun for us to sit down and watch them together.

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What items are on your toddler essential’s list? If you are a Huggies family, what Huggies® Products are your favorites?

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