
How the Wubbanub Saved Our Sanity

Do you have a binky baby? Does your baby's binky constantly fall out? Do you go crazy searching for a pacifier that bounced away? Be sure to read why the WubbaNub saved our sanity (not sponsored -- we just love the WubbaNub!)

This was not sponsored by WubbaNub in any way. We’re just obsessed with it!

Jack has always been a binky baby, since the day he was born. And, sadly, at the age of 2, he’s still as attached as ever. We’ve gone through many pacifiers during his two year’s of life. Most of them bounced away when it fell out of his mouth, or got lost somewhere in our apartment. I swear, there’s some kind of pacifier monster that takes them, because we seriously never find them.

However, there’s one pacifier that has yet to let us down. It saved our sanity in those early weeks of Jack’s life, when his pacifier would constantly fall out of his mouth, and even today.

It’s the WubbaNub. I know, I know, it sounds weird. And, quite frankly…it is weird! Basically, it’s a pacifier (one of those hospital pacifiers, to be exact) that is attached to some kind of small, stuffed animal. However, it’s quickly become one of our favorite items we’ve ever bought, and I highly recommend it for any parent of a binky baby. It seriously has saved us from going crazy more than one time!

Jack has always been a binky baby, since the day he was born. And, sadly, at the age of 2, he’s still as attached as ever. We’ve gone through many pacifiers during his two year’s of life. Most of them bounced away when it fell out of his mouth, or got lost somewhere in our apartment. I swear, there’s some kind of pacifier monster that takes them, because we seriously never find them. However, there’s one pacifier that has yet to let us down. It saved our sanity in those early weeks of Jack’s life, when his pacifier would constantly fall out of his mouth, and even today. It’s the WubbaNub. I know, I know, it sounds weird. And, quite frankly…it is weird! Basically, it’s a pacifier (one of those hospital pacifiers, to be exact) that is attached to some kind of small, stuffed animal. However, it’s quickly become one of our favorite items we’ve ever bought, and I highly recommend it for any parent of a binky baby. It seriously has saved us from going crazy more than one time!

Why We Love the WubbaNub

  • It stays in your baby’s mouth easier: The reason we originally got a WubbaNub was because it kept falling out of Jack’s mouth while he was sleeping…which would cause him to wake up and cry. I spent many nights with my arm draped over his pack-and-play, holding his pacifier in, so we both could get some sleep. So, not only was I sleep deprived, but I had a really sore shoulder, too! Forrest and I found ourselves Googling, “How to keep a baby’s pacifier in its mouth” but none of the tricks worked. Then, someone suggested we get a WubbaNub! We tucked the animal part into his swaddled blanket, and it kept his pacifier in!
  • If it falls out, it doesn’t bounce very far: In case you were wondering, pacifiers can bounce far, and pretty much disappear forever. We’ve had pacifiers fall out of Jack’s mouth in the middle of the night, and disappear under our bed or crib, at the store (and get covered in nasty, nasty dirty), at church, in the parking lot…you name it, it felt out, and would bounce so far. We spent way too much time looking for pacifiers that had bounce away! Even when we used a pacifier holder, that would often come unattached from Jack’s outfit, and would somehow disappear too. However, with the WubbaNub, it doesn’t bounce. It doesn’t easily get lost in small spaces (like the couch.) If it falls out of your kid’s mouth, it generally just falls straight down, and you can find it right away (though you obviously will still want to clean it off if it falls on a dirty surface!)
  • Easy to find in the dark/middle of the night: Whenever Jack would wake up in the night, I would always spend way too much time trying to find a pacifier, either in his bed, on the dresser, etc. And let me tell you, finding a pacifier in the dark is HARD. There were many times that I found myself turning on a light just to find a pacifier. However, the WubbaNub is easy to find — it’s just attached to the stuffed animal, which, as mentioned earlier, isn’t going to bounce out of the crib, and will most likely be close to your baby. When your baby gets older, it’s easier for them to find as well. Jack can never find a regular pacifier in the middle of the night, but is always able to find his giraffe WubbaNub.
  • You won’t lose it as easily (so you’ll end up saving money — pacifiers can be expensive!) I’ve already discussed this in the “it won’t bounce away” section, but just in case you need some reinforcement…you won’t lose this pacifier very easily!
  • Doesn’t ruin clothes: You may be thinking, “Huh?” How could a pacifier ruin clothes?” Well, it’s not the pacifier that ruins clothes, but the pacifier holders! So many of Jack’s shirts and onesies have a permanent indentation from where the pacifier clip was attached. It drove me crazy! The WubbaNub isn’t attached to anything, therefore, your baby’s clothes will remain indent free!
  • Easier to clean than a pacifier holder: Pacifier clips/holders get dirty, and I never can figure out a way to effectively clean them, so I usually just ended up buying a new one. The WubbaNub does get dirty too (especially if your child insists on bringing it in the sand box), but it can easily be cleaned up by soaking in some warm, soapy water. Or, let your child take it for a swim in the bath tub. Jack decided that was a good idea once…and it was clean afterwards (of course, I made sure the actual pacifier had no soap on it afterwards!)
  • They are a great conversations starter: I can’t tell you how many people say something about the WubbaNub. Of course, we get our fair share of weird looks, but random people are always coming up to us, asking where we got it, and going on and on about how they’ve never seen anything like it and wish they had one for their kids!
  • It can double as a comfort item (and it won’t worry you like a larger stuffed animal or a big blanket might)

Where to find a Wubbanub Pacifier I believe it was my mom who first suggested we find a Wubbanub pacifier. Of course, when she mentioned it she didn’t know the name, just that my sister’s little girl was given a pacifier with a stuffed animal on the end. So, I asked my sister, who told me it was called a Wubbanub…and I couldn’t find it anywhere at first. Then I had the bright idea to check out the WubbaNub store locator and found that the gift shop at the hospital Jack was born at had one! So, we bought it there, and you can easily use that. However, I highly recommend just ordering it on Amazon. If you have an Amazon Prime account, it’s free to ship, they have tons of different options (at the gift store we went to, they had two!), and you don’t have to leave your house! Here are a few of the cutest ones, in my opinion: 415Bug-cuBL._SY300_

WubbaNub This is the one Jack has, so, of course I think it’s cute. This is actually the second one we bought — you can see the first one in the first picture on this post, and it was an older version of the giraffe. It last until he was almost two, and then the pacifier part finally fell off. I really like the updated version better!41Yrb4C5UNL._SX425_

Brown Puppy



Of course, this is just a small sampling of all the ones available. Be sure to go check out the huge selection on Amazon of WubbaNub pacifiers…I’m sure you’ll find the perfect one for your child!

I hold no responsibility for a child who gets so attached to their WubbaNub that they put up a fight when you try and wean them from the binkie!

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  1. We love the WubbaNub too! My daughter has the elephant (now named “Ellie’) and it is her security blanket. We’ve already gone through three of them!

    1. We are totally on our third one now! My son lost his at the mall yesterday (we scoured that mall forever trying to find it!), and I ordered one right on the spot from Amazon. It’s not been fun not having it around though!

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