22+ Unique Canning Ideas

22+ Unique Canning Ideas via ClarksCondensed.com
One thing that I’ve really been wanting to do more of lately is canning. I think it’s such an awesome way to build up your food storage and save money. Whenever I think of canning, my mind typically goes straight to jams and jellies, which are the main things I’ve canned. However, there’s seriously a whole world of canning ideas out there that don’t involve jams and jellies, and I thought it would be fun to share a few more unique things you can preserve!
The inspiration for this post came when Jarden Home Brands contacted me about helping promote their first International Can-It-Forward Day. I thought this sounded like such a fun event that was created to celebrate home canning with a variety of online and in-person activities. There is a live webcast on FreshPreserving.com where there will be lots of canning demos and viewer questions answered in real-time by Chef Acheson. 
If you see all these ideas below and can’t wait to get started, I’m giving away two cases of the The New Limited Edition Spring Green Heritage Collection Jars . These limited edition jars commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the Ball brothers’ “Perfection” Jar and come in a beautiful green tint.  These are being produced only in 2014 and are available in both pint and quart varieties.  Just leave a comment letting me know what you are most excited to can! This giveaway goes through August 25th at midnight, MST. 

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  1. I’m making catusp today and saw your BBQ sauce recipe and so am throwing a batch of that in too, so far is smells heavenly. Thanks so much.. And, I’m going to put together that rub for another day..

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